Chapter 7

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Jai's pov

She said yes!!! Yay OMG she said yes!!!! " but I have nothing to wear." She said sadly. "Im sure you have something?!" I said. "No, I have nothing." It's ok I don't care if you came in trackies, you would still look beautiful." I said making her smile."Thanks Jai." She said smiling.Ok, so the dance is in 2 days I have a brilliant plan."Are you going to go anywhere tomorrow the night before the dance?" I asked

"No, why?" She asked."You will see. Just don't go shopping till the dance night." I said with a grin on my face."Ok, but why?" " you will see its a surprise." I say smirking.

"Ok but I'm trusting you." She said laughing." I should get going its getting late." I say.

"No please stay. Mum wouldn't mind. Stay for dinner." She offered."Are you sure?"

"Yes it would be my honer." She said smiling.She went down stairs to tell her mum

that I was staying for dinner. Soon enough it was dinner time."So you must be Jai." Haleigh's mum asked."Yes, nice to meet you mrs Lucas." I said politely."No please, call me Mary." Haleigh's mum said."Ok." I say."This is amazing what's in it?!" I asked.

"chicken,pasta,cream. Just the general stuff that goes in a creamy chicken pasta. But mum has a secret ingredient and she wont tell me." Haleigh said looking at Mary with a evil smirk.

"So Jai want to watch some tv?" Haleigh asked."Yeah sure." I say heading to the kitchen sink with my dish.Thank you for dinner Mary." I say heading up with Haleigh to her room."My pleasure." She replied. We headed up to Haleigh's room and stated watching X factor. Put the other auditions. When this girl comes up. Her name was lily underwood."Woah! Isn't that the chick you don't like?!!" I asked.

"Holy shit! Yeah. She looks so different without a cake face. The backstage people must have felt sorry for her caked face so they wiped most of it all off!" She said laughing.

She was actually pretty good but she got really pitchy sometimes and went to low. She got three yes' because Natalie wasn't there. Wow I was so surprised. Soon after 8:30pm Haleigh had fallen asleep on my shoulder i didn't know what to do so i just slept with her. I was nearly asleep when I herd foot steps come closer. Mary had come to Check on us. My eyes were jut open. She went to get a blanket and some pillows came back got Haleigh's phone looked at her contacts for my home number. She called it and said I would be staying the night. But I couldn't remember anything else because I fell asleep.

***next day***

Haleigh's pov

I woke up to discover Jai next to me. Didn't he go home last night?

What happened! I hope we didn't do anything! I thought to my self. Suddenly Jai woke up."Morning." Jai said."Morning Jai. Umm last night, what happened?" I asked concerned."You fell asleep. Then I fell asleep. Why?" He asked."Nothing." I say.

"Well we have to get ready for school. I should go home now and get changed. See you at school." Jai said leaving my room."Bye!" I say then going to get dressed.

I still can't believe lily went on X factor and got through!!!! Like wtf!!!

**at school**

"HEY Jai!!!!" I yelled.

"HEY!" Jai replied.




Heeey guys. Any good? I'm soo bummed that Jai got out. But at least he got in to the finals >.< how are you guys?????


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