Chapter 3

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Jai's pov

Crap! I had just told Haleigh i liked her. She probs don't even like me anymore. I feel like such a retard a just walked off. Damn i wish i stayed to see what she would have said. Oh snap! She is in all my classes she is not going to talk to me all she will do is ignore me.

Haleigh's pov.

Ok so its period 1 and jai is sitting by himself. Hmmm what should i do. I walked to jai and started to sit down on the chair when jai said something. "So um I'm sorry for running off before, you really deserve a like more nicer way of saying that i like you." "Don't worry about it. You had said i like you in a perfect way." I said happily. "Really?'" Said jai. "Yes! If anything you did a better than when i told you i liked you." I said realising that i just made him smile. Jee that smile is so cute. I said in my head. Then realising i said it aloud and he herd me. "Fudge" i said quietly.

Jai's pov.

" jee that smile is cute." Said Haleigh. That made me blush. I don't think she was meant to say that out loud. She said something quiet to herself "fudge" she said quietly. I just herd her. It was quit cute. "Um haleigh." I said. "Yes?" She replied. "Um, at recess can u meet me at the big tree down near the oval?" I said nicely. "Yeah sure. Why?" She asked. "You'll see" i said.

Haleigh's pov.

So its just recess now and i went to get my food and then i see jai already heading to the tree. I thought id let him go first. So i waited till i saw him sit down. So now i started walking to him he was so cute just sitting down. It just seemed to be me and him there. He looked at me as i went to sit down. "Hi." Said jai. "Hey." I said back. " so um you know last night how i sang that song?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said. " yeah well that song was for you. And like i was really wondering if you would go out with me." He asked me. Omg i really wanted to say yes. " jai, i would say yes but then ill get all hate from everyone and then they will think that I'm just dating you because your famous now basically." I said sadly. "Haleigh, you may get hate, you may be bitched, people may think what EVER they want. But only I would know the truth of how you and I started dating. No one knows you liked me before i went on xfactor. And i promise now i really like you, i love you. I would do anything to date you and for you to be my girlfriend. The people how would think that are just jealous. C'mon like who cant like me." He winked. "So I, jai waetford will now say that i will protect you through out anything." Said and i got tears in my eyes. I only know there was one thing to do so I kissed hi and he kissed back.

sorry havent updated i was busy and Sorry its so short. What do you think will happen?

Hayley Xoxo

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