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A young woman enters the room. I barely lift my head to look at who has entered. She carries a pile of things and sets them down when she kneels beside my body. I don't move as she sets some things up. I don't even move when she begins tending to my wounds. My body involuntarily jolts in pain and hisses are released from my mouth. This continues until she is done with the front of my body.

"Turn over" her voice is soft yet strong as she makes the request. I shake my head, not wanting any more pain. "Turn over or I'll just roll you over" she repeat and I can tell she doesn't want to carry out the light threat. But I really don't care to turn over.

Seconds pass and she has no choice but to roll my over if she wants to continue. As she does it waves of pain ricochet through my body and my limbs spasm in pain. Once I'm settled she resumes.

She leaves the room just as quietly as she entered. I cane my neck around to see that she's left a pile of clothes for me to change into.

Unfortunately I have no plans to move anytime soon.

So I lay there, on my front, taking small and sharp breathes due to the pain jabbing at my ribs when I breathe too deeply.

I don't understand anything and I feel as though I'm back at square one. Not that it should matter, I can only guess that I'll be dead soon. I have no information to give them so they have no need to keep me here. What I don't understand is why they'd send someone in to clean me up if they want me to suffer. It just doesn't make sense.

Being alone in this room with nothing to do but lay in pain allows me to think about everything and anything. I just try not to think about him.


I don't want to feel any hatred towards him for getting me in this situation. So instead I blank out any thoughts of him, which is easier said than done, and try to figure out the situation I am in.


"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING" I scream, finally broken. I don't know how long it's been since they last tortured me but it feels like it was only an hour ago. Due to my slightly healing wounds, I know this isn't the case. "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, STOP PLEASE STOP"

"Let her talk" Darren says from his seat in the corner. The two men straighten up and I catch my breath a little.

"I don't know anything" I sob with shaky breaths. "He didn't tell me anything he just sent me to that island but he didn't tell me where he went ok? I don't know what you want me to tell you" I lay helplessly and shattered on the floor, begging that he will understand.

"I know that love, I'm not trying to get information out of you. I'm trying to break you beyond repair. The longer dearest Harry takes to find you, the worse it's going to get. So you better hope he gets here soon right boys?"

"Yes boss" they laugh along with him, a sick laugh that makes my stomach churn. I'm unable to keep my stomach at bay and spill the contents of my last meal on the floor.

This triggers a fresh set of tears.


I don't know how long I've been locked away in this room for but from my messed up sleep schedule I think it's been about 13 unbearable days. It's only getting worse and I'm not sure how much longer I can be strong.

I shift in my position on the floor when I hear movement behind the door and voices.

"You don't understand how happy your anger makes me Styles, keep going" Darren enters the room with a phone pressed to his ear. My heart quickens at the mention of Harry. I hope he'll find me soon.

"She's actually right here with me now, say hello love" he holds the phone out towards me, expecting me to call out to Harry or break down. But I'm stronger than that and I won't give Darren the satisfaction or worry Harry.

So I stay quiet, even when Darren kicks my stomach to get a reaction.

"Oh you've picked a good one Styles," he laughs it off but is tone is laced with anger due to my lack of a reaction. "Let's hope she survives her punishment for that" is the last thing he says as he walks out the door. My stomach churns and my body tenses which makes my already wounded body ache.

There was a moment when I was so broken, that I was invincible. I don't know if that makes any sense but it's like Darren couldn't hurt me anymore because he already had? He could keep hurting me but it wouldn't matter because I was already broken. And then it got worse, he stepped it up so I never really was invincible.

This is exactly what Harry said wouldn't happen. He said he would keep me safe but I'm not. I'm locked up in a room and tortured by the people he was supposed to protect me from.

I shouldn't be thinking about this. If I ever get out of here I don't want to feel angry at Harry. It's Darren's fault, not Harry's. Being locked up in this room gives me too much time with my thoughts.

Just don't think about Harry, anything else but Harry.


"Rise and shine love, I've got a little treat for you" Darren's voice is the last thing I want to hear waking me from my sleep. From the tone of his voice I can tell this 'treat' isn't going to be nice. The sounds of chair legs scraping on the floor startles me and I sit up to face him.

"How are you feeling, love?" he grins at me and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Just get on with it" I say and stand to sit on the chair.

"Ah, you're getting the hang of this, cut the attitude though love" he takes a handful of my hair and yanks it back. I cry out in pain and squirm in the seat. Darren pulls a phone out of his pocket and points the camera at me.

"This is to show dear Harry what happens to his property when it gets into the wrong hands. She's not looking too good now is she Styles?"

He must be recording a video to send to Harry. I can't show him how much pain I'm in, I have to stay strong even if it's the last thing I can do. I can't give up.

"Let's get started shall we?" Darren says wickedly and pulls a knife out. "This may hurt a little, love." He licks his lips and pulls my shirt up to reveal my stomach. With the phone in one hand and the knife in the other, he cuts a few slashes in my stomach. I squeeze my eyes shut and bite down on my lip, swallowing my cries of pain.

It's going to be okay. I can do this.

Shit this hurts...just a little longer.

My breathing is rapid and uncontrollable. My mind is going insane.

I can't take much more of this.

"Please" I beg, barely coherently in my hysterical state. "Stop"

"What was that? Speak up love" Darren taunts me. I try to speak again but my limbs spasm as runs the blade across my stomach one last time. I can barely hold my body up as my head spins.

"STOP" I scream.

"Alright love, you don't have to shout."

As soon as Darren leaves the road I slump off the chair and onto the floor, clutch the fabric of my shirt to my stomach.

My body is sore and I can't think straight. I'm weighed down by exhaustion.

I need to get out of here now or I'll find a way to kill myself.


I feel so bad for River!

It'll get better for her


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