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The harsh tapping of rain on the window pulls me from my restless sleep. I'm glued in position as Harry's strong arm is slung around my waist, no matter how hard I try to wriggle free I'm bound in place. I don't want him to touch me, not because he scares me but because when we locked lips last night I actually enjoyed it. The fact I enjoyed Harry kissing me was beyond worrying, I shouldn't like being touched like that by a monster like him. It's messed up.

After the kiss he returned to the dining room leaving me to slide down the wall. Thoughts attacked my brain, my fingers brushed over my lips, feeling where his lips were moments ago.

"Did you hit her?" I hear the black haired male's voice from the dining room. There was a pause before Harry answered.

"I did what I had to do, now sit down" His voice sounded disconnected. "For God's sake Zayn sit down" He raised his voice when the male didn't obey.

I didn't leave my spot in the hallway until I heard shuffling from the dining room signalling that the people were getting ready to leave. I crawled onto the stairs, that way I could escape upstairs if I needed.

A few of the males walked past and out of the door, barely acknowledging me. I released a sigh of relief, this Zayn guy was gone and I felt somewhat safer.

"River?" Eleanor's voice calls down the hallway to me, I stay sat at the foot of the stairs. My arms hugging my knees as if this would help to hold me together. I removed my gaze from the floor when Eleanor's feet come into view, I look to her face. "Come to the kitchen I'll make you something to eat" She offers, though it's more of a statement. Regardless of how little I want to move from the stairs, I follow her as the hungry pain in my stomach isn't bearable. On the way to the kitchen I spot Harry and Louis sat at the dining table, talking in hushed whispers. As we walk through they silence, looking up to us but I refuse to look Harry's way, knowing if I look at him I'll be reminded of the kiss.

"What would you like?" Eleanor asks when we enter the kitchen, she fills a kettle with water before flicking it on to boil.

"Is there any bread?" I quietly ask, wanting to be polite.

"There should be let me check" She opens up what I assume is a pantry cupboard and moves things around. "Ah here we are. I can make some toast if you like?" She pulls out a small white loaf and sets it on the side.

"Sure" I shrug, wrapping my arms around my front feeling cold.

Not long after I'd finished my toast Harry and Louis entered the kitchen. Harry demanding that we go to bed, resulting in Louis and Eleanor leaving for the night. I was reluctant to share a bed with Harry, especially after earlier but he hadn't hit me so it could've been worse, right?

And that leads me to now. Locked into position, a sleeping Harry next to me, preventing me from going anywhere. It's strange. I know nothing about him yet here we were. Him practically controlling me, me having to compel.


Though I was pleased I had stood up against Zayn, the kiss would never have happened had I remained quiet. But he'd hit a nerve, I would have much rather heard Harry say it. I didn't know Harry but I didn't like a stranger saying that to me. Zayn had expected me to sit there and take it, another reason why I was pleased I'd said something. He was much like Harry, who expected me to follow his demands, though I would compel I put up a little fight. I'd learnt the consequences.

I drifted in and out of consciousness as these thoughts clouded mind.

I mentally cheer when I wake up, Harry's arm has disappeared from my waist. Slowly, I roll over and sneak out of the room, grabbing my shoes on the way. I stare out at the front door for a short moment, this seems too good to be true. After slipping on my shoes my hand clasps the knob, I twist it and pull the door back. I half expect it to be locked. I look over my shoulder once more and make a run for it.

I'm free.

"Oh my God River I've been so worried about you!" Carina pulls me into a hug, squeezing the life out of me, "why haven't you answered any of my calls?" She asks as she steps aside so I can walk into her house.

I'm not stupid enough to go back to my own house, that's the first place Harry will look. Of course the next will be here but I'll be gone by then.

"Uh, sit down I'll tell you everything" I mumble, she takes a seat on the couch whilst I sit at the armchair, a worried expression lies on Carina's face.

"River you're scaring me, what's happened?"

"It's about the guy from the club we went to, Harry" I pause waiting to see whether she is following, she gives me a 'mm' to signal she knows who I'm talking about. "He's mental Carina, mental. When you called me he was with me that's why I couldn't say anything but he knew I'd asked Katie to get you to call me so he punched me" I pause again letting her have a moment to take this in, I couldn't read her expression, "but the next day he was nice to me, he apologised and he came to work with me and it was all confusing. Then we went to his house to meet some people and there was this guy, Zayn, he said some shit to me and then I lost it. Harry came after me, I thought he was going to hit me again but he k-kissed me! And we went to bed but this morning I snuck away and came straight here and I don't know what to do" I stop talking, unable to control the emotions that sweep over me.

"Are you sure this all happened River? You could've just hit your head or something" Carina asks after a few mintes of silence, she looks at me as if I'm mental. "I mean Harry was lovely, he bought us drinks and everything" she voice sounds cheerful as if she's remembering a happy childhood memory.

"He is not lovely" I spit, staring at her in disbelief.

"I think you need to see a doctor Riv', you don't sound healthy" Carina suggests.

I just ran away from Harry for nothing. Carina was my only hope and she's suggesting I got to the doctor. I should've just stayed in bed with Harry.

"I need to see a doctor? Are you crazy? This is all your fault!" I yell at her, get up from the couch and storm out the door. I would rather be roaming the streets than be accused I'm 'not healthy'.

I have no one but Harry now, I probably won't even have him because I ran away. My parents are too far away to get to, I have no money and I can't go home.

"Grab her" I hear Harry's familiar voice in the distance, I hadn't been walking for long. Louis and another guy run towards me, each grabbing one of my arms. They lead me to the car where Harry is waiting. I don't fight against them. What's the point in trying to escape when no one can help me? If Carina doesn't believe me then why would the police? I might as well follow.

"You are in so much trouble when we get back" Harry's angry tone warns me once I'm sat in the car, I'm sandwiched between Louis and the other male.

I'm not scared. I'm not worried. I'm not anything. I'm numb. I have lost the motivation to fight. Harry is strong than me. I know that, he knows that hence why he knows he can be domineering.

He's Harry and I'm just River.

I'm thrown in the door by Harry, I stumble over and land on the floor.

"Did I not make it clear enough for you? You're mine. You disobey me, you get punished. Got it?" His strong voice echos throughout the house. I lay silently on the floor, praying that the ground will swallow me up. "I asked you a question" his hands grip my shirt, yanking me up and throwing me against the wall, I whelp in pain when my back collides with the wall.

"Yes" I mumble, surprisingly my voice doesn't fail me.

"Good. Now what shall we do to teach you a lesson huh? He asks himself, a smirk playing on his face. I close my eyes waiting for him to make his mind up. "Mmm, I know" his voice whispers playfully in my ear.

*Apologies for any mistakes I will go back and proof read it*

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