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Harry wakes from his artificial sleep 4 days after being shot. Eleanor had given him medication so he remained unconscious during the most painful part of his healing process. That's what she's told me anyway.

I am just falling asleep when I hear Harry's voice from the other side of the living room door.

"..can't feel my leg"

"That's the painkillers" Eleanor replies.

"I don't want them, I can't think straight"

"You nee-"

"Mate, you're lucky you only got nipped, just take the painkillers" Louis cuts Eleanor off.

"You should be able to walk after a week or two, you'll probably have to use crutches to stop the wound opening up" Eleanor speaks after a moment of silence.

"I'm not using crutches" Harry protests with a scoff. I would roll my eyes at his stubbornness, if I weren't so worried about him. "Have Tarna done anything since I've been out?" Harry asks when no one replies to his previous comment.

"Not a lot, they've been pretty quiet since you got shot."

Harry mumbles a reply to Louis but I can't understand it. A cry of pain quickly follows.

"You need to stay still and lie down" Eleanor says, relatively calmly. I can only guess that Harry tried to get up or something.

"I swear I'll find whoever shot me and I'll kill them" Harry promises, venom laced within his strained voice.

"We'll get him mate, don't worry" Louis assures him.

"Is there anything else I need to know about? Where's River?" My ears perk up at the sound of my name and I sit up more in my seated position on the floor.

"She's still here" Louis assures him, "I can call her in?"

"I can call her in myself, I've lost use of my leg not my mouth" Harry snaps at him. "RIVER" Harry shouts, unaware that I'm just the other side of the door. Quickly, I scramble to my feet and slowly open the door.

Dark circles have formed under Harry's eyes, despite him spending the last 4 days unconscious. As I step into his line of vision his eyes scan over me, surveying my body. Once his eyes have ran over what seems like every feature of my body twice, he opens his mouth to speak.

"Did you try to run away at all?"

"No" I answer quickly. Annoyance bubbles inside me. 4 days and that’s the first thing he says to me?

"Really? Because I'll know if you did" he raises his eyebrows slightly, not believing my answer and I look to Louis for help.

"I didn't, I promise. You can even ask Louis, I didn't. Please, I didn’t" I say desperately, because if he doesn't believe me then I'll get punished, no matter how injured he is.

"Lou?" Harry asks, his eyes remaining on me.

"She didn't man, she's been sat outside that door ever since you got shot." I look at the floor, but I catch Harry's eyes narrowing at me. He pauses before speaking.

 “Look at me River” Harry demands. I lift my head to see his harsh glare and smug grin. “Just remember who’s in charge here, I won’t hesitate to punish you if you step out of line. I don’t care if you’ve been sat outside the door ever since I got shot. You’re mine and I’m in charge of you. Got it?”

“Yes” I say immediately, regardless of whether I mean it or not. I just want to get as far away from his as possible. I don’t know what I was expecting for him to be like when he woke up, but it certainly wasn’t this.

“Harry, go easy on her. She hasn’t done anything but worry about you” Louis tries to reason with him.

“I DON’T CARE LOUIS.” He snaps, all helplessness that was there when he was unconscious has faded, revealing his true self once again. “Just get out, and take her with you” he spits, looking at me as if I’m nothing.

Louis doesn’t move at all, and I considered leaving but Louis speaks again.

“You need to pull yourself together man. I don’t know what you’re trying to do by snapping orders at me, but you need to stop. What happened to our brotherhood man? If you weren't fusing over your ego and shit for one second then you'd realise how much she cares. You’re only human Harry. The gang understand that things happen. But if you haven’t pulled yourself together by the time I’m back I won’t hesitate to let River go”


I can’t even begin to process what Louis is saying. This can’t be happening. Harry is the leader of the gang, isn't he? By the way Louis is talking to him it seems as though the roles have reversed. Would Louis really let me go? Or is it just an empty threat? No...he would let me go.

I can see Harry is hurt by Louis words and I'm glad, I'm so glad, he deserves everything he gets. Harry lets out a frustrated grunt in response, probably in too much physical pain to do anything else.

"Come on River" Louis’ hand is on the small of my back, leading me out of the room.

"Don't touch her" Harry snaps and struggles to sit up.

"Lie down Harry, you'll only injure yourself more" Louis acts calm but I can tell he wants to do something to Harry that will shut him up.

Before I know it Louis had led me out of the house and into his car. I’m in such a confused haze that I stare mindlessly into space as Louis drives away. Blurred houses pass by and I let myself zone out, allowing angry tears to run down my face and into my lap.

How could I be so stupid? Spending all that time waiting for him to wake up, but for what? For him to show any kind of caring emotion towards me? Or even kiss me?

No. Of course he would accuse me of running away. Of course!

He’s blinded me. I should have ran away at the first moment of weakness but instead I waited around for him to wake up. I can just hear him laughing at stupid.

How could I be so stupid? 



I don't have any real explanation for the hiatus of this story other than I just got writer's block and then drifted away from it. It's only recently that I've recieved some comments from readers (thank you!) and began to write small bits to this chapter.

I can't make any promises of regular updates as I still don't know where I'm going to take this story.

Thank you for anyone who is still reading this!xoxo

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