Chapter 27

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                                      Dallas's P.O.V

"I was starting to think you guys weren't gonna show." I said.
Connor started crying and so did Sam. "Dallas." Kian said as tears fluently fell from his face.
I hugged Connor. "Hi dad." I whispered. "I missed you." I kissed his cheek.
"Dallas." He whispered, in a tone of voice that was barely audible. After I hugged Connor I walked over to the rest of the gang and hugged them all, saving Sam for last. "Hey." He shyly said engulfing me in the tightest hug ever. "I fucking missed you Dallas, you are never leaving me again. You hear me. Never."
"I hear you Sam, I always have." I cried out.
He wiped the tears off of my face, his forehead rested on mine. "I never gave up on you Dallas. Never. You were and still are the only one for me." He said as our fingers intertwined.
"Just kiss already. Fucking hell." Ricky exclaimed.
Sam and I both looked at him and chuckled. But then our attentions turned back to each other. We both started moving forward and finally, after what felt like centuries, our lips met. The energy between us regenerated and sparks started flying. The intensity of this moment was something that should never be ignored. Multiple aww's could be heard from around us. It felt like this moment would never end but of course, everything that starts always come to an end. So he pulled away from me, stopping the sparks from putting any other villages into flames. The energy around us just died away, just like that. "Dallas." He whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too." I said back.
"So why did you bring us here Dallas?" Jc asks.
I didn't want to tell them what I had to say in the middle of a boardwalk with a crowd starting to form. I pulled on my black and white crop top that was cut at the bottom so strings hung from it. I felt really insecure all of a sudden and pulled my black skinny jeans up. "Follow me." I say. A hint of excitement in my voice. "You guys are about to attend the adventure of a lifetime."
I led them through the boardwalk and to my van. I told them to get in and I got in the driver's seat. Kian got shotgun and the rest of the guys were in the back feeling very uncomfortable. They buckled up and that's when I started the van and began driving to our first destination. Once we get there voices fill the car. "Dallas, why are we going shopping?" Connor asks.
"Because, tonight is all about payback, karma is a bitch." I say and then handed them each a list of things they had to get. I gave them each a hundred dollars and then said we'd all meet back at the van.
We all hopped out and ran inside Walmart.
                       Back at the van..
"Did you guys get the thing on your list?" I asked
They nod their heads and I began driving to out first detination. "Dallas, its like 8, can this wait until tomorrow?" Jc asks. Playing with a piece of his hair.
"Payback never wait for anyone." I say. "Now pull your balls out of your vagina and shut the hell up."
Multiple, "ooh damns", could be heard. We pulled up to the house and parked the car. I told Connor to give me the spraypaint and the plastic wrap. "Who's house is this?" Sam asked
"Shane's." I simply state. "Last year he bubble wrapped my entire car and house."
I get out of the van and go over to Shane's car, the boys followed. I first spray painted the vehicle and then waited 20 minutes. After I waited we all wrapped it in 10 boxes of plastic wrap, the big boxes. But, we weren't expecting the alarm to go off. "Dallas, you dumbass. Did you not expect me to be prepared for when you came back. You plastic wrapped my car. You little bitch." He saud running towards me.
The boys and I all hopped into my van, which wouldn't start. Right as Shane reached my door it started. I backed out of the druveway and drove away. "Dallas, why did you only keep in touch with Shane? Why not the rest of us?" Troye asked.
"Because, you guys gave me away. You didn't think of something to do to keep me." I say. "Shane actually gave away his left nut so we could stay in touch. No one except you guys ruined what was once a thing. You know what this adventure is over." I say. "Do you guys still live in the same house?" I ask.
Head nods are given as I drive to the old house. I pull over in front of the driveway and let them get out. "It was good seeing you Dallas." Ricky says as him and Trevor and Jc all walk into the house.
Sam looks at me in disbelief and says nothing as he walks inside. Connor and Troye tell me they love me and then go inside. The last one outside is Kian. "Kian, why am I such a horrid person? How come no matter what I do I always end up ruining something?" I ask.
"I don't know Dall. I don't know." He tells me. "Can I ask you something?" I nod my head. "Do you remember me from when we were little?" I hesitate before nodding my head. "Do you remember when I told you that I loved you and that we should get married and have little Lawley babies?" I slowly nod my head remembering the days of being 13 years old. "I meant and still do."

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