Chapter 11

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*Read the Author's Note at the end*

Connor's P.O.V

"Goodnight guys, see ya in the morning." I say to Ricky, Kian, and Jc.
They wave to me and then I exit the room. I walk up the stairs all the way to Dallas's bedroom. When I walk in there I definitely never expected to see what I saw. Sam and Dallas were cuddled together sound asleep on her bed. I thought that Trev would be in here, definitely not Sam. I am kind of glad that Sam is in here instead of Trevor. Only because, Trevor is sort of an asshole now. He is completely different since Our2ndLife first started. I like to think that Sam will actually be what Dallas needs. He can take care of her in ways that I can't. I also know that Dallas can take care of Sam in ways that he can't take care of himself. They are perfect for eachother, as far as I can tell. I slowly walk out of her bedroom and quietly shut the door. Then I walk to my room, as soon as I get there I plop down on my bed and fall asleep.

In the Morning... Dallas's P.O.V

I wake up to my alarm clock. When I shut it off I hear Sam's soft snores that are escaping from his mouth. I smile, which of course is followed by a giggle, and then I attempt to sit up. When I do attempt to get up Sam wraps his arms tighter around me, I push and push his body away from me but he just holds me tighter. "Sam. I gotta get ready for school." I say to him
The only reason I am going to school is because the school that I went to before Connor adopted me is close enough for me to keep attending. I'm sort of a nobody there, I'm bullied a lot and nothing, absolutely nothing that I do, will ever change that. Sam's eyes instantly shot open. "Shit,school!" He yelled, then he sighed while sitting up and then stood up and ran into his room, very fast.
I chuckle at him. I stand up and go through my clothes. I pull out black, ripped, super skinny, high waisted jeans and an all white crop-top, along with my black and white varsity jacket. The school colors are red and white. Black and white are actually our rival school's colors. I take the varsity jacket off and put on my black leather jacket. This looks better. I put on my brown combat boots and then go into Sam's room. He's in the shower so I walk back to my room. I grab my black and white snapback and walk intl the bathroom. I straighten my hair and then out the hat on. Then I do my make-up, I put on black eyeliner, black eyeshadow, and black mascara. I then change my lip ring, it went from red to black. This time when I walk out of my bathroom Sam is in my room. "You look sexy." He says.
I hug him and grab my backpack. He has his on and then I grab my pennyboard. Sam walks into his room to grab his board. We walk to the front door after I wrote Connor a note telling him that I left for school. "I go to Jackson High. Where do you go?" Sam asks
"Same school." I tell him, "If we go to the same school then how come you've never talked to me before all of this. Like how come you literally let me live in the shadows?"
He looks down on the ground. "Dallas, my friends at school, my group have always been the people that are bullying you. They would never let me near you. If you think that I didn't want to know you, you are sadly mistaken. But to be honest, I didn't know you even existed." Wow that hurt. I find myself skating faster than Sam far away from him. "Dallas! Wait that was before." He yells running fast to catch up to me. I stop skating. Sam catches up to me. "That was way before Dallas. Way before, I fell in love with you." He tells me, way out of breath
"You can't love me Sam, you don't even know me!" I yell
"This isn't going to work I can't be happy if you don't even give me a chance!!" He yells back
I look at the ground. "Sam, I'm sorry okay. I have never had a boyfriend before." I say and he smiles a big, goofy smile. "What?"
"Did you just say I'm your boyfriend?" He asks looking down at me
Shit I did, didn't I? I blush. "I guess I did." I tell him.
He slowly walks closer to me. "I like that word, boyfriend. I'm Dallas Cameron Franta's boyfriend." He whispers cuppung my chin with his hands. He puts his forehead on mine and we stare straight into each other's eyes. He puts his lips on mine and I kiss him back immediately. I like this, like I like this a lot. I pull away for him and say that if we don't hurry up we'll miss the bus. We both hope on our boards and then skate to our bus stop, our habds connected together, like we're never, ever going to let go of each other. When we get to the bus stop the BIGGEST BULLY in the school is here. "Sammy, I see you brought my prey." He says
The bully's name is Austin. He's really just a pathetic loser, to be honest. His parents are VERY rich, which makes him an even bigger snob than he already is. "Hey Austin." Sam says
Really kid, you're not going to stick up for me, your girlfriend? "Hey whore, get out of here." Austin tells me.
"Fuck you Austin. I am way better than you. At least I can actually buy my own clothes, and don't have to take money from my parents." I spit
Austin steps closer to me. Honestly I'm not scared, he's not really scary, it's just that his words put holes in you like daggers. "What'd you say little rat?" He growls
This is where Sam steps in. "Austin get the fuck away from her." Sam demands defending me
Austin is shcoked, like his eyes are about to pop out of his face shocked. "Do you like this little bum?" He asks
"Actually, like is a very weak word, I am completely, 100% in love with her." Sam says and I smile. "By the way she makes $3,576,213 per every month. So shut the fuck up, because she is definitely not a bum. But you, on the other hand, are in fact a bum" He snaps
By the way Austin is looking at me I'm guessing he didn't know that I made a lot of money I can't help but laugh. "Ugh I had no clue you had bank. Sorry Dallas." Austin says
What the actual fuck? "It's okay, I guess. Just do one thing for me." I say and he nods, "You are going to apologize to every single person in this school that you've ever fucking bullied." He nods his head. "This starts as soon as we get to school."
Then the bus pulls up at the bus stop. Sam, gets on the bus before me. He had an announcement to make. "Guys this is Dallas. She is awesome and everyone is to leave her alone for the rest of the school year, she's my girlfriend." He says
I love him. When he's done talking I get onto the bus and Sam grabs my hand and then leads me to the back. I've never sat in the back of the bus before. No one would ever let me look back there, let alone sit back here. Sam tells someone to scoot over so he coukd sit and then told me to sit on his lap. I do sit on his lap and think. I love his dyed dark red hair, which perfectly matches his cheeks. And his rosy red cheeks, sticking out of his lip; a lio ring. He's the one for me right now. I love you Sam, always and forever.

(A/N: Pow another chapter done. Sam and Dallas are now official. I am in desperate need of better wifi. I have terribke wifi whenever I update and it sucks booty. I am still not over the fact that CeCe is Charles. Like all this time she has been A. Like my best friend saw it coming. Woop woop way to go Juliet. Now that Dallas basically runs the school what do you think is going to happen? Give me your ideas and maybe I'll put some of them in the next chapter. I also need someone to be Dallas's best friend so if you want to be her, follow the instructions for the contest done below.
Contest Instructions
Make a cover for the story.
• Send me the cover
• The best cover wins and gets to be Dallas's best friend

You guys have about 2 weeks to submit your entry.... If you're watching the TCAS tonight then you're awesome. But anyways, bye. Stay romantic.

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