Chapter 4

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Jai's pov

She just kissed me. The kiss i had wanted my whole life. She was such a good kisser. We finally broke the kiss and she looked at me with her perfect smile." So. What now? She asked. "What do you mean?" I replied. "Well your going to have to go to boot camp and i know you will get through. So when you go over seas to what ever place what's going to happen?" She said in fear. "No matter what happens i will a
Ways love you. Ill bring you with with me!" I said in excitement." Really!?" Haleigh said. "YEAH! Its seems like a good plan." I say as she gives me a little peak on the cheak.

Suddenly the bell goes. We get up and walk to our lockers. We had sport next period and sammy and katrina were in the same class. I could tell that she didn't want to tell anyone yet. So i didnt. We quickly walked to the gym and got changed in our sports uniform. Our first game we had to be in pears to kick the soccer ball to each other. Well Haleigh sammy and katrina were always a group of three. Well only in this class they also had hannah aswell. But one if them was going to be left out. Haleigh came to me to be pears. We kicked the ball around and acted like retards but our teacher didn't like it. So we had to do a suicide( for those who don't know what it is it is where there are lines and you start at one line then go to the next then go back the starting one then go to the one further down then back to the start etc.) we giggled as we did it. It was fun. It was so good that she smiled cos her smile is so beautiful.

Katrina's pov.

"Why is Haleigh hanging out with Jai?" I said. "Well we sort of left her out you see katrina." Sammy said. "Yeah i know but like she never showed this much interest in him before." I said. "Yeah i know but in maths and english she always talks to him. Are you like jealous or something?" Sammy asked. "WHAT! No. Im just wondering because jai was on X factor last night and like it seems like Haleigh on has her interest in him because he is like famous now." I replied. " How could you say that! She is one of your best friends she would never do that. And besides the way she looked at him in the classes he was also in was like she fully on loved him. Like she never told me but i saw it in her eyes. And i saw it in his eyes aswell. It was so cute." Sammy said. "Fine you got me and yeah that isn't like Haleigh at all but now my concern is what other people will think of them." I said. " yeah but like i doubt it. Come on we are playing a game now!" Yelled sammy and we started playing a game of soccer with the rest of the class.

Haleigh's pov.

We finally finished school. Like it went so slow. I had to walk home and jai was walking the way i had to walk. We just talked and talked for what felt like hours. But i finally got home and i had to go. I gave him a peack on the mouth and ran off. "BYE HALEIGH SEEN YOU TOMORROW!" He yelled as i also waved good bye. I went in side and looked at my phone. There were like so many notifications from twitter, facebook, instagram. I looked at the Facebook ones. **SIGHS IN SHOCK** "some one took a photo of me and jai kissing and posted it. Look at all the hate" i said sadly. I couldn't look at it anymore. i started to cry.

Heyy guys! Hows the chapter. Any good comment what you think. ^.^


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