Chapter 23

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"Welcome to Shaniqua's hair salon. How may I help you?" A lady said looking at me.
"We have an appointment under the name of Sivan." Troye said
The lady nodded her head and told us to take a seat.

                                        2 Hours Later
"Oh my god! You look amazing !" Troye and Connor cry out once they see my hair and make-up
"Mrs. Franta please come with me, we have to get you in your dress and other things." The lady said to me, grabbing my arm, leading me towards the back of the salon.
I follow her towards a dressing room. My dress, shoes, jewelry, amd bow are back here. I get out of my clothes (leaving my bra and underwear on) and put on the dress that was hanging on the back of the door. The dress was not the one that I had originally picked out. This dress was a little black dress. It looked the other dress but had more layers of ruffle on it. It was also sequined. The shoes were a pair of boots (like the ones Ariana Grande (what a bitch) wears in Problem) and a pair of white gloves. I refused to put the gloves on so I put them to the side. After I threw the boots on I walked out to the Connor and Troye. "I don't like the boots." Connor said and Troye nodded his head in agreeance. Connor handed me a different shoebox. "Put these on." He instructs.
I put on the all black converse and stand up. "I like these ones better." Troye said.
I nodded my head saying I agreed and my clothes were brought to me. The only thing left to be put on me was my bow and a necklace. Connor grabbed a black and white bow and told me to sit down. I sat down as he placed the bow on top of my head. Awww. Next was Troye, he took my necklace a very big cross and put it on me. I had forgotten about my brand new tattoo and Connor saw it. He shot me glare that said we'll talk later. "They're all home Con." Troye said.
Connor gave the lady that helped me out, $200.00. Jesus Con. Troye and Connor grabbed all of my stuff and we walked back out to Troye's car. He drove us home and waiting for us was a red carpet. Troye parked in the back yard and I wondered why. Why was there a red carpet? Oh well. We walked in the house and Con and Troye brought my stuff up to my room, after I retrieved my phone. Then when they came back down into the kitchen they grabbed my hand and led me to the living room where all the boys stood on one knee holding out roses to me. The only one missing was Sam.

I walked forward and collected the roses. I thanked the boys as I grabbed the roses. I put the roses on a table as the boys grabbed something out of their pockets/wallets. Connor went to a drawer and grabbed what looked like a bracelet. Connor walked up to me first, placing the bracelet on my wrist and snapping it shut. "You're the best daughter ever." He whispered giving me a hug.
He stepped aside and Ricky walked up to me. He grabbed my arm and put a charm on my bracelet. "This Watermelon is my favorite charm. If you decide to leave us that you've gotta go your own way look at this and remember me. You're my little sister Dal." He said crying a little bit as he hugged me. What was that all about?
The next to walk up was Trevor. "Dallas." He said holding out a charm of a microphone. "You are like the best thing that has ever happened to me and without you, I never would've stopped being a sadistic asshole. Thank you for changing me. When you look at this charm, I know you'll be thinking of an asshole who just wanted to break you. But please remember that I love you. Even as a sister." He says, crying as he snaps the charm onto the bracelet.
Next is Jc. Oh God, this is gonna hurt like hell. "Dallas Cameron Franta. I love you lil sis." Good god. "This is a cloud, to remind you that as the days go by every cloud you see goes away, but family doesn't. I love you Dall." He said clamping the charm on my bracelet.
Why the hell do they all sound like they're saying goodbye.
I don't want them to say goodbye. The last one to walk up to me is Kian. This is really gonna hurt me. "Dallas." He said crying. "You were to little to remember this but we've known each other the longest. Since preschool. The orphanage shut down all of your contacts with the outside world, including me. I hated what they did to us. But hey, we're best friends again. This charm is to remind me no matter what every single Tuesday and friday for the past 8 years I have loved seeing your face and watching you evolve. So enjoy this guitar charm, for the guitar meaning the world to me and you meaning the galaxy to me." He says making the charm a part of the collection.
"Alright enough of all this sappy shit." Connor says as the boys all group hug me.
The doorbell rings. Troye takes my hand and leads me to the wall under our staircase. I stand there and wait.

He walked into the room looking sexy in a tux. His eyes met mine and they stayed there. What did I do to deserve him? He stands next to me. "Sam." I say, facing him
"Dallas." He says a bearly inaudible voice. "You look- wow. Just wow."
I literally took his breath away. "So do you Sam." I tel, him
Remember, breathe Dallas, breathe. Good lord he looked hot. "Alright guys, smile for your pictures." Connor says as he takes his photography camera out.
He takes a few pictures of us in the house and some as Sam leads me outside. He drags me along, well not drags more like has tk carry me because my heart is fulfilled with love. (Idek if I used fulfilled in the right way.)  The driver opens the door to the black limo and Sam and I get in. "We're going to be picking up two of my friends and their dates. Is that okay?" He asks. I nod my head and he takes my hand in his. "I love you."
"I love you too." I say back kissing him.
The limo stops like 25 minutes later and the door opens. The person that gets in the limo is Justin Bieber (I never said why Justin and Dallas didn't like eachother. Oops. I'll make a filler chapter next.) And his date, a girl I recognize from our school, but her name remains a mystery. "Sam!" Justin says doing a little handshake with him. He then looks at me and mumbkes something I couldn't understand.
"I'm Caliegh." The girl said.
That's who it was the great and unbearable Caliegh.
  Skip to when they're at prom announcing prom king and queen

"And your prom king is." *insert random drumroll please* "Sam Pottorff!" A bunch of senior girls yelled. Sam walked up to the stage.
"And your prom queen is." *insert another random drumroll* "Daisy McGoose!" What?! "Just kidding Daisy, nobody likes fake snobs. But anyways your prom queen is... Dallas Franta!" A bunch of senior boys yell.
"Man she's hot!" A guy yelled in the crowd.
I blushed as the boys put the crown on my head. "Thanks dude. Like, the sun's cold compared to me." I say making a fan with my hands. We all laugh. "Thanks for voting me your prom queen. This white potato is out." I say backing up, waiting for Sam to finish his speech.
When he's down he kisses me and we walk off of the stage hand in hand.

That took forever and damn day to write. Hope you're all happy with this chapter. I'm working on edits for my edit page on insta: amazingphantronnor. Umm yeah. Idky I made the guys so sad. Guess you gotta wait and find out. There is this new girl that goes to my school and everyone keeps telling me that she's fake and she'll take away all my friends and I'm like have you met me. I'll beat the bitch's ass before she even gets a chance. But anyways in science I was like. "I hate fake potatoes!" Because she has all classes with me and my scuence teacher looked at me and everyone else in the classroom started laughing their asses off because they knew exactly who I was talking about. Its funny how friendships can be built off of hate. Lml this is gonna be a fun year. Let's so how long it takes me to get suspended from school..

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