Chapter 17

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Haleigh's pov

I see a shining light. I don't know what it it is. It's like just calling for me I actually don't know. I find that I'm in a bed in a white room with nothing in it at all. No corners no nothing. All that is there is me and the bed. The bed consists of a blue blanket with holes in it and a few sheets underneath it. It is quite uncomfortable.

I see a small figure come towards me. It's a brownish Colour and as it comes closer I can see what it is. It is my old dog, Zac. He past away when I was in grade 1. He had to get put down because he had a twisted bladder.

He runs towards me like he is a puppy. But he looks like an adult. I can't help but cry to see him again. I never really said goodbye. He licks me and he jumps on me and wags his tail. I was an only child growing up and even though he was a dog he was like a brother, a best friend. I did t go to school for about three weeks because of how much I was crying after my parent told me he had gone.

Even for a very young age, I stayed in bed for hours after I had woken up in the morning, hardly ate anything. It was a very emotional part in my life. It still is and I don't think I can get over it. I got a new dog, his name is bailey. I am so attached to him like I was attached to Zac. No one can takes zacs place in my life, and no one can take baileys place in my life. There two completely different dogs and even though one of them is gone, they both hold parts in my life. Very different parts they they both for fill.

I went to sit on that bed and Zac jumped on the bed and put his head on my legs. I had to think. Why was I here with Zac. Where is jai and mum and dad and bailey. All of a sudden Zac starts to disappear. I cry for his name

"ZAC!"I scream with tears rolling down my cheaks. "ZAC! COME BACK I LOVE YOU, I MISS YOU. PLEASE" I take a sobby breath." PLEASE DONT GO, STAY AND MEET BAILEY AND JAI. YOU'LL LOVE THEM." I keep screaming till he completely dissapears. I roll on my stomach and put my arms together on the pillow and my head on them. I cry and cry for what feels like hours.

I get up after my crying fit and look around. I see a tall old person come towards me. It looks like a grandpa. I rub my eyes and I see him again. It's my great grandpa. He died fro old age. Wait a second. If Zac died and I am here with him. And great granddad is here and he is dead. Then why am I he- I don't finished what I was thinking. I completely stop all actions I am doing.

"I'm dead." I say ever so quiet. Tears come down my eyes and I close them to try and think of how this happened. I think and think and them I just end up falling asleep.

I here this annoying sound. Like when you get hit in the head and you here this buzzing sound, that but so much louder. I open my eyes and there is a giant light in my eyes. I try an lift my head up but I can't. It hurts so much.

"Miss Haleigh, how do you feel?" I here some one ask but I can't see that person over the beaming light.

"Whe... Where am I...I?" I say.

"You are at the emergency section of you local hospital. I am Dr. Andrews and I have been keeping an eye on you for the last couple of hours. " She says.

"Hours?" say weakly.

"Yes. You were hit by a motorbike. Luckily your boyfriend here saved you. You were nearly hit by a truck. But he pushed you out of the way but as you both were on the ground a motorbike crashed into you both." She says very calmly.

"My boyfriend?" I ask.

"Jai, jai waetford." She says a bit worried.

"Jais not my boyfriend, like I have had a thing for him for while but he isn't in to me and I know for a fact that we are not dating."

"Yes you are. You too are over the internet about being the cutest couple, how could you not remembe-" Dr Andrews stopped.

"Haleigh can you tell me the date today." She asked me.

"Why, you should know." I say a bit to rude.

"I know but this is serious. It's part of a testing we do here now, could you please tell me the date." She said really serious.

"Umm today is the 21st of October 2013."I say.

"Haleigh... I'm sorry but that's not the date today." Dr Andrews says.

"Stop playing with me I think I know what the date is. When can I leave to go home?" I ask.

"Haleigh! I am not being silly. Today is the 12th of July 2014." She says.

"But I thought it was 2013. Stop playing with me." I say tiring to sit up.

"Haleigh!" She exclaimed. "I am not playing around with you. I am very high level doctor. I went to university for 5 years learning all about this sort of stuff. Now why would I play with you." She said sort of mad,

"I don't know. I am just really sure that the year is 2013." I say

"Haleigh I think you have some memory loss. It should all come back but it might not. That's why we will need to keep you in here for a few more days to do some testing.Please try to relax and take it easy you might have broken bones we don't know about." She says.



Hi guys. It hasn't been that long has it. Well it's been shorter then other chapters to update.

Just to let you know, it's sort of sounding like other jai fanfics with the girl loosing her memory and just remembering her last boyfriend and so forth but you guys don't know what's next.

I'll try my hardest not to make it like the other fan Fic's ok. >.<

Remember to comment to ask me questions. Or tell me to update. I like those cos it means you enjoy my books? Idek AHAH I might do some qotc( questions of the chapter) like, instead of day I do chapter because some of you guys don't read it on the day I update so it can be like that. It's exactly the same question of the day. Does that make any sense? AHAH I'm sorry if it Dosent. But anyway...


Do you guys like 5sos if so who's your favorite band member.

I like all of them but if I have to choose it Would be Ashton.

Till next time guys

Kisses,Hugs and fangirl loveXx


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