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So before we get onto this chapter I just wanted to say a quick thank you to anyone who is reading this and especially to those who have voted!xo

"I can't do it" I cry out, "I can't do it" I shake my head and Eleanor leans forward to hug me just as I begin to cry.

"It's okay, he won't hurt you" Eleanor soothes, rubbing her hand up and down my back to calm me.

"It's n-not that" I pull away from her and run my forefingers under my eyes to wipe away the tears that escaped my eyes. "This is all wrong a-and I'm so confused" I sob, my breathing grows heavier as I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. My head hangs low as Harry enters the bedroom. I sink my teeth into my lower lip to stop any noises coming from my mouth.

"River..." Harry's voice is pleading and I'm confused as to why. "I'm sorry." Sorry? Sorry? I want to react, to shake my head but I remain stationary with my eyes locked on the floor and my head hung low. "Please baby" I close my eyes, causing tears to cascade down my cheeks, and I take deep shaky breathes. "River look at me." When I don't abide he hooks his finger under my chin and lifts it upwards. I can't resist the urge to open my eyes and when I do I'm met with his green ones. They're filled with concern and guilt, his eyebrows are knitted together and he's crouching down slightly so there isn't a huge height difference between us.

When I can no longer stare back into his eyes, I jolt my head away from his finger and look back at the floor. His eyes say everything. Guilt, concern, worry. He shouldn't feel those things, and I shouldn't feel bad for him but I do.

It's all just messed up. As if the situation we're in isn't enough, my feelings are all over the place. I actually feel something towards him- I wouldn't label it as liking him but there's something there. No. No I can't like him; especially after everything he's putting me through, and will put me through. He's not going to change and if I don't ever get out of here then events will just keep replaying. I'll piss of Harry, I'll get hit. He'll feel bad and I'll stupidly forgive him.

"River." Ugh, just the way he says my name makes my heart go crazy. "You have to understand that I have's not like you'd put out anyway" he laughs, not an amused laugh, more of a dry laugh. I take a sharp intake of breath and I feel my cheeks redden out of both anger and embarrassment.

"I really don't care, I don't even know why you're talking about this. I don't care and you can just do what you want, you already have." Why is he even worried about this? It's not like we're together so he hasn't cheated. I really don't care, I don't. I don't care. Okay? It's better that he did it to her than me anyway.

Harry stares at me intensely, it's then that I realise Eleanor has left the room. I wonder how long ago she left. Probably when Harry came in.

"Don't you care that I left you?" Harry asks quietly and I look back at him. I shake my head slowly, unsure of what the right answer is.

"Louis looked after me" I shrug.

"It's not Louis' job to look after you though is it? It's mine. I shouldn't have left you," he snaps, balling his hands into fists, "You could've been taken, I swear to God if anyone had touched you..."

"It's okay Harry" I cut him off and I put my hands on his fists to uncurl them. "I'm fine"

"It won't happen again, I promise." A frown forms on my face when he mentions 'promise'. I am tempted to mention the other promise he made and broke- he said he wouldn't hurt me but he did. I don't mention it because I know it will set him off and I don't want him to be angry. "Come here" he leans forward and wraps his arms around my shoulders, enveloping me in a hug. I wrap my arms around his waist loosely and return the hug. We remain like this for a short while, I rest my forehead on his shoulder waiting for him to pull away. When he does pull away it's abrupt and he stands up, looking down at me.

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