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I wake up surprisingly well slept and 'jump' out of bed. Rubbing my eyes I let my feet lead me downstairs. I stop abruptly as I see Harry stood in the hallway. He's facing away, I let my eyes scan over his dimly lit figure until they fix on the object in his right hand. My heart speeds up, I should run. But I don't.

"H-Harry?" I stumbled forwards, his head snaps round at the sound of my voice. His lips are turned up into a smirk, not his usual playful smirk but an evil one. Before I can even take another breath he turns to face me and points the gun right at my chest.

I'm frozen, a deer in headlights, anticipating his next move.

"You should've ran when you had the chance sweetheart" He chuckles before I hear the gun shoot.

My body jolts, pulling me from the dream world and back into reality. I don't even realise I'm screaming until the exact person I'm fearful of bursts into the room. My breathing is rapid, eyes are tightly shut as I try to get a grip with reality. 'It was just a dream', I try repeating over and over in my head but it doesn't work. As I feel his hand on my arm I jump away from it, still torn between the dream I just woke up from.

"H-Harry" I stammer, desperate for his arms to be around me, comforting me but at the same time not wanting him anywhere near me in fear that he'll kill me.

"River" Harry says hesitantly, slowly I open my eyes to meet his wide ones which are filled with worry. "River, it's okay"

"Pl-please d-don't" I stumble hysterically over my words, "Don't ki-kill me". Before I get a chance to even breath, Harry closes the distance between us, enveloping my small body in his arms. This seems to be happening all to often, me hysterically crying and Harry comforting me in his arms. Though I'm still fearful of him, and the potential things he can do, he always manages to calm me. He pulls away slightly, I feel his eyes on me but mine are locked on his chest.

"Look at me" His soft voice requests, when I don't comply he brings his index finger under my chin and lifts it, connecting my eyes with his. "I'll never hurt you, okay?", his eyes are still filled with concern but it's clear he's trying to reassure me. I nod, not being able to rely on my voice. Slowly, he leans forward to press his lips to my cheek. I tense up which, much to my dismay, Harry notices and pulls away quickly. He flees from the room muttering things to himself, leaving me alone. Again.

The dream seemed so...realistic, I could've sworn I felt a twinge of pain in the spot where the bullet would've hit, had it been real. I let my fingers trace over the spot on my stomach. I know what Harry is capable of, yet I feel so safe with him. I don't have much time to collect the wondering thoughts because the bedroom door slams open, causing me to jump.

"Sorry, I was, er..do you want some breakfast?" Harry's body stands in the door, his face is composed but there are small cues that tell me he's nervous. First of all, his left hand combs through his hair before settling to twirl his thumb ring around. He also can't keep still, he switches his weight from foot to foot then kicks the tip of his shoe into the floor- scuffing his shoes.

"Uh sure" I say slowly, taking him in.

"Ok, come downstairs when you're ready-I'm taking you out" His eyes are locked on mine as he talks, once he's finished he leaves the room again. I could've sworn the edges of his mouth coiled up into a small smile but I ignore it, putting it down to my thoughts.


Harry pulls up into the all too familiar car park of Lucy's. I smile as I see the sign, remembering the first time I came here with Harry. We've come very far since then. He cuts off the engine and immediately gets out of the car, walking around to my side. He opens my door and I climb out, giving him a quick smile as a thanks. He takes my hand in his, entwining our fingers as we walk towards the restaurant, I focus on the floor to hide my smile from Harry. The bell rings when we enter, I look around the small restaurant but come away disappointed when I don't see Poppy, the waitress that's normally here. Instead a reserved blonde girl seats us at a window table.

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