Dark Times

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Thomas's POV

3:40 AM. I wake up and I see my little kitty sound asleep on my shoulder. I carefully take my jacket off and place it on (Y/N). I hope (Y/N) feels much better and doesn't start to be blue again. Because yesterday was sure to make her filled with joy and thats all it matters. Because I wanna make her feel happy and filled with love. *sigh* I just hope (Y/N) doesn't remmber bad times about her parents. *sigh* I pray that my kitty is sound a safe. And that she's happy and she not bullied anymore. Hoping tomrrow at school Bella and her "minons" airn't messing with my girl! I better try to make breckfest this time. I carefully get up and place (Y/N) on the couch. I quitly walk to the kichen but oh oh! I droped the pan on the floor by mistake causing loud noises. I get out the ingriedents to make some walfuls and start baking, or cooking, whatever its called.


Whew! finshised! and my little kitty sound asleep. I smile and try to clean the dirty mess I caused. I grabbed a butket and a mop and mop the dirty floor I caused. Whew! The kicthen clean and sparkely. (Y/N) still sound asleep and just in time! The walfes are warm and ready.


"wake up my love!" She opens one of her beutiful eyes. She smiles. "*snif snif* did you make walfuls?" She smiles. "yes, for us my love." I kiss her check. But its warm. Her check warm and red. "Are you ok? Your pretty warm." I say with a worry face. "Duh! Of corse i'm ok!" She gets up but looks sick. "(Y/N) You sure? You look like your sick." I say while touching her forhead. "Of corse I am!" She smiles but I know she's not ok. She gets up but while she was going to the kicthen she fants and falls on the ground. "(Y/N)!" My eyes go wide. "My love! Please wake up! Please be ok!" I say all woried.  I pick her up carefully and put her on the couch. I grab a blanket from the couch and place it on her. *sigh* I touch her forhead, still warm. But what on earth made her this sick. Was it me? Please don't be me, please don't be me! Please be ok! I want you to be ok. I need you! Tears fall down. I sob but stop because I don't want her to wake up and see me like this. "ugh! What happend?" "(Y/N)! Your okay!" "Yeah but what happend?" "You fainted because you had a high fever. But it doesn't matter anymore because your okay." I kiss her forhead. Shes still warm.  *sigh* "Im gonna find if you have any medince and mean while enjoy some warm walfuls." "Ok and you know you don't have to do this, right?" "Yes I do. I want you to be better." I said all serious.  She smiles but than frowns. I know she's not okay.  I go and find medicen. Nothing. I better go walk to my house and bring her some. Because I'll do anything for my kitty.


"Why you *cough* *cough* to so long?" Shes worse now. "I had to the store and buy stuff for you so your feeling better." I put on a fake smile. *sigh* I just hope she feels better.   After she dranked the medince she went to sleep on the couch. And I was not gonna let her rest on a couch. So I carefully picked her up like a little baby, and put her to sleep in her room. I decided to clean the kichten again so when she feeling beter she doesn't have to clean.

3hours later

Your POV

*Yawn* huh? Im in my room? I change into different colthes that are much comterable and clean. I crept drown staries to see if Thomas was still here. I saw my little Thomy sleeping on the couch with a mop in his hand. Aw! He was cleaing for me! I give him a kiss on the cheek and see what he done. Wow! All clean! My little Thomy did this all for me? How sweet of him. Then someone putted their cold wet hands on my eyes. "Guess who it is?" "My Thomy." I giggle. "Nope! Guess again." He playfully says. "Hmmmmm" I play along. "I don't know?" I say playing along wih him.  "It's I want a kiss from you!" He plays along too. "Oh. So you want a kiss form me?" I say in a werid voice.   he kisses my cheek and wispers...."Yes my love."  giggle. I lets me go and I stare at his beutiful brown shiny eyes. He smiles. I smile back. It start to giggle. He hugs me. "whats so funny?" He smiles. "Nothing." "Aw c'mon tell me!" he plays around. "It's just.....never mind." "Aw pretty please!" He makes a puppy face. I laugh. "Ok ok fine." "Its just you didn't have to clean for me. and I-." He puts his finger on my lips. "Shhhhh. I wanted to ok?" He smiles. I smile back. This time I lean in. "that's my kitty." He smiles. I giggle. "Are you feeling better?" I checks my forhead. "Thomas, I'm fine." "Hmmmm" He raises on eye browl. "Ok, but I'm gonna keep checking on you because I want my kitty to be safe and sound." He kisses my forhead. I smile.

My Life Ain't Perfect(Thomas Brodie Stangster)Where stories live. Discover now