The Bully

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Your POV
It was Monday again.... BOO! Back to school. Blah! At lest I get to see Thomas. *pat pat*huh? "Hey loser! What were you doing during the weekend? Let me guess smooching with my ex!" Bella yelled out like if she was gonna cheer for a football game. "I....I....-" "speechless huh?" Bella kept yelling and yelling at me as if I was escaping from prison or something. "Please stop yelling. I.....I...I DI-." "Up! Save it!" She interrupted me again. "What's going on here?" *gasp* it was Thomas. I blush and trying to hide my face with my hood. "(Y/N) is that you?" Thomas asked all  serious as if I was in trouble. "Y...-yeah it's me." I'm all embaresed and ashamed. "So Thomas waht were you doing last weekend?" Bella said all suspicious. "Where you hanging out and smooching with the little baby?" "She's not a baby so stop being such a rude and mean person!" Oh no. This is not gonna end well. "And yes I was hanging with (Y/N). So what? Is that a problem?" He said while yelling. "And did you kiss her? On the lips?" Bella said all rude and sassy? "Y.....y-yes." He said all emmbasred. I blush. Bella and her gang start laughing. Thomas looked at me and went off to class with out me. I was scared if Thomas was mad at me. I'm hoping his not. *sigh* I better talk to him. I frown at Bella and her little minions. After class I see Thomas at his locker so I pat his shoulder. "Hey. You were all quite in class. You okay?" I asked trying to make things simple. "Um well no!" He said all angry. Oh oh. "Why didn't you protect your self and talk back to them?" He said all mad and disappointed. "Look Thomas. Please don't be mad at me. I didn't mean.... I was just trying....*sigh*." "Yeah that's what I thought. I'll see ya later." He walks away with out a smile nor a good bye. I think he's really mad at me. *sigh*

Thomas POV
*sigh* I can't believe she wasn't defending herself. I gotta do something. Hmmmmm wait does (Y/N) think I'm mad at her? *sigh* great,.... Just great. First I was mad at Bella and I didn't realized I was yelling at (Y/N) and I promised her I wouldn't hurt her nor hurt her feelings. Uhhhhhh! What ta' do! I gotta say sorry to (Y/N) she must think I'm a real jerk, just like all boys. I need to prove to her I'm different.  But how? First gotta talk to Bella.
"BELLA!" I yell. "What? Came back to date me baby?" "Um ew no. I wanna know why are you always picking on my kitty?" She hurts our laughing. "Kitty?" "Y-...yeah. She's my little kitty and I love her." Bella starts making faces. "Hahahha that's like the stupidest thing I ever herd." "Not if you love someone with all your heart. So start picking on my kitty or else! I will report you." I said with all my guts. "Fine. But I don't promise anything." She roles her eyes like its a law or something. Now my second thing to do is to talk to my kitty. I hope she can forgive me. *sigh* I don't know what I could do with out her. My little kitty. I love her so much and I will never forget about her. She's my love and my girl little kitty. I just hope she loves me still.

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