Chapter 16

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Haleigh's pov

All of a sudden it quiet. The yelling of my names stops, the banging in the door stops. I hear the foot steps walk toward the street. I quickly go to the window and pull the curtain open a it so I can see the street. I see jai walking away. But I swore I saw a skate board when I answered the door.

I walk to the door and open it. Jais skateboard is out the front. He must have forgotten it. I wasn't that mean t not give it back to him.

"I'll give it to him when I've had breakfast and gotten ready." I say to myself.





After I put the last touch of makeup on my face I spray some perfume and grave the house keys, go down stairs and lock up. I grab Jais skate board and lock the door. I start walking to his house. Then all of a sudden my phone starts to buzz. So many notifications from twitter and Instagram and Facebook. All about me and jai. 'Have you guys broken up.' 'Did you guys break up?' Thank god they broke up I never liked her in the first place' all these different messages all about the fight we had. But are we broken up? I don't know.

Jais pov

I get home and I realize I left my skate board at Haleigh's house.

"Mum what time are we leaving?" I ask.

"In about an hour, so be ready." She says.


I start to walk to Haleigh's house. This time I think things in my head. What not to say and what to say. I really want to start things over again and forget about the whole beunka thing. I'm over her she is obviously not. I love Haleigh and my mum. The only girls I love. I wish Haleigh loved me back. At least I still hope she does.

I see a faint figure in the distance. As it comes closer I can sort of predict who it is, I think its Haleigh. She wears high waisted shorts, a cropped white t- shirt with a flower crown on it, white converse high tops and she is carrying my skate board. I need to walk quicker I want to walk to my house with her and explain to her everything.

Haleigh's pov.

As I was closer to Jais house, I see a person walking. From this distance I can't tell who it is but as I get closer I think its jai. He wears black chino pants a homies top and a SnapBack with black converse high tops I think. Why is he walking to wards me.

It's not long till we are about 20 meters away. I see him smile. I can't help but smile back. Maybe I'm not as angry at him as I was this morning. I want him to explain himself first before I skip to the conclusions. Which I probably already have. I need to change it. I need to know what actually happened.

There is a wide road separating us I start to walk to him but I didn't bother looking to see if any cars were coming.

Jais pov

Now. We are separated by a wide road. I smile at her. Surprisingly she smiles back. I feel a bit of my insides go mad at that smile of hers. I wish I never took it away. She starts to walk across the road. I didn't see her look to see whether any cars were coming. All of a sudden this truck comes out of no where and is for sure out of the speed limit. It's a 40 km road bra use there is a school near by. I'm sure he is going 100km.

Oh no! What about Haleigh she is in the middle of the road. The truck is coming so fast there's no way he can stop I time.

"HALEIGH!!" I scream.


She turns a sees the truck coming towards her. She Dosent move.


She still stands still. I give up on yelling her and I run towards her I pull her back and she lands on me and The truck zooms past us as we lie on the road. I get up and she is not speaking.

I try and move her and then bike comes and rides towards her. He flus off his bike and..



Hey guys sorry it's been a while. As I said in the other chapter I went on holidays.

Also I have been reading the divergent and I watched it, and also I read Insurgent which is the second book in the trilogy. I'm getting the thrid book soon. You guys should watch read it if you haven't owl ready or even watch it! It's so good.

I hope you like this chapter it not that long but yeah. I needed to make this book more interesting.

Till next time,


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