Chapter 8

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Lilly's pov

I just saw Haleigh and Jai hug. Damn I wish Jai liked me. Haleigh proberly told him all the stuff I did to her when we were friends. But eh I'm on X factor now and I will get famous and then she will bow down to me begging to be friends again but that ain't going to happen. Once a bitch always a bitch.Luckily I can see Jai all the time on X factor. Then he will develop feelings for me and then I can make that bitch jealous.
All I want is Jai and if that means playing it hard then that is wha ill do.
I walk up to Jai and start talking to him."Hey Jai, so we will become friends on the X factor yes?" I say smirking."Um I guess so." Jai said looking at Haleigh."So, you wanna go to the music room and practice singing?" I say pointing in the direction of the music room.

Jai looked at Haleigh and said."oh ok but only 10 minutes." He says hugging Haleigh and them walking towards the music room."Don't worry Haleigh, he won't fall for me and like me." I say. " at least not yet." I added in. And Haleigh raised her eyebrow. So we were walking to the music room and started singing. When Jai sang I totally forgot about Haleigh. All I see is Jai and only Jai. He told me to sing. So I did. Then after I sang he started talking to me."Wow your really good." He said to me."Really thanks." I say blushing. Jai laughed."What's so funny." I asked raising my eyebrow."Oh its nothing don't worry." He said still laughing. "Ok." My feelings were getting more serious to wards him he sat down next to me and started playing his guitar. I put my hand over the strings.

I leaned forward, my lips together ready to kiss him. My eyes were closed. But I got up and as my eyes were closed i didn't see him get up. So I fell face first in to the ground. He was laughing so bad."I'm sorry but I believe my girlfriend wouldn't a appreciate me kissing you." He said then Haleigh walking in filming it."ha. Did you actually believe that he would kiss you after he only met you a couple of day ago." Said sammy from behind the door." And besides he has a girlfriend." "Why? It won't change anything lily I thought you were better then that. It's not my fault hot guys don't like you so don't steal mine!" She sort of yelled.
"OMG Haleigh your such a bitch. Why are you so mean to me I hate you!!" I yelled at her and walking out the door. Then sammy said"Someone's on there period." Haleigh, Jai and sammy all laughed.I was sooo angry.

Haleigh's pov


"Oh,looks like its period 1 that was really fun." I say to Jai and sammy.
They both nodded then sammy went off with her boyfriend. Then it was just me and Jai.Jai was with me the whole day. We never split apart.Then it was time to go home. We walked all the way home holding hands and just talking about lily.I had to do homework so he went to his house and then I went to mine.

Jais pov

So now I need to quickly head home and go out and buy Haleigh a dress for The dance.I know he size sneakily saw one of her dresses and saw the size. I went in to all the shops. Of cause with my mum to help me get a good dress.One dress stood out the most. It was a creamy dress with some lace on the top, the dress was a short dress but not to short just above the knees with a little bow to tie it up with.The dress looked familiar. Oh that's right I saw it in a magazine in Haleigh's room and she had circled it because she really wanted it. I loved it and it suited her for sure. I found a really nice pair of shoes and I also happened to know her shoe size. I got her a coupon to get some jewelry and her hair done. I really hoped she liked it.

I went home and texted Haleigh to come down to the beach before the sun went all the the way down. She said she will be there in 15 minutes. I quickly hurried. Knowing mum she had already placed the dress in a box along with all the other things I bought her. I packed a picnic with a blanket and stuff. Mum quickly packed the car and drove me to the beach. I quickly settled everything up. And then I sat down on the blanket. I got a couple of messages. They were from Haleigh she said what will we be doing and then she said she is 2 minutes away. I replied you will see.Then I saw her come down the ramp to come sit with me. She looked gorgeous. "So what did you want show me so badly?" She said i stood away and showed her the picnic. *Sighs in good shock* Jai its beautiful." She continued then kissed me. "I have something to give to you." I said I pulled out the box and gave it to her. She opened it with a shocked look on her face.

Heey guys. xx is it any good???? I'm listening to your eyes know its such a good song ahhhh I no all the lyrics already lol. Have a good weekend guys Xx

-Hayley Xx

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