8. The beach

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Chapter 8 - The beach

After this very awkward situation Thomas decided that it was time for him to leave. Alfie and Thomas hadn't said a word to each other. They hadn't even looked at each other. It made me really sad that this moment had already decided that I could never hang out with the both of them.

Also, something really bad had happened. I had this morning completely forgotten about Nala, my little black pug. She had for some reason escaped to the garden and she had stayed there for the whole morning without any food or water. A lot of people wouldn't find this very bad but I did. This was nothing like me. Not that I didn't have reason to be acting weird.

The stone with the note and the note that was stuck on my car were still in my purse. I would get rid of them today before anyone found them.

I was deep into thought when Alfie came plopping down next to me on the sofa. It made me jump a little. Jim had now gone home again. Alfie had told him to leave so we could have some alone time.

"What's going on?" Alfie asked demanding.

"Nothing," I snapped without looking him in the eyes.

"Lies," Alfie sighed. "You know you can tell me anything at any time of the day no matter where we are." I am everywhere, bitch. "I have the feeling that you're locking me out." Beware. "And for no reason, really. I've been there too." Next time I'll throw harder and hit the target. "I know what it's like, Zoe. You're not alone." I'm more the type to get revenge. "Are you even listening to me?" And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"I need to go outside," I said, not reacting to anything Alfie had just said. To be honest, I haven't paid much attention to it either. The words of that person who wants me dead kept haunting me in my head. Going outside might be the only thing to calm me down.

"What?" Alfie shouted in disbelief.

I ignored him once again and started to grab my things, including the bag with the stone and note. Alfie followed my every move, rambling that I couldn't do this to him but I really had to think about myself now. I had to do things to make me happy and not to please others.

"I've had enough of this," I could hear him mutter when I shut the door right after me. I breathed in the cold air and coughed as it stung my throat a little. I started walking towards the beach. I was going to throw them in the sea. Nobody would ever be able to read what it says once it's been in the water for a while.

The stones crisped underneath my feet. They were a bit slippery so I walked very carefully so I wouldn't fall. When I was almost at the water I sat myself down to think. The sound of the waves hitting the pebbles calmed me down every time. It was getting colder though, as it was now November. I licked my lips so they'd warm up a little. They tasted salty.

What was going on in my life right now? Why was it that I couldn't be happy when Alfie was around me? Why didn't the same thing happen with Jim or Thomas? Thomas... I didn't understand what had happened earlier. Did I have feelings for him? Or was it only a crush?

Two old people were walking past the sea line with their two dogs. They were walking hand in hand and smiling to each other while they spoke. Seeing a scene like this usually made me feel really happy but right now, it made me feel sad. Would I ever walk next to someone like that when I grew old? Or was I doomed to be a cat lady?

Yes, I was in a relationship with Alfie, but what kind of relationship is it if none of us are happy? Maybe we were just having a tough time, and things would get better soon. But what if this lasted forever? Would I even be able to put it to an end? Could I live by myself?

My thoughts were disturbed by one of the dogs who had managed to break loose and run into the sea. I smiled as I saw the couple also releasing the other dog so they could play in the water together.

I sighed happily watching the scene. Dogs have such easy lives, I thought. There's no such thing as 'complicated' in a dog's life. It's just filled with love, food and sleep. The couple and the dogs were slowly getting out of my sight. Now was the right time to throw away the stuff I had in my bag.

I succeeded at standing up without slipping away and walked to the water. I took out the rock and attached both notes to it with an elastic band. I took a deep breath and threw it as far as I could. It landed in the water with a splash and sunk to the bottom. However, this didn't feel as satisfying as I thought it would be.

I shivered as the cold wind started to blow harder. I zipped my jacket up and covered my hands with the sleeves. This whole time I had the feeling that someone was watching me. I turned around just in time to see a figure leaving the beach. Only seconds later they were out of sight.

Someone had been watching me... I gulped and decided to go back home. Hopefully Alfie wouldn't be too mad at me. There were literally no people on the streets or on the beach. This was a comfortable thought, that I didn't have to face anyone.

I should've known that in my case it actuallymeant danger. Somebody must've crept behind me without me noticing because all of a sudden somebody grabbed my arms and placed them behind my back. I started wrestling to break free at once but the person held a wet tissue against my nose with a very strong smell. My vision started to get blurry and soon I stopped fighting the person. Instead I collapsed to the ground.

A/N Thank you so much for the reads,votes and comments. I appreciate each and every one of you reading this! What do you think of Zoe's behaviour? & does any of you have an idea who the mysterious person could be? Thank you for reading xx

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