Broken Glass

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We all danced around to the loud music in the background. Shawn looked over at the door and tapped my shoulder. "What?" I ask and he pointed at the door. I couldn't see anything, most things were blurry. "Who is it?" I asked confused. "It's the guys." Shawn said pulling me off the dance floor. "I though you said they don't care if we're dating?" I say confused at why he's acting so weird. "Now I'm not so sure about that. Why would they be here if they know no one at this party?" Shawn says before Nash walks over to us. "Hey Shawn." Nash says not even acknowledging the fact I was standing right next to Shawn. I left them alone to talk, I walked into the kitchen and accidentally bumped into Gilinsky. He looked angry so I quietly apologized. I noticed Raymond was standing behind Gilinsky, probably the real reason why Gilinsky didn't do anything. Jack glared and me before shoving me out of his way.

"So where's you boyfriend?" Raymond asked putting air quotes around boyfriend. "why don't you believe that we are dating?" I asked slightly laughing. "I haven't seen you guys kiss once. Plus Jack told me you and Shawn weren't dating." Raymond says and I roll my eyes. Just as I was about to respond to Raymond I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I look behind me to see Shawn, he pecked my cheek and I smiled at the gesture. It's obvious Shawn was getting jealous and I found it cute. "What time is it?" I asked Shawn and he pulled out his phone and said 3:00. "Fuck." I said under my breath.

5 missed calls
8 unread messages

I'm dead once I get back to my uncle's house.

"Shawn we need to go." I say looking at him with fright in my eyes. Shawn nods and we say goodbye to Raymond.

We rush out the house and start the walk back to my uncle's house.

I don't call it home because it's not home to me. Home is starting to become more of a feeling then a place. When I'm with Shawn I'm at home. He makes me feel welcomed and I know I can depend on him no matter what.

"How many times did he call?" Shawn asked breaking the silence "five times and he left 8 messages." I say and Shawn stops walking. "We'll just lie about what happened." Shawn says and I look at him. "What do we say?" I ask. "We all fell asleep while watching movies and no one heard your phone ring because we were sleep." Shawn says and I nod hoping this will work.

We walk into the house and instantly see my uncle with an angry facial expression. "Why didn't you pick up your phone?" He instantly asked when I walked into the house. "We fell asleep at mahogany's house along with a bunch of other friends. I'm sorry." I said scared. "I called you 5 times and left you multiple messages!" He yelled purposely knocking over glass vase that was behind him. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I promise." I say with fear in my eyes. "It better not happen again. Next time I call you better answer." He says angrily. "Now clean up this mess and go upstairs." He said before stomping up the stairs to his room.

I cleaned up the mess without saying a word to Shawn. "Santana can you speak to me?" He asked and I looked at him. I wasn't mad at him, I just wasn't in a mood to talk. We went up to my room and I decided I was going to take a shower. I grabbed some clothes to change into after my shower, when I turned around to walk into the bathroom Shawn stood in the doorway. "Shawn move." I said clearly not in the mood to argue.

Shawn picked me up and pecked my lips causing me to smile. "I don't like you upset." He smiled at me. "I know that. But I can't be happy living here with him." I say looking into Shawn's eyes. "Once we graduate we can move out and buy an apartment together." Shawn says and I wrap my legs around his waist since he was still holding me for some reason. "What about college?" I ask and Shawn shrugs. "Don't worry about the future, live in the moment." Shawn says and I give him a weak smile.

"Always remember.. Things will get better, I promise." Shawn says and I nod. "Now can I have a kiss?" Shawn asked and I shook my head no. "Whyy." He whined. "Because my breath still smells like alcohol." I say and Shawn leans in to kiss me anyways, I pull away and Shawn pouts. He's so adorable! I smile and squish Shawn's cheeks together making him laugh. "We can watch movies and cuddle." I say and Shawn smiles. "Netflix and chill?" Shawn says and I playfully slap his chest. "You're such a fuckboy." I say and Shawn places me back on to the floor. "You know I was kidding." Shawn says before I walk into the bathroom to take a shower.


After Shawn took a shower we sat in my room and watched Aladdin.

"I want to go on a magic carpet ride." I say to Shawn and he laughs pulling me closer to him. "How about we go to Disneyland tomorrow?" Shawn asked and I looked at him with wide eyes. "Seriously?!" I asked obviously excited. Shawn nods and I kiss his cheek. "Oh my god! Thank you!" I say while hugging him. He just laughs at my reaction.

"I love you Shawn!" I say giving him a kiss. "I love you more." He smiles at me and I blush.

"Let's go to sleep eh?" Shawn says and nod while laughing.

I remember when Shawn moved from Canada to California. He obviously spoke differently and now that I look at it, it was adorable.

"Are you laughing at me?" He asked laughing too. Shawn still says 'eh' every once and a while because his parents are still so use to using Canadian terms. "Yes Shawn I am laughing at you." I say and kiss his cheek goodnight.

"Goodnight." He says kissing the top of my head. "Goodnight Shawny." I say and begin to fall asleep in Shawn's muscular arms.

Goodbye. {Shawn Mendes Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now