Please, Please

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Your POV
After school I lock the door so Thomas won't get in. I trow my backpack on the floor with angry and tears. I fall to the ground and start crying. I sob and sob. I can't take the pain anymore, I just can't! *sigh* Why can't the pain leave me? I countine to cry some more. I look up and I see the family photo. I cry more. I decided to take a nice warm shower to get me all cleaned up and freshen up. after I got out of the shower i go on my lap top and see I have many emails. One is from Thomas. Should I read it? I dont wanna cause problems for him. *Sigh* fine! I'll read it. I open it up and it has a puppy face picture one it. aw so cute! But not working on me. I began to read the email.

My Kitty, (Y/N)

Please forgive if i ever made you feel bad. Its just I didnt want you to be buillied. I care about you! I would never wanna hurt you. Honest! Please talk to me! I can't live without my kitty! :( I...........I...I love you! Please talk to me at school on Monday! I know today is friday soooo how about we meet at the park and talk it out. Plus..........I have a surprise for you! One of them is a big kiss. I hope I see you. See ya at 5:00! Love you!


Awww he really loves me! *Gasp!* its 4:30! I better get ready! ASAP! Try not to look all fancy, its just a day at the park. Done! I walk to the park and I see it was are ready getting dark.  Dang it! What if Thomas doesn't show up? I see little candles showing me a path. I follow them and as I walk I see roses on the ground the shape of a heart. Aw! So sweet of him. Then I see my little Thomas! He blushes. "You showed up!" He smiles and runs towards me and picks me up and swins me. Weee! hahha. Than he stops and stares at me. Than he leans in, and I lean in. We kissed again. "I love you, and don't ever foregt that." He wispers. We sit down under our favorite spot, under the tree. We cuddel, and blush as red roses. "I'm so SO sorry I ever mad you feel blue!" Thomas said with despret face. "Look Thomas, I forgive you but..........."  "But?" "I'm not a baby! I can take care of myself! And I don't need a hero..........I need a friend." I said all shy. He kisses me on the forhead and than specks. "Your my kitty and I want to take care of you! I don't want you being hurt, especily builled by Bella and her minons. You understand?" he kisses me more on the forhead then on my check. "*sigh* ok fine. But im not sad about just that." I began to tear up. He looks at me and whips the tears off me. "I know...........its your Pare-" He stops and looks at me. He hugs me tight. I began to cry some more. He hugs me and whispers......."Don't worry. I'm here for you." He kisses me on the lips and i kiss him back. *Sigh* I can't stop him. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I kiss him on the check. We cuddel some more and have a moonlight picinc. "Thanks Thomas."

My Life Ain't Perfect(Thomas Brodie Stangster)Where stories live. Discover now