35. Rebellion

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Chapter 35 - Rebellion

After I had let William do what he did to me, I had a little mental breakdown. I had completely given up. I was going to die in here, but at least Thomas wouldn't end up in jail for it. They would match the skin underneath my nails with William's DNA.

I was now lying down on the mattress with my eyes closed. William hadn't shown up in a very long time. I was feeling dehydrated and so, so hungry. My body was done fighting and about to break. But suddenly images started to pop up in my mind.

They were memories. Memories of the day I first met Louise. How we were laughing so much and having the time of our lives. Meeting Alfie and falling in love with him. The day he confessed his love to me and we had our first kiss. I also remembered moving in together and buying Nala. Thomas, who had always been there for me and Tanya and Jim who supported me all the time. Joe, who probably cared more about me than anyone else.

And that's when I decided: I can't give up. I couldn't let the people down who cared for me. I couldn't just die and leave them behind. No, I had to fight with all that was left in me so I could see them again and make more memories.

With all the strength that was left in my body I got to my feet and walked towards the steep stairs. I hid in the shadow of the stairs and started waiting. Waiting for William to come in and for my time to run.

Not much later I heard footsteps above my head. William was going to come downstairs. My heart started racing and I could feel the adrenaline flowing through my body already. The trapdoor opened, and from my hiding place I could see his legs come down from the stairs. I hesitated a while, thinking how very wrong this could go, but it was the only shot I'd get.

When his last foot left the stairs I came out of my hiding spot and kicked him in the inside of his right knee. He screamed out and collapsed on the floor and that's when I ran. I ran up the stairs, hearing a cursing William getting to his feet again. When I reached the top of the stairs I slammed the trapdoor shut, but before I could put anything on top of it, the trapdoor started moving already. So I just ran outside, slamming the door behind me.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw a few big piles of dirt spread around the fields. I guessed the farmers had placed them here. I quickly sprinted towards one of them and hid behind it. Out of breath I tried to stay as silent as I could. I did it. I was out of there, in the cold winter air. Damn, it really was cold, I realised. I shivered with as little noise as possible.

"So you want to play hide and seek now?" I heard William shout all of a sudden and I jumped. I bit my lip and kept my eyes shut tightly. He was going to find me eventually if I didn't move around. I peaked my head around the corner carefully. I saw him standing at the door of the shed, looking around, so I hid myself again behind the same pile. He was just waiting for me to move.

"If you come out now, I will be generous," he shouted again. I held my breath, thinking he would hear me. No, I'm not going to come out. I had to take this chance.

"But if you stay there and I find you," he continued. "You're going to wish you were never born."

I bit my lip nervously. What was my plan exactly? I was out of the shed, but I was far from home. Well, I didn't even know where I was in the first place.

Suddenly I heard William shout loudly. "Got you!" But he wasn't standing near the pile I was behind, but it did made me jump. I could just hold in a scream. I had a look behind the pile again, but quickly hid again. He was standing almost next to me. So I crept towards the next pile.

I was just in time. I could hear him yell again, but I was gone and I didn't think he'd seen me. I was feeling a little braver now, and looked around the pile again. Big mistake. He made eye contact with me as my eyes widened. I shot up and ran for my life, but of course he was faster than me. Soon I felt a hand pulling my hair and I screamed out. I was pulled backwards and bumped my back against his chest.

"Found you," he laughed evilly and spun me around roughly. I tried to look as angry as possible, but I couldn't hide my fear for him. "Let's go back, shall we?"

"No!" I shouted out loud, hoping that someone was near. I spit him in the face and crashed one of my feet on his. He screamed out, but didn't let go of me. I even got the chance to scratch him in the face again but it was still not enough for him to let go. I started moving and kicking everywhere I could, desperately to escape.

"Bitch, stop moving," he hissed and slapped me hard across the face. I gasped as the pain sunk in. "Now, stop acting ridiculous and come with me."

But instead of listening to him I screamed out again: "Help!!" In reflex William slapped his hand around my mouth so I couldn't scream anymore. He started dragging me back to the shed and although I was making it hard on him, by biting his hand constantly, I was still no match for him.

Soon we had reached the shed and he threw me inside. I got to me feet quickly to try and escape again, but he was blocking the door.

"You better get in there again, before I get really angry," he said through gritted teeth, rubbing the hand that I had bitten several times. Seeing there was really no way to escape anymore, I decided to listen to him and I entered the basement that I hated so much.

William entered a few moments after me. He was holding a bottle in his hands, but I couldn't see what was inside. It probably wasn't water I could tell by the evil grin on his face.

"I've had enough of you," he said, pressing his lips together.

"So you're going to kill me now?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

He nodded, smiling, before opening the bottle. He threw some of the stuff on the floor and I had to cover my nose because of the stinging smell. And then I realised: he was going to set the bloody place on fire.

"I had a lot of fun with you," he told me. He was walking closer to me, a knife in his hands. I backed away, hitting my back against the wall.

He was just going to stab me when the trapdoor of the basement opened and Thomas rushed down the stairs, which made William stop and stare at him.

"You're a little early, but that's okay," William smiled. "We can just-" He was shut up as another person ran down the stairs. Alfie came down, and stood next to Thomas. For the first time I could see panic in William's eyes.

A/N: As it's Christmas Eve I thought I'd give you a little present and update today AND tomorrow :) Enjoy your evening with family or friends! ❤

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