Chapter 10-2

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Jais pov

I walk i to school and the suddenly i see haleigh get punched in the face. I started screaming at lily for doing that. Then out of no where Sammy comes up and asked what happened and she was all panicked. "OMG WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?" Sammy asked. "Lily punched her." I reply then sammy went up to lily who was by herself looking all top shot about punching haleigh. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!?" Sammy screamed. "Cos i can!" She relied a angrily. Out of no where Sammy punched her in the face.

I did not expect that. The principle came, as soon as Sammy hot lily. And guess who got the blame. Yep it was Sammy. I felt so sorry for her. Them hannah and katrina came over and asked what happened." OH MY GOSH WHY IS HALEIGH ON THE FLOOR!!!!??" They both screamed together. "Lily punched her." I replied. "OMG HOW DARE THAT BITCH PUNCH HER!!! Quick get the nurse!" Hannah screams.

The nurse came as quickly as she could. She called the ambulance and as the time pasted. I came with her to the little first aide clinic down the road in the ambulance. I wanted to be there when she wakes up. What if she doesn't wake up, ever! All these thoughts when through my brain. All i wanted was for her to be ok. But what about me? If she doesn't then i wont be ok. Ugh i just wants to punch lily in the face. But no, I would never hit a girl. I would get sammy for that. Oh yeah i wonder if Sammy will be ok!? What if she gets suspended or even worse expelled!

As we went in the clinic they sat her down on a bed. I pulled up a chair and called her mum.

"Hello" Haleigh's mum answered.

"Oh uh hello, um Haleigh is at the first aide clinic." I say.

"Oh my god!!! I will be there ASAP!!!" She said.

As time pasted i was just looking at her and i didn't even realise the time. It was nearly lunch time.

I started to get really worried. Really worried her mum was caught in traffic because there was a big accident and i haven't heard anything from Sammy. I was really worried i would loose haleigh even though she only got punched in the face she was unconscious and when she fell to the ground she landed on a rock on the head. Don't ask me why the rock was there.0.o i stared to cry and as one tear fell on her hand. She woke up.

Haleigh's pov.

I herd a lot of screaming when I fell to the ground. I actully don't remember what happend before i got hit. I herd crying and then i woke up.

"" I say eyes half open with a soft voice. "Haleigh!? Your ok!" "Aha yeah im fine." I reply. "What happened after she punched me?" I ask. "Sammy came over and asked me what happend. After I told her, she went up to lily and punched her. I really didn't expect she would do that. Then the principle came and took Sammy away. I felt so bad for her but then the ambulance came to take you here." Jai said.

"Oh wow, theres my girl! Yeah its not much like Sammy but she had gold me she would do something like that for me in that past and id do the same back." I say.

"Where is Sammy?!" I ask worried.

"I don't know. After the principle came the ambulance took you so i came too. your mum is stuck in traffic." Jai said.

"Oh" is all i had to say at that point in time.

Sammy's pov

As soon as i punched lily i thought what have i done. Well its not my Fault she deserved it. She punched Haleigh in the face. But i wonder if Haleigh's doing ok. What if she don't wake up. She got hit pretty badly. I just wish i hit lily more harder. I just couldn't, I'm not that type of person.

I just sit in the fricken chair till my parents come. And so it happened to be we live far away so of course it took for ever to come. It was at about lunch time they came. And is till had to sit in the chair for almost another whole hour because they "grow ups" talk an awful shit long.

They came out and gave me that look. You know that look parents always do when you in trouble. I just wanted to say 'but it's not my fault' to them. I really wanted to tell them. But from the principles point if she proberly told my parents a bunch of shit.

Sorry it took long to update. End of year in high school is really busy. Its pretty shit but thank you so much for 2k reads >.< btw if you have Instagram i had to start again because Instagram deleted my old account >:( but yeah its @haleigh069 i follow back btw >.<

-Hayley Xx

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