Chapter 18

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Sammy's pov.

"hannah!!?" I yell in the phone.

"Yes?!" She replies.

"Haleigh's in hospital be there ASAP and bring katrina." I say bossily but in a friendly way.

"Okay. I'll be there in 30 mins."


"Mum!!! I'm going to the hospital Haleigh is there i need to go." I yell running down the stairs.


"Mum calm down i dont know anything yet all Haleigh's mum told me that she has lost some memory no can i please go!??!? "

"I'm coming get in the car now." She said calmly grabbing her keys.





We arrived at the hospital and i ran in hannah and katrina are already there. Haleigh is lying in her bed talking to them. I walk in the room and i run and hug Haleigh tightly

"Haleigh OMG are you okay!!!!?" I say

"Im fine but who are you?" She says

"Im Sammy. Your best friend."

"Im sorry i don't remember you." She said.

How can she not remember me.

"Sammy... How long have you known Haleigh for?" The doctor asks me.

"I've known her singe the start of the year i moved to her school this year." I say.

"Well thats settles it," the doctor says. " Haleigh has lost her memory since last year. No wonder she cant remember you. Don't worry Hun, I'm sure she will remember you soon" she added.

I look at he and nod. She walks out give hannah, katrina and i time to talk to her... Well mainly hannah. She has known hannah for all her life. She remembers katrina she's known her since grade 4. Suddenly an idea hit me.

"Guys i have an idea." I tell hannah and katrina.

"What is it?" Hannah asks.

"What if you two take her around when she is out of hospital. Like you could try and remember all the things you guys did together last year. Hopefully she can remember stuff that way." I say.

"Yeah thats a good idea." Katrina says smiling.

"Wheres jai Haleigh." Hannah asked.

"Hmm oh...uhhhh.. How am i supposed to know. I didn't even know we were dating. Haleigh said.

"Oh really... Wow there is a lot we have to show her and tell her about Sammy. Are you sure we can do that?" Hannah asks worried.

"I'm pretty sure, but we will need jais help." I say and we go and find the doctor to find jai.

We see the doctor and she tell us to go to the room right around the corner. We walk in there and.... There is a girl there.

"Um... Who are you?" Hannah asks.

"Im Beunka. Jai's x" at the word 'x' hannah katrina and i sigh in shock.

"Really.he never talked about you." Katrina says.

" i know our break up was pretty harsh... But that was ages ago and now we may get back together considering his poor pathetic girlfriend here has lost her memory." She said.

"I think you should get out." I say as my lips didn't move.

"Why he isn't your boyfriend. And why so serious." She says rudely

"Jais 'poor pathetic girlfriend'" using quotation hand gestures at the poor pathetic girlfriend." Is our best friend and jai and her were good together. The fact the jai never talked about you maybe suggested that he is over you. Or i think you only want him back because he is on the xfactor and you know that he will get into the finals and you want to share the fame he has and as soon as you get the fame you are after you will dump him and act like nothing happened." I say nearly put of breath.

"Just leave he dosent want you here" i add in.

"Fine" Beunka says as she get up.

She walks past me and says.

"Just so you know, we kissed at the dance and Haleigh saw.." She whispered in my ear.


Heyyyyyy guys!!!!! Im soooooo sorry it been ages and i really am sorry. Also i love Beunka so dont think this as like what i actually think of her im just trying to change some things up and yeah. I know its been awhile but i just dont know what to write i know what the ending is going to be but i need to to write more i between. I reckon about 2-3 more chapters left and then it will finish. Also thank you so much for 9k reads it literally means so much.

Be free to check what im up to

Instagram- @h.hayley

I also just made a twitter so give me some tweets ;) @hayleylucas8

Have a good one guys!!

Kisses, hugs and fangirl love


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