Chapter 6

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Still Jai's pov

I saw haleigh with katrina, hannah and sammy. They we talking about something "duh" i went to walk to her. When all of a sudden this chick comes out if nowhere and starts talking to me."Hi!" The girls said." Ummm... Ah... Hi?" I replied not knowing who this girl was."Oh yeah sorry i'm lilly. Im a HUGE fan!" Lilly said. "Oh ah hi nice to meet you. Umm well i better go now, bye? "I said and ran up to Haleigh and her friends."Who was that?" Haleigh asked. "Oh the girl named lily." I replied catching my breath from running. Haleigh and the others sighed in shock. "What's wrong!" I ask.

"That's lily underwood, she is the most annoying and mean person. She think she's all cool and stuff." Katrina said."we all used to be friends with her, but one day she turned on us and we never knew what we did. She makes rumors about us. It's really annoying. She is proberly just liking you you and stuff so she an get Haleigh jealous. But Haleigh doesn't get jealous so it won't work." Sammy said nearly running out of breath. "Yeah, that pretty much explains it all." Haleigh said. "Oh I won't talk to her then or hang out with her." I said. "No! You don't have to do that it's your life. It's just a girl that puts us through shit.

Just because we are your friends, you don't have to not make other friends." I say. "No. I won't hang out with her. I won't talk to her.You are my girlfriend and if she puts you through shit then I'm not even going to recognize her from all the stuff she does.

And besides she seems like a bit-" then I get cut off by a kiss from Haleigh. I wanted it to go on for ever but it didn't. Then sammy, Hannah and Katrina all hugged me. Is it what I said. It wasn't even that like you know. They must of really liked it.


We head to our class which is P.E again. It was still fun. Again Katrina and Sammy went as a pair and i and Haleigh went aswell.


We had history so we had to be quick because our teacher is strict. We had to do a project and you had to be in partners. Obviously me and Haleigh went together. The whole project was about ancient histories. We decided to do ancient china."Do you want to come over and some work with me" Haleigh offered." So we can get it mostly finished before you go to bootcamp." She continued. "Yeah. It would be fun. I said in excitement.


Haleigh's pov.

I went on my way out side the school waiting for Jai. Then I sammy came up and we started talking. Then she left. Just before I was about to turn around something hugged me from behind, picked me up and swirled me around. Then let go then kissed me on the lips. "Hey Jai." I say. "Hey!" He said excited on coming over today."So are we just going to stand there or are we going to get going.

We walked all The way home. Hand in hand. It was perfect.

After about 2 hours, we had gotten all our information now we just need to present it on paper. We can do it tomorrow.

"Haleigh?" Jai asked. "Yes Jai?" I replied.

" You know the dance that's coming up." "Yeah." "well I checked on the X factor that

i should be free and that I can go. And I was wondering if you would do the honers in going with me." Jai said. " oh Jai I thought we were already going together." I joked. " YES!!" I yelled and jumped on him. I kissed him and all i saw were those beautiful eyes. I loved them so much. I loved him.

Heey guys. Sorry shit chapter. I might update tomorrow or another today. But yeah. Is it ok? Anyway enjoy it

Hayley Xx

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