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Lazily, I sift through the documents on my desk, my fingers wander up to the bruise on my neck. The same four words dance around my mind.

"I'll see you around"

"River?" A quiet voice pulls me from my thoughts. "There's someone here to see you" Katie who works at the shop informs me before disappearing as quick as she appeared. Sliding my chair out I walk out to the shop floor assuming it must be Carina. I stop when I see him, my fingers wondering up to the bruise on my neck again. He smirks at my reaction, striding over to me. Although he scared me last night I feel somewhat safe now as there's people around, he wouldn't try anything funny.

"Hey" He leans against the wall looking down at me, he easily towers over me.

"H-how did you know I work here?" I ask my voice shaky.

"It didn't take much to get it out of your friend last night, River." His tongue licks his lips, I let out a disgusted sigh. A laugh vibrates through his body.

"You're unbelievable" I step back away from him, he mirrors my actions stepping forward.

"I get that a lot" his hand pulls back the loose curls that slip in front of his face, a cocky grin painted on his face.

"River?" A quiet voice calls before I get a chance to reply, the guy's jaw locks due to the interruption. I slide away from him to tend to Katie's needs, watching him in the corner of my eye. What did he even want? He doesn't know me and I'm almost certain he hasn't come to browse the shop. I don't even know his name. Once I'm finished with Katie I don't know what to do, I can't just go back over I don't even want to talk to him. With my eyes fixed on the floor I go to walk to my office, my head collides with something.

"Uh-uh, I'm not finished talking to you" He says playfully, I huff folding my arms across my chest.

"What do you want?" I demand, tired with his games.

"You" His tongue glides over his lips wetting them.

"You can't have me" I frown shifting my weight to my left hip, what does he want with me?

"I'm afraid you don't get a choice darling" He purrs into my ear, his hand pushes back my hair to reveal the bruise he marked me with. I shrug away from his touch only to be pulled back with a harsh grip.

"W-who are y-you" My frown deepens as my voice falters.

"How rude of me, I'm Harry" A chirpy voice is released from his mouth, are my ears deceiving me? How can he change in a flick of a switch? The fact he even answered surprises me, he doesn't like following orders. He waits for me to reply, eyes burning a hole in my face, he's waiting for something he won't get. "I'm taking you out for lunch" he states.

"No thank you" suddenly the floor becomes interesting, I hear his sharp release of breath.

"It wasn't a question. I'm taking you out for lunch" His hand settles on my waist, I flinch away from his touch but his hold is secure.

"I can't, I have to work" It's not an excuse, I generally have work to do especially with the expansion of the shop.

"I'm taking you out for lunch" His tone is more aggressive, he gives my waist a firm squeeze before dropping it and striding over to Katie. I could run but I'm not stupid, he'd easily catch me. He whispers something into her ear, she jumps before nodding. She curves her head round to give me a sympathetic look as he walks back to me. With each stride he takes toward me I want to take one back but my feet stay firmly on the floor.

"Lets go" he purrs into my ear, his huge hand entwines itself mine, surprisingly I smile at the action, it being the only affectionate one he's shown.

I struggle to keep up with his long steps, resulting in him practically dragging me behind him as we exit the shop. He comes to a sudden halt, my body collides with his. A chuckle escapes his mouth at the action. One of his hands tugs a car door open, waiting for me to get in. I wrongly hesitate, he pulls me forward and I collide with his body for a second time.

"I can always make you get in" he whispers seductively into my ear, my cheeks redden, a shiver runs down my spine as his breath tickles me.

"Let go of me then and I'll get in" I mentally smile expecting my voice to shake, he grunts but releases his hand from mine and I climb in. Taking advantage of the time it takes for him to walk to the driver's seat I compose myself, steadying my racing heartbeat. I have no phone, just my keys as he didn't give me a chance to grab anything.

The car journey is silent, every now and then I see him look at me but my eyes are focused on the road ahead trying to grasp the situation I'm in. I try not to see this as a kidnapping but it basically is, he can't do anything to me. I have rights. The low sound of the radio breaks the silence, I listen to Harry hum along to it.

A lifetime later he pulls into a car park and parks the car. Instinctively I reach over to open the door, nothing happens. Child lock. I groan and he chuckles.

"Do you really think I'd trust you not to run off" He speaks to me as if I'm stupid, I frown and wait as he gets out and walks round to open my door. Sliding out I look around, we're in a small car pack with a building which reads 'Lucy's'. A smile forms on my lips, he has good taste.

"What?" He frowns slightly.

"I come here a lot, you have great taste Sir" I address him, I feel safer already knowing that the staff will recognise me.

"Hmm" he takes my hand in his and I make an effort to keep up with his walking. A bell rings as we enter, Poppy, a waitress looks up and smiles as she sees us.

"River?" She hesitantly asks as she walks over.

"Hi Poppy" I return her smile, Harry's arm slips around my waist pulling me against his side.

"Table for 2?" She looks to Harry, he nods. She leads us to a corner booth and leaves us to look at the menu. I'm not too hungry but I know the food is good here so I decide to order anyway, plus he's paying so why not.

I look over my menu to find his eyes fixed on me.

"What?" I feel my cheeks flush, is there something on my face?

"What are you getting?" He asks, ignoring my question.

"Cheeseburger" I tell him my usual order, "You?" I'm a regular here, I'm interested in what he will choose.

"Steak" He replies clearly uninterested in the conversation, I shake my head at him, "What?"

"Wrong choice, the steak isn't too good here" I shift in my seat, worried as to how he'd react. I was right to worry.

"I'll get what I fucking like" My body leaps as he slams his fist on the table.

"What is your problem?" I demand, Poppy comes over before he replies. Why is he getting so worked up about a steak?

"What can I get you two?" She smiles at us both, her eyes hovering on Harry. He's tensed up, I smile satisfied, I may fear him but aggravating him is somewhat pleasing.

"Can I have a plain Cheeseburger and a diet coke please?"

"I'll take the Steak and a coke too"

"Certainly. I'll leave you two to it" She winks at me and I drop my gaze to my lap, blushing again, a chuckle escapes Harry's lips.

As we wait for our meals I tap my fingernails on my table awkwardly. My breath hitches when I feel a hand grip my thigh.

"Stop tapping" He snaps, leaving his hand on my thigh. I attempt to move my leg away but he moves with it.

"Why me?" I eventually snap as I get bored of looking around the room.

"What?" A line forms between his eyebrows as he frowns.

"Why did you 'choose' me? Why not Carina? Or any other girl in the club last night" I watch his face, he stays composed sliding his hand further up my thigh, thumb rubbing circles on the fabric of my tights. A smirk forms as he hears my breath hitch, he leans over his lips at my ear.

"I wanted you so I'm having you" my thigh is squeezed, he leans back as our food arrives.

I mentally frown, watching him as I ate. I never should have gone out to the club or with him here. He's serious. Domineering. He's the predator and I'm his prey.

A/N: Thank you for reading, I would appeciate your feedback!xo

**proof read and edited**

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