Chapter 10

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Dallas's P.O.V
After I pulled away from Sam the smile on his face didn't fade for like 3 hours. All of us are now literally pushing Jenn, Lauren, and Andrea out of the house. "It was so fun hanging out with you today." Jenn exclaims, pushing her dirty blonde hair out of her face.
"You too." I push Andrea a little harder towards the door, she is not going to budge anytime soon.
"THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!" Kian screams.
Connor manages to get Lauren out the door with Jc's help. The next one out is Andrea. Finally we all push Jenn out of the house. "We want to have family time." Connor says, "Sorry girls."
Then they leave, very slowly. When they're out of the drive way I hug everyone and then say goodnight I'll see you in the morning, I hugged Sam longer than everyone else. When I was done hugging I walked up to my room and layed down on my bed. I like Sam, he likes me, we are technically family. I try to fall asleep for about an hour but it's definitely not happening. I set up my tri-pod and camera, along with my Mac Book and then set up the lights I took from Ricky. I fix my face and them sit down on my bed. Everything is ready so I hit record on the camera. This can be next week's video. "Hey you virtual viewers. Welcome to another day of the week on Dallas's channel." I do my intro and then get straight into the video.
(After Filming The Video)
Sam walks in. "Hey Dallas," he says plopping onto my bed. I wave to him and then start to put everything away, "Are you okay Dallas?"
"Yeah, just thinking that's all." I say
That was the truth, I was thinking about Trevor and Sam. Why the hell do both of them have to like me. Obviously if I didn't kiss Sam earlier I wouldn't have to be thinking about the both of them. But no my stupid ass had to kiss them both. I'm stupid as fuck. "Are you thinking about kissing me?" Sam asks curiously, with a half smile on his face.
How the hell did he know. "Honestly, yeah, I am, thinking about kissing you." I tell him, what I am?
"Well what's stopping you from putting your lips to mine?" He asks
"Nothing." I whisper
I sit on his lap and gently put my lips on his. He wants to more than just sweetly kiss me. He licks my bottom lip, hoping I'll grant him access to the inside of my mouth, which I gladly grant him. Will our tongues gently fight woth eachother Sam's hands meet my hips and mjne meet his always blushing cheeks. Hesitantly I pull away because I need to breathe. I rest my forehead on his. "You're turning 16 in like a week right?" He asks and I nod my head, " You're older than me by a month."
I giggle a little bit. I stare into his beautiful brown eyes. "I love it when I make you giggle." He whispers
I kiss his cheek and then get off of him. I lay on the bed behind where he is sitting. Sam lays next to me. "Goodnight, Sam." I whisper "Goodnight, love." He whispers back, wrappi my his arms around me.
Just like that I fall asleep, in the arms of one of the only loves in my life.

(A/N: I know it's a short chapter but I have a lot of stuff to do. I'm going back to school shopping today and then tonight I'm coming FAce to face with A in Pretty Little Liars, Charles is Wren or Lucas. But ugh yeah. Stay beautiful.

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