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A continuous throbbing stabs at my stomach, I let out a long groan as I stir from my 'slumber'.

"River can you hear me?" I recognise Eleanor's soft voice from beside me, another groan sounds from my mouth as I try to sit up, "No no, you need to stay lying down" She panics. I open my eyes to be blinded by the light that leaks through the blinds, I squint and blink a few times until my eyes adjust. "How are you feeling?" Eleanor's face is full of worry, her eyes glance over my face.

"It hurts" I whine, my arms fumble for the covers to pull them back.

"Easy now, I'll go get you some more painkillers. Don't get up alright?" She hesitates for a moment, giving me a stern look before going into the bathroom. I take one last look towards the bathroom door before shuffling into more of an upright position, my body protests with each movement I make, screaming out in pain. I lift up the fabric that covers my stomach, revealing a yellowing area. I gasp at the distorted flesh which only causes a wash of pain to flow to my stomach. I immediately fill with anger. He'd hurt me. He'd said he wouldn't, but he did. I'm already housebound but now I can't even move!

"Do you want to hurt yourself any more?" Eleanor raises her eyebrows at me as she returns with a glass of water and some tablets.

"Where is he?" I ask after she helps me into a seated position, a sickening pain washes over me again.

"He went for a drive around an hour ago"

"Okay" I say quietly, "How long was I out for?"

"Around two hours, we've been worried sick" She gives me a small smile.

"Mm, is Louis here?"

"Yeah he's downstairs why?"

"Can I talk to him?"

"Uh sure I'll call him up" She leaves the room, her footsteps stop just outside the door before I hear her shout down Louis' name.

"What's up? Is she awake?" Louis' footsteps make their way up the stairs, his voice is rushed.

"Yeah she just woke up, she wants to talk to you" They stop their conversation and I hear a knock at the door before Louis enters alone.

"What can I do for you love?" He offers a smile and takes a seat in the chair that lies next to the bed.

"I sort of wanted to thank you" I play with my hands, staring at them as I talk, "If you weren't there..." I trail off unable to continue.

"Hey it's alright love" He leans forward in his chair trying to catch my gaze, when I look over he smiles again before turning serious, "I knew I had to stop him, he has this look when he's about to go crazy. I may believe in punishing when people step out of line but no one deserves what he can-" He stops himself, as if he's remembering who he's talking to. I'm glad though, I've already tortured myself with the thoughts of what Harry is capable of, I don't want them to be confirmed. "Just try to do as he says, for your sake" His voice is demanding yet somewhat sincere. I try to shift around but the pain that accompanies my movements make me snap back into my previous position.

"Am I in trouble?" I ask in a quiet, strained voice. I know it's wrong to think this is all my fault but I do think that. If I had just stayed quiet and not brought up manners then this wouldn't have happened. Of course it's my fault.

"No" Louis shakes his head, he smiles slightly as if he's remembering something, "After you blacked out he was furious, not at you but at himself. He just wanted to see you, to see whether you were all right. But we couldn't risk it and Eleanor was sorting you out". My eyebrows furrow, confused at the new information Louis has given me.

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