Red roesesred anger

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Thomas POV

*sigh* I can't belvie Bella would do this to (Y/N)! I have to talk to her! Now! I rush out of the cafertria and go to her locker and see if she was there. I had luck! I found her talking to her friends and laughing problay about (Y/N). But thats gonna stop now! "Hey Bella, news flash! (Y/N) explained me all you dirty rats did to her!" I put on a frown and tried to calm my anger. "Hey Baby! Look I promise you that we didnt do it! Honest!" "No your lieing!" "Baby! I didn't do it! why don't you just calm-" "NO! YOUR LIENG! I NEVER TRUSTED YOU! AND NEVER WILL!" I intuerputed her and tried to be calm bu the stress kept comming. "FINE! I did it! But-" "NO BUTS! I SICK OF YOU AND YOUR DIRTY FRIENDS KEEP PICKING AT (Y/N)! YOU BETTER STOP NOW BEFORE YOU GET INTO REAL TRUBLE!" I yell back at her and trying to stop because Im a gentalman and I don't like hurting girls. "*sigh* ok, but first why don't you give your ex a little kiss! It'a been so long!" she puts  an evil grin like I'll ever fall for that. Bella's friends left at once. "I don't like you like that! Plus I like someone else." "*Eye roll* Ew! That shy little nerd!" "Shes not what you think!" "Ugh whatever!" She pulls my shirt and gives me a kiss and won't let me go! My eyes go wide because I can't move and I tried to lean out of this but she had a tight grip! Than she lets go. *sigh* Thankgoodness that........-. Than I herd a sob and I turned around and it was (Y/N)! She ran away crying, all because of Bella kissing me! "(Y/N)!" "Leave her!" I ran to go find her but I couldn't find her! I yanked my hair in stress. *sigh* Just Great! I hate Bella! I wish she would just leave me alone! I dumped her a year ago! *Ring Ring* It was the last class of the day! I went in and I didn't see (Y/N) Oh wait! Shes at a club with her friends. Dang it!

30 minutes later

*ring ring*

Yes! It was time to go! Which means I can go fine (Y/N) at her locker. I saw her! "(Y/N)!" she saw me but walked away. I ran to her. "Please (Y/N)! I didn't kiss her! She kissed me!" "Save it Thomas!" "Please I-" "You know what Thomas? It really sucks falling for a guy you know your not right for. *sigh* Good bye Thomas." she walked away with tears and disapointment before I talked. OH! I ride her bus! I'll just sit with her like always! As soon as I got on the bus she wasn't there. She must have walked. Dang it! The bus moves before I could get off. Later I got off the bus and decided to walk to (Y/N) house and knocked 3 times..... no answer. Great Thomas way to go! Your only love got mad at you for being so stupid! I might lose her and probllay forever! I speck to myself.   "Please....(Y/N)....please open the door, I know your there! Please! I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! *sigh*!please! I don't wanna lose you! I love you!" Tears began to fall. *sigh* what am I gonna do? I decided to leave her house. No! I ran back to her house. My voice all calm. "Please (Y/N)....please open the for! Let me explain! I wanna explain to you and be with you!" I bang on the door and than I hear footsteps. She opens the door. "*sigh* ok fine explain." She goes in and I follower her. I sit on the couch and I see her walking but than she passes me and sits on the chair. She looks down at the floor. I can tell she's mad at me. "(Y/N) come here." I pat the couch. "No thank you." She looks at the floor. "Ok fine than I'll just have to get you!" I played. I picked her up and putted her on my lap while I sit on the couch. "Ok, now please believe me that I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! Trust me! I never ment for her to do that! I only love one girl! And that's you!" "Thomas, I don't think I can trust you again, I can't even see if your liek g or not." She gets off and tears fall down her cheek. My eyes began to water because I can't believe  she doesn't know if she can trust me again! I get off the couch with tears and I go close to her. I sit on the floor near her. I sit on one knee, I grabbed both her hands and kiss them like a million times. She turned red as roses. "Please.....please BELIVE me...." I begged her. She sits down on the floor with me. "Thomas I know you didn't kiss her but when I saw you trying to get out. I thought you were gonna forget about me and replace me. just like all the guys I ever met!" She yells at that last part and starts to sob. She stares at he floor and tears kept comming. I rise her head. "(Y/N) I would never hurt you like that. I love you! And no other girl. I would never replace you." I put my hand on her warm roses cheek and lean in an give warm kiss. She puts her hand on my hand and we kiss. After she leans out she hugs me and tears come out. I almost lost her but I didn't. I hug her back. She smiles, I smile back. "My Thomy, my little Thomy." She smiles and continues to hug me. "My kitty...."

My Life Ain't Perfect(Thomas Brodie Stangster)Where stories live. Discover now