Chapter 15

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Jais pov

Hours and hours of calling and texting haleigh, waiting for her to read,answer or even reply. Why didn't i let go of beunka's kiss. Why did i just stay there and let her kiss me. The most saddest part is that i kissed back. And what's even worse is that im leaving tomorrow i probably wont get to say goodbye.






"Get up jai!! We need to go into the city and i don't want you to be late for boot camp." Mum said.

I got up moaning and went to take a shower. After, I got out put I played with my hair to make it look good. I put clothes and walked down stairs. I started to eat breakfast but all I could think about was how beunka knew what school i went to.

"How did she find me?" I thought not realising i said it aloud.

"Who found you?" Mum said.

"Oh....ahh. Beunka" i mumble.

"What about her i thought you guys were ok now?" Mum said confused.

"We are. Its just...well last night Beunka texted me and i didnt know it was her. And she told me to go meet with her outside the gym. So i went. I didnt know it was her and well she said she missed me and she wants to be back together. And the next thing that happens is she kisses me and i kissed back and then Haleigh saw." I say in one breath.

"Woah jai slow down." Mum said.

"Beunka kissed me and i kissed back." I say.

Mum looked shocked. Her jaw was wide open. She took off her glasses and sat down next to me. When ever she took her glasses off in the middle of the day were for two reasons.

1. Her eye is itchy.

2. Or she is in a serious mood.

In this case i think it is number two.

"Jai." Mum said calmly.

"Yes?" I say a bit scared.

"Did you like the kiss?" She asked

"Well... Um idk it was only for about 2 seconds till Haleigh saw."

"What?! Haleigh saw. Oh well you screwed." Mum said.

"Wow thanks mum. No need to state the obvious." I say rolling my eyes.

"Calm down jai i was just joking. But did you enjoy it. Because if you did, maybe you still like Beunka." Mum said .

"No! I love Haleigh and i screwed things up with her. Mum what do i do." I ask.

"Nothing. You cant do anything now you have to go to boot camp." Mum said.

"Well maybe Haleigh means more to me then the boot camp mum. I want her back. Nothing's going to get in the way of that." I say grabbing my skate board and going out the door.

I skate and skate till i get to her house. I'm too scared to go to the front of her house. As i go towards the back i see that there are no cars. So i decide to go to the front and knock on the door. I hear foot steps and then theres Haleigh standing at the door. Hair in a pony tail towards the left a little, a bit messy like she slept in it, she was wearing some adventure time printed pj pants, a blue t shirt and fuzzy socks. She lookes like she had just woken up.

"Hi." I say.

"What do you want jai." She asked.

"I want to talk to you." I say

"About what. The fact that you kissed another girl." She argued.

"No about the fact that she kissed me." I say.

"Wait. So she kissed her oh i got it all wrong." She said sarcastically but I didn't notice.

"Really. Do you forgive me." I ask

"No i dont. I saw you kiss her back jai. Go to your stupid boot camp thing. Then maybe you can make out with lily as well." She said and slammed the door i front of my face.

"I'm sorry Haleigh. I'm sorry." I yell between the door and the edge of the door panel.

I kept knocking on the door till i gave up and walked home.


Hey guys. Sorry its been awhile. I had lots of home work and i didnt have anytime to write a chapter. But now its school holidays here so i wrote some today.

I'm going on holidays in a few weeks im going to Western Australia. Yay. So i might not update for the rest of the holidays.

Anyway hope you like this book. Also i think that this book will be ending soon. Not real soon like 10 more chapters. But you guys know how long i take to update yeah 😂

Have a good holidays guys if you live in australia!

-Hayley Xx

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