Chapter 5

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Haleigh's pov

I've been crying for a while now like you would call me a sulk but you really had to read the messages that were on there. People calling me a slut, that i was fake even that the only reason i was kissing him was to get popular. Is that what people think about me. I never knew. Maybe i was right not to. But i really like jai and he says he likes me aswell. What happens if it gets worse, what if people see me in the street and call out names towards me. After and hour or so of thinking to myself all the possibilities that could happen to me i called jai to tell him.

~Text message with jai~

Me- Hey jai umm I need to tell you something.

Jai- Hey babe, yeah I'm listening.

Me- well when i got home today, i got a lot of hate. Someone posted a pic of us kissing and posted it now its viral.

Jai- oh yeah i saw the picture. I didn't know you got hate on it. Im so sorry this is all my fault.

Me- NO WTF!!! Its not your fault its anything but your fault its no ones fault.

Jai-are you ok though?

Me- yes jai I'm fine :*)

Jai-ok good thats the main thing. <3

Me- ahaha. Sorry, i have to go I'm sorry.

Jai- don't be sorry you have to go. See you tomorrow hun<3

Me- ahaha bye " babe" ^.^

Jai- haha, bye :*)

** next day***

So i arrive at school and firstly sammy comes up to me and asks me all these questions about jai. "So like why didn't you tell me like WHY!! You guys are so cute togeher. You never told me you liked him." Then hannah and katrina came. " OH MY GAWD HALEIGH!!!!!! You and jai aye" said katrina giving me that get in there look. "OMFG!! You guys are like perfect together." Hannah yelled to everyone. I mean it when i say EVERYONE. Then jai comes through the gates and everything just went away and i forgot about all the hate. All i wanted was a hug from my baby.

Jai's pov

I saw Haleigh standing next to sammy, hannah and katrina. They were talking about something "duh" then all of a sudden this chick comes out of no where and

Heyy guys.sorry shit chapter^^. I don't know what to write next 0.0 what do u guys think?

Hayley Xx

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