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5 hours.

That's how long I've been lying here, begging to be able to fall asleep but I remain awake with nothing but my thoughts to accompany me. Harry lies next to me, lightly snoring; his arm isn't slung around my waist like normal nights though.

Before we went to bed nothing was said to me. An eerie silence settled in the room as we dressed for bed. Once we were in bed we laid faced away from each other, no parts of our body touching. Almost immediately, Harry fell asleep and ever since then I've been awake, contemplating going downstairs but fearful I might wake someone. Louis and Eleanor are staying in one of the spare bedrooms whilst Zayn stays in another. Louis and Eleanor have been staying at Harry's more often than not, mainly because Eleanor has been looking after me but I wouldn't be surprised if they move in.

I finally give in, growing bored of my wondering thoughts. Slowly, I peel back the covers and slide out of bed, occasionally taking peeks at Harry as I make my way out of the room.

The house is soundless, other than a few creaks from the floorboards as I creep downstairs. My feet run over the cold wooden floor and lead me to the living room. Flicking on the lights, I sleepily search around and quickly find the items I am looking for. I scribble a quick note to Harry on the notepad and leave it on the coffee table knowing there's a chance he'll be annoyed I'm not in bed when he wakes.

Flopping onto the couch, I pull the throw over my body and flick through the TV channels. I settle on Friends, knowing it'll entertain me until my body decides it wants to sleep again. The episode isn't even finished before I slip into unconsciousness.

A stab of pains attacks my back and I curve it to stretch, I let out a low moan in satisfaction.

"Morning sleepy" I jump at Harry's voice and he laughs. Mentally, I sigh in relief expecting him to be mad, either that or he's putting up a good front. I swing my legs off the side of the couch and stand, stretching again. Perhaps sleeping on the couch wasn't such a good idea. I sit back on the couch again, leaning back to let my exhausted body rest. My eyes fix on Harry who's stood by the door, leaning against the wall.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine, considering the circumstances" I mutter the last bit quietly but I'm certain he hears. My thoughts wonder back to last night's conversation and to the information I received. Though Harry has displayed abusive actions and abnormal behaviour towards me, I still can't believe the label I give him.

"Good because we're going out tonight." He ignores my comment and gives me a playful grin as he walks over and takes a seat next to me.

"Out? Where?" I panic, if there's this so called 'rival gang' out to get me then I'm not too enthusiastic about going out.

"To my club, we'll be safe there don't worry, they aren't stupid enough to come on my turf." His hand finds mine and he gives it a reassuring squeeze. "You're safe with me anyway" he adds when he sees my alarmed face, "Come on" he jerks his head towards the door and guides me through to the kitchen.

The kitchen is full with people who are all gathered around picking at the breakfast that lies on the kitchen island. I immediately cower into myself, having not fully adjusted to the fact I'm surrounded by people who can easily kill me. Harry's hand comes to rest on my back, almost as if he can sense my uneasiness. He leans me to the other side of the kitchen and quickly gathers a plate of food for me. For a while I stand, picking at the plate of food in front of me, flowing in and out of daydreaming and listening to conversations.

"Right are we going?" Louis raises his voice above the conversations in the kitchen. He receives a chorus of agreements in reply and all the boys file out towards the front door.

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