Who's to blame?

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*3rd persons pov*

Everyone heard a loud sound, almost like a gun shot. They could tell they weren't the only one who heard it. Everyone from the area looked at the house where the noise came from. The house was a fairly large house painted white with bright colored flowers in the front. "Someone call the police!" Mrs. Brown said and everyone was still in confused on what was happening. A middle aged woman pulled out her gold iPhone 6 and dialed the three numbers 911  within seconds a lady answered the phone. "911 what's your emergency?" 

"There was a loud noise coming from one of the houses on the street. We think it could've been a gunshot." she says. "Okay what's the address?" The operator asked and she looked at the number of the house for the address. "25 pixiwood lane." she says, the operator tells her that help was on its way before hanging up.

After about three minutes they heard sirens from a distance. Soon police cars and ambulances were surrounding the house. A police line was made, by now everyone on the street was standing behind the yellow tape wondering what was going on. "She's dead?" One of the officers repeat and the other officer nodded his head before sending a few paramedics in. They came out with a body bag and placed her into the ambulance before driving away. Soon a grey car pulled up and a family got out of the car. 

"What's happening?" Katie asked the officer. "We're going to have to ask you to step back." The officer said but she refused. "This is my house! What is going on?" She asked the officer. "This is your house?" He asked and she nodded. The officer took her and her family away from the group of people that were surrounding the perimeter. "There's no easy way to say this but your daughter, killed herself." The officer said and the family looked at him confused. "We only have one daughter and she's standing right here." Kevin says looking at the officer confused. "Unless you're talking about Santana..." He said trailing off. Tears built up in his eyes but he was fighting to hold them back. "She wouldn't kill herself, she was always too happy. Are you sure she wasn't murdered?" He asked and the officer nodded. "She left a note." The officer says, Kevin nods trying to comprehend everything that was going on. "Can we see the note?" He asked and the officer shook his head no. "Everything is going into evidence." The officer says and he simply nods.

A look of remorse was plastered onto his face. He looked guilty of something like he blamed her death on himself. The officer walked away to let the family grieve. "If I never hit her she would still be alive. This is my fault." He says running his fingers through his hair and pulling at it. "It's not your fault." His wife says trying to hug him but he pulls away. "This was my brothers daughter and I treated her like shit, if the situation was reversed he would've treated our children like royalty. I shouldn't have believed the kids when they said Santana hit them or broke something of theirs, I should've listened to Santana." He says letting all of his emotions out. "I feel like shit." He cried into his wife's shoulder. "Dad what happened to Santana?" the little boy asked looking up at his parents. Kevin pulled away from his wife before picking up both his son and daughter.  "She's in a better place now." He gave the boy a weak smile before looking up at the sky. 

Though these last few hours have been hard for Kevin but he managed to stay strong for his family. Kevin's family didn't really mind that Santana was gone, they barely even knew her. But they were still a little upset about the incident. Kevin had called Shawn to tell him about the incident, he thought her boyfriends should've known about what happened. But what he didn't know is Santana and Shawn have been broken up for almost three weeks. 

Shawn still loved Santana with all of his heart, he didn't mean any of the stuff he said at the beach. He was just upset. Now that Shawn thinks about it he feels as if he's a hypocrite. Santana forgave him when he was cheating on Santana with Savannah for those few days she was out of school to convince Nash and the guys that there was nothing going on between Santana and him. Shawn continued to think about everything. He thought maybe there was something he could've done a long time ago to stop the bullying, all Shawn wanted to be was popular and that's how he got popular, by bullying Santana. He wasn't thinking about anyone but himself when he started to bully Santana. He never knew he was going to fall head over heals for Santana, he never knew Santana was going to be the love of his life. All Shawn wants now is a second chance at everything to prove that he could be the one to save her life and make her happy. 

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