Sweet Moments,new Memories

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Your POV

Ah! I slept well but where? I open my eyes and I see Thomas still sleeping. *Gasp!* We fell asleep at the park! Oh no this isn't happing! Well.............its not that bad, so Ill alow it just this once.  But did Thomas slept well? I see the picnic basket still on the ground and I open it and I see we still have food left. Hmmnmm. "Thomas, Thomasss....." I say. He moans. "wake up my little Thomy. "ugh ok, I'm up!" He says while laughing. Than his eyes go wide. "You set up the picinic?" He says while smilling. "Y-yeah." I say while blusing. He smiles and gives me a kiss on the check making me feel warm and fuzzy. After we eat we clean up and sit under the tree again and enjoying life. We cuddle and he gives me the eye browl thing and makes me giggle. I feel warm,fuzzy,and pink as roses. He gives me a kiss on the forhead making me feel special. "Ok, ok what you want from me?" I giggle some more. "I want my little kitty to give me a kiss.....but on the lips." He jokes around, making a puppy face. "Fine."I role my eyes while making a smile. I blush and lean in. I try to lean out but he keeps leaning in. "Hey! This kiss ain't over yet!" He laughs. I laugh. "I want a looooong warm kiss from my little kitty!" he says while making a puppy face. I laugh. "ok, ok, fine!" I laugh more. I lean in. I try to lean out again but he just keeps comming! I fall on the ground and he keeps kissing me and than stops. He stares at me and smiles. "What? What are you looking at?" I giggle. He smiles. "I'm looking at you, how happy you are." "aw, how sweet. But I'm not hear to just make out. Im here to listen to you." I blush and smile. He smiles back. "ok........than be ready for this!" He laughs. He puts his arms under my legs, carrying me like a little baby. Taking me to the swings. Making me laugh and blush. "There's my laughy girl." He laughs and gently puts me on a swing and starts pushing me. "Thomas I can push my self, Im not a little baby." I make silly voice. "aw but if I dont that who's gonna make sure you don't get any boo boo's." He jokes around.  He starts pushing me and makes a baby face, making me laugh. "ok, ok. Are you done? Because I wanna get off." I say while making a puppy face. "Aw ok fine. Play time over for my little kitty." He laughs. He picks me up like a baby again and starts walking. But he passed the tree we always sit under. "Thomy the tree is that way." "Nope! Because i'm taking us to the icecream shop. My treat!" "Aw how sweet. I'll go only if you drop me." "fine!" I gently puts me down and we start walking. But before that I go get the basket. Than I give my little Thomy and kiss on the check. He grabs my arm and then gives me a kiss...but not on the check. I blush. And start laughing. "My little kitty." "My little thomy." "C'mon lets go." He says all calm. After we ate icecream he takes me home. "You know, you dont have to leave yet." "If thats so?" He lefts one eye brow. "lets wacth a movie."  "ok, what ever makes you happy my love." He kisses me on the check and than opens the house door. "all right, what tpye of movie you wanna watch?" I ask. "hmmmmm, how a'bout a action movie?" He says with a puppy face. I laugh. "ok my little Thomy." We sit down and while we wacth the movie he started to stare at me again. He leans in and gives me a warm kiss on the lips. "I love you." He countiues to kiss me. I blush. "I love you too." While we were not wacthing the movie and insted he was killing me with kisses, he makes us fall of the couch. I start laughing and he doesn't care and contuies to kiss me. I laugh. "Thomas! Its movie time not kissy time!" I laugh even more. "Aw! But I wanna kiss you until I fill you with kisses!" he laughs. He gets up and puts out his hand to help me get up. We wacth the movie until 11:30 PM. I yawn. I lay my head on Thomas and he doesn't care. He smiles and I smile back.

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