Flowers Bloom, Happines spreads

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Your POV

"So shinying prince, what ya wanna do today since it's sunday and we have school tommorow." "hmmmm, wanna go to the park my lovley princassas?"  I srug. "Yeah sure." "But were your not gonna walk my humble princeass." "Ok....wait! Wah?!" He picks me up like im really that important. "Ready to go?" He laughs. "Hmmmmm, nope!" I mess with him. "aw c'mon! Pretty please!" He makes a puppy face.  "Fine." I laugh. He was still carrying me and I can walk! "Thomy! I can walk! Im 15 years old!" "But what if you get hurt and I dont want my baby to get any boo boo's." He laughs.  "Fine! But last time your carrying me to the park! So use it wisley!" I tease. "Aw ok." He kisses me on the cheek and countiues kissing me on the cheek. It lasted like, forever! I blush. I kiss him back on the cheek. "My royal prince lets go to the park!.....please." "Aw ok! But I was about to kiss my princsass on the lips!" He teases. "Ugh fine! One kiss and then were out of here!" I blush. He leans in really quick that I wasn't even ready. He drops me down carefully while still kissing me. I blush. He must really care about him. I know I do. He's my little Thomy and I love him so much! He's the best thing that ever happend to me and I never want to lose him. "Was that enough to make my kitty turn red as roses?" He laughs. "Everytime I kiss you or hug you, or even pick my kitty up you start to blush." He laughs. "Hey!" I punch him on the arm but not to hard. "Ok, ok I got the message." He laughs. Then he puts both hands on my cheeks and kisses me agian. My eyes go wide. I turn red as a tomato! "Kitty, I love you." He countiuse to kiss me. I lean back. "Park!" I raise my voice and start to laugh. "All right but were not done." He laughs and picks me up again. "Im glad your feeling better." He smiles. "Thanks" I say in a shy voice. "Why are you always so shy?" He smirks. "Are you ok? Am I making you nervous?" I laugh a little. "No! Of corse not. It just." "What?" He raises one eye browl. "I never had a boyfriend nor someone that really loves me, ecept. *Sigh* you know." I look at the ground while Thomas is walking us to the park. "Really? Im sorry that I was making feel this way but Im never gonna stop loving you." He kisses me on the forhead and countiues to walk. Akward slince. "Here we are!" He smiles. "Soooo what ya wanna do first? There's swings, a slide, the tree we like to sit under?" He looks at me waiting for an answer. "Ummmm." I say in a shy voice.  Light buld! "How b'out we do something you wanna do?" I blush. "Hmmmm, ok?" He smiles. He dicided to sit under the tree and listen to some tunes and ask questions about each other. "What's your favorite color (Y/N)?" "Pink! Whats your favorite color?" "Red." "What's your favorite thing to do when Im not hear?" "Draw or listen to music. How about you?" "Wacth movies or think about you." He says while cuddling with me. I blush. "Really?" "Yeah!  I love you!" He kisses me on the forhead. *sigh* I always knew someone would come along. Thank you God! I lay my head on Thomas and he lays his head on me and kisses me on the forhead. "Love you!" He says. "Love you back but way more." I kissed him on the cheek. Everything is perfect! Im just hoping tomorrow at school things don't get worse about me and Bella.

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