Chapter 2

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Haleighs pov.

"Ahhh. Finally, i finished all my chores and now i can watch Xfactor."

As i was was watching it there was a small boy gee he looked cute. But also he looked familiar."OHHH MYY GODD. THATS JAI WAETFORD. HE GOES TO MY SCHOOL!" I screamed. He is in my year, and in most of my grades he is very quiet and stuff have spocked to him once or twice and he knows that i like him and like i dont even speak him anymore after that. i never told anyone else not even sammy.

If only he liked me back. Maybe he does. I always see him staring at me and then i look he blushes. I doubt that. Ok shush lets hear him sing. I said to myself.

WOAH damn hes good. OMG YES SING YOUR OWN SONG." I cant help myyyyyyyy seeeeeelllllll eellllfff!"Woah damn how come i never knew he could sing. If only that song was for me.

Jais pov.

"i cant help myyy seellllllll eellllfff. Wow i had just got a standing ovation. Man i am so happy right now. Ronan was standing on the table i couldnt help but laugh.

After all the judges comments they got to wether i get through or not. Redfoo said yes, danni said yes, and finally a big fat yes from Ronan. " YES OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! " i said in excitement. As i walked off the stage i said to my self hopefully was watching. After all it was for her. But i doubt that she has other things to do then watch me perform.


As i walked into the school gates all the girls were running up to me. Screaming at me. But haleigh was no where. Ignored all of the girls till i saw haleigh. Standing there with sammy. Looking so beautiful. Just chatting about who knows all i know is that she liked me she told me. I liked her too i had to make a move.....

Haleighs pov.

I saw jai come in the gates because all the girls went running to him. I was kinda jealous so like i didnt pay any attention to him. He see,ed to have his eye on something. He walked straight past all of the girls walking diwn to where me and sammy were. One thing lead to another he was talking to us. I was blushing really bad. Them sammys boy friend came so she went to him then we were alone.. " soo." I said sort of wondering what to do." Sooo." Jai said. " i liked your performance last night you were really good." I said trying to start a convocation.

"Oh really thanks. You watched?" He said shocked. " yeah! Xfactors one of my favourite shows i wouldn't miss it." I said. " well can i ask you something?" Jai said. I replied " sure anything" i was wondering what he was going to say.

" well i sort of umm you see i umm" i cut him off. " what silly." I giggled. " well i umm i like you." As soon as he finished saying you the bell went. He ran off i was just standing the so amazed that he liked me. He is in all my classes today. Maybe i can talk to him in those.


HEYYY im soo sorry if its bad. And ye sorry for not updating i needed some inspiration. I found some and ye. I hope you liked it and sorry if theres any spelling mistakes o.o.

Hayley xoxo



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