The Car Ride Home

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I woke up in Shawn's arms to see that he was already awake listening to music. "I already sent the emails to the school so they won't call our parents." Shawn says and I nod.

"Thank you for last night." I say remembering the fun we had at the carnival last night. "You're welcome. I'm glad you had fun." He says and climbs to the front seat. I got in the passenger seat and decided to check my phone. My mom finally texted back after about 24 hours saying okay.

"Lets go get gas and grab something to eat before we drive back home." Shawn says and I agree.


"Shawn?" I asked after thirty minutes of driving. "Yeah?" He asks not taking his eyes off of the road. "Can you answer a few questions for me?" I ask and he sighs. "Is it about the entire bullying thing and the guys?" Shawn asks and I nod. I've always wanted to know why they started to bully me.

"Santana..." Shawn trails of. "Don't avoid the topic." I say and Shawn runs his fingers through his hair."Fine" he agrees. "Why do you guys hate me so much?" I ask and I see Shawn roll his eyes. "I don't hate you." Shawn says avoiding the question. "So then why do the guys hate me?" I restate the question.

"I think it was because you were dating Drake a few years ago. I told you I don't really know why they started." Shawn says and I roll my eyes. "What does Drake have to do with any of this?" I ask and he sighs.

"The entire school knew Taylor liked you. Everyone honestly thought you were the prettiest girl at school. Drake approached you before Taylor could've and asked you out. Taylor was mad and started to spread the rumor that you slept with some guy and because we were in middle school everyone believed everything they heard and thought of you as a whore. Nash took it as an opportunity to bully you and convinced the nine of us to join in. He said it would increase our popularity and it did. It turns out that Nash also liked you along with Cameron." Shawn says before looking over at me than back to the road. "Santana say something" Shawn says after a few moments of silence. I was still trying to process everything he just said.

"So basically you nine fucktards bully me because I dated a stupid fuckboy in 7th grade?" I ask trying to make sure I understood correctly. "Basically." Shawn says and I want to slap him so badly but he's driving. I rather not die in a car with him, I rather die alone.

"Get off at the next rest stop." I say and Shawn agrees. Shawn soon exits the highway entering a rest area. "Why are we here?" Shawn asks and I glare at him. "Give me twenty minutes. If I'm not back in twenty minutes assume I got kidnapped or got hit by a car and died don't go looking for me either." I say and walk around the small open field that was used for picnics and dogs.

After twenty minutes of walking around I walked back to Shawn's jeep. I decided to sit in the back by myself while Shawn drove off.

I put my headphones in and zone out listening to like a knife by secondhand serenade. I noticed Shawn looking in the mirror at me every few minutes with sad eyes. Each time I would look away and feel a tear fall from my eye. There was something about Shawn that I really loved and it sucks that I'm starting to like him. He just beat me up last week, how do I know he won't do it again? Every time Shawn looked into the mirror I saw his sad chocolate brown eyes that looked more hazelish in the sun.

Being in Shawn's arms when I woke up felt amazing. I wouldn't mind being in his arms when I wake up every morning. I loved the way he smiled down at me when I woke up and he saw me. I loved how he hummed me to sleep and the way he played with my hair like he did when he was humming me to sleep. It was everything about Shawn that I love. I love it being just us, we act like nothing has changed since we stopped being friends a while back.

Once we go back to LA everything is going to go back to normal. Shawn and I aren't going to talk and the guys are still out to get me. I might as well just surrender myself because the longer I make them wait the worst the attack is going to be.

"Santana?" Shawn asked and I looked at him. "What?" I ask harshly. "Are you mad at me?" Shawn asks still focusing on the road. "No." I say sarcastically.

"Santana I am so sorry that a stood there for so long and haven't said anything about it. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you and I'm sorry that I haven't helped you until now. I'm just so sorry." Shawn said with tears building up in his eyes.

"Shawn you're driving pull over if you're going to cry."
Like I said earlier I rather not die in a car with Shawn.

"Nobody is crying." Shawn said looking at me through the mirror. Shawn wiped his eyes and I laughed.

"Can you answer one more question?" I ask and Shawn nods. "What are the guys planning on doing once they see me?" I ask and Shawn sighs before speaking. "They want to embarrass you so badly that you never show your face again and hopefully drop out of school." Shawn says and I have a blank facial expression. "Oh." Was all that I was able to say.

"Santana don't be mad at me." He says with pleading eyes. "You know I can't stay mad at you." I sigh and he smiles. "So, you're still my chipmunk?" He asks and I let out a small laugh. "Yes I'm still your chipmunk."

"Yay" He does a small happy dance since he was driving.


We finally got back to LA and we drove to Shawn's house to hang out.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Shawn asked jumping on his bed. "Sure." I say taking a seat next to him. "Lets watch a scary movie." Shawn says and I agree. "Did you actually just agree to that?!" Shawn asks surprised. "Yeah." I say and Shawn laughs. "You hate scary movies." Shawn says and I shrug. "It's fun to be scared sometimes." I shrug and Shawn goes through the horror movies on Netflix.

The Ouija Experiment was the movie Shawn chose. "Are you ready?" Shawn asks and I nod he starts the movie and me and Shawn cuddle together while we watch the movie.

"This is so creepy." I say before the girl gets up and opens the door. I jump a little and she closes the door she reopens the door and the demon starts to run. I got so scared and fell off of Shawn's bed.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Shawn asks while laughing. "No. That gave me a heart attack, I didn't expect the fucking shit to start running." I say trying to catch my breath. (I've watched that movie so many times and I still get scared especially at that part tbh)

Shawn had closed the curtains and turned the lights out making his room completely dark.

Shawn's mom wasn't home and someone rang the doorbell. "YO SHAWN COME OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard Taylor yell from outside. "I'M COMING!" Shawn yells once he opened the window and stuck his head out.

"Hide in my closet." Shawn whispers to me. "No! I just watched that fucking movie and you want me to hide in a dark closet?!" I whisper yell at him. "Please chipmunk." Shawn begged while pouting. "Fine" I agree. "Thank you so much. I love you." Shawn kisses my forehead and helps me hide in the closet. "Put your phone on mute." Shawn says before shutting the door and rushing down stairs.

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