chapter 10

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Haleighs pov

Omg! Today is the dance. jai wants me to come over to his house after the dance. hmmm I wonder what for. Any way I need to get ready for school. I just realised that is was still dark. I started to crack up laughing because of how stupid I was. It was only 2 in the morning. damn was I that excited. woah. need to chill A bit. I just couldn't that was the thing. I really want to know what jais wearing considering he knows what im wearing. I got really board so I texted jai. I knew he wouldn't answer at this time. so I put down my phone and went to get my computer. When I came back I had A message from jai. ' What the!' I said to my self.

me- hey<3 I just woke up thinking it was like 7 am but in fact it was 2 am aha lol.

jai- oh aha you wouldn't believe me but same! like I have been up for about a couple hours now but I cant really get back to sleep.

me- oh aha. I wouldn't of thought you were awake. I just got my computer to watch some movies to get me asleep. 0.o

jai- oh aha <3

we soon drifted fell asleep.

*music plays*

"ugh turn the radio off!" I yell as I had hardly any sleep last night. After 10 minutes or so I decided to get up and go eat breaky. After I ate, is went upstairs to put on my uniform. I then brushed my mid length light brown hair and then called jai to see what he was upto.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey. What's up?"he asked

"Oh nothing just wanted to see what you were up to." I say.

"Oh well you know just getting ready for school. How about you?" He asked

"Eh nothing much." I reply.

"Oh aha. I gotta go now see you and school." He says

"Oh ok byee."

"Bye bye"

Well that was quick its time to go to school now. I should head off. I quickly get my lunch, my phone and my purse and head off to school. I arrive at school and guess who's there. That bloody bitch lily. Ugh sometimes i just wanted to wipe that smile off her face.

"Why hello there, bitch!" Lily said.

"Oh why hello.**cough** SLUT **cough**" i say causing some people to stare.

" oh you did not call me that. I have not slept with anyone my whole life thank you very much. Its more like you are the slut here. You have a boyfriend. Who knows what you guys do." She said.

"Ugh OMG why are you like the biggest bitch here. We have not slept with eachother. And maybe the word "slut" was the wrong think to say. More like "skank" look at you you put your skirt up so high, you fold your top up above your belly button. It makes sense. Doesn't it?" I ask. Before I knew it i got a punch to the eye. And all i remember is jai screaming as he saw me get punched. I was then unconscious till I woke up with jai holding my hand.

omg guys!!!! thank you you much. I wrote I big chapter this time because I just got 1.1k reads. ahhhh thank you guys so much. aha it snot a lot but its a lot to me. Btw, my internet was so stuffed up and Watt pad kept on crashing on me and i had written a lot and then yeah. I full on raged at it XD and left it for a while so it wouldny crash next time i go on it. Oh yeah and this is part one to this chapter. Hopefully part two will be long.

I ligit love you guys thanks so much :*

- HayleyXx

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