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My eyes flick open, I begin to stretch but stop when my body jolts in pain. Last night's events fill my mind. I am alone in bed but I know Harry is still here, he wouldn't risk leaving me. As soon as he leaves I will call the police.

Lazily, I pull myself from the bed and waddle across the darkness into my bathroom. A gasp is released from my lips as I catch sight of my appearance in the mirror. I lean forward to get a better look, I immediately regret bringing my hand up to brush over the bruised skin. As I expected, my left cheek is bruised but that isn't all. Five small bruises could be found on my wrist where Harry had hold of me, I imagine my back will have some wounds too but I don't allow myself to look, already sickened by the purple and yellow marks that cover my face. How am I supposed to show my face at work?

I carefully wash my face, no matter how gentle I do , I am still in some sort of pain. I flick the switch off and walk out the bathroom, through my bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen. Harry is leant over the sink cleaning dishes, his back is toward me, he turns when he hears my feet on the wooden flooring. The expression on his face can't be pinpointed, ranging from shock, guilt, and anger but he quickly averts his gaze.

"Look at me" I struggle to make my voice sound strong. I want him to realise what he's done. Slowly, he tilts his head back up to look at me, guilt takes over his face as he walks over. I stay where I am stood, I want to step back but I can't get my feet to cooperate.

"River I'm so sorry" he takes my hands in his; I flinch away but give in when he does it again. "Please forgive me" he intwines our fingers, bringing my hands up to his lips, planting kisses on them. "You disobeyed me, I had to teach you a lesson" His tone makes me sympathetic towards him, it is filled with hurt. If I was an outsider I'd be shouting to not forgive him, but I'm not. I am here and foolishly I choose to forgive him. He is being so gentle with me; last night had to be down to anger issues.

"I understand" I pull my hands from his in order to make some breakfast. As I prepare a bowl of fruit his long arms snake around my waist but I ignore the gesture. "Harry I need to get ready for work" I whine.

"You're not going to work" he states, in a matter of fact way, he releases his arms from my waist and crosses them over his chest.

"Yes I am" I grab my bowl and walk past him to sit at the breakfast bar.

"No you're not". His jaw locks, not liking that I'm fighting back.

Get used to it Harry, I'm not following all of your orders.

"Harry I have a business to run, I can't just drop everything because you decide you want to control me. What makes you think I'll be willing to follow what you say? Even more after you hit me!" I can hear my heart pounding in my ears, anger building up inside me. I expect him to snap, he doesn't.

"Fine, go to work but I'm coming with you." A smile tugs at his mouth, knowing I won't approve. I open my mouth to object but he cuts me off, "you're lucky I'm letting you go to work now shut up and eat your damn fruit!" I quickly eat my fruit in silence to escape back to my room to get ready. I dress in some jeans, a short sleeved button up shirt, a jumper and pumps. I then move to the bathroom to fix up my face. I never usually wear a lot of make-up but in order to cover up the bruising on my face I apply a lot more. I'm not fully satisfied with the outcome but it is better than leaving it. I grab my phone charger and walk down to the kitchen, chucking it into my bag from yesterday.

"Harry?" I call as I sling my bag over my shoulder. I wander down the hall to find him in the living room where I assume he'd slept last night.

"Ready?" He asks as he gathers the few things he has, I follow him outside and into his car.

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