2. Hospital

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Chapter 2 - Hospital

My heart was pounding wildly in my chest. Who did this come from? I looked around the street but there was nobody in sight. Could this be from a fan I wondered? Maybe they were angry because I stopped my YouTube channel. Yes, that's correct. Zoe Sugg has deleted her YouTube channel. After everything I've been through I just wasn't the same anymore. I didn't have fun making them anymore so I decided to quit. I am still running my blog, but I had to make sure people couldn't leave comments because they were so mean.

That must be it, I thought. One of my former fans must have found out where I live and wrote this stupid letter. I crumbled it in my hand and threw it in my purse. I got in the car and headed over to the hospital.

I entered the building and made my way to the room where Thomas stayed. I opened the door without knocking and found myself in an empty room. What. Panicking I ran out the room and bumped into doctor Evans. The man who caused all this chaos.

"Where is he?" I yelled at him.

"Miss Sugg, it's the middle of the night! You can't visit patients right now!" he exclaimed.

"Where is he?" I repeated furious. If they had tried some weird new experiment on him that Thomas had 'agreed on' I would rip of Evans' ugly glasses and throw them out of the window.

"He died. In the simulation," he added when he saw my shocked face. "He just left to go home."

Without listening to him for another second I started running out of the hospital, knocking some nurses down by accident on the way. I ran in the cold air and saw someone walking to the car parks. There couldn't be that many guys who were leaving the hospital at night so I took the shot and ran towards him.

"Thomas!" I screamed. He turned around at once. I stopped running as I saw the familiar face of him staring at mine. His dark hair was curling a little and his deep blue eyes were shining.

"Zoe..." he said while walking over to me. He immediately took me into a tight hug. "I thought you died," he whispered.

"I know," I whispered back. We stood in the middle of the car parking spots but I couldn't care less. I was so happy for him that this was finally over for him. I buried my head in his chest so I could smell his scent. He smelt very... manly, but not a bad manly. Heavenly manly.

He then took a few steps back and looked at me up and down. "Aren't you very cold in that skirt?"

"It's a dress, actually," I whispered smiling.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night, anyway?" he now asked me raising his eyebrows.

"I-" was I going to tell him the truth? That I had nightmares and ran away from home because Alfie didn't understand me? That I then decided that I had to see Thomas? No, I couldn't tell him that. "I was just... I wanted to take a walk."

"It's..." he looked down at his watch "2 a.m. If I know you just a little, then I think you're lying to me."

"It doesn't matter alright," I snapped at him but I immediately regretted that.

"Where are you going? Do you need a ride? I think we have to talk about... a lot," he suggested.

"Sure," I said while hiding my car keys in my purse. We walked to his car together and I got in at the passenger's side. His car smelt really clean and looked expensive. Not that I knew that much about cars. "How did you end up in the experiment?"

"I honestly don't remember anything," Thomas said irritated while starting the engine. "You?"

"Nothing," I admitted. "But the doctor's told me I had a little car crash and that they told me about the experiment when I was healing and I agreed at once."

"Bullshit," Thomas blurted out. We were now leaving the hospital. "Where should I take you to?"

Well... I didn't really want to go back home now. I wanted to know everything that had happened after I left the simulation. "I don't know."

"Do you want to go to my place?" he asked me while pulling up on the motorway.

"Yes, I do." I wondered where he lived. Probably in an apartment somewhere in town. "How did you get out of the simulation?"

"I died," he said. I gave him a meaningful look. "The same way Jim died. But without a fence."

"What?" I didn't understand. Did he get eaten by those creatures while saving someone or?

"Megan got herself into trouble again," he started as he saw my puzzled look. I'd rather have him watch the road but I didn't say anything. "So I saved her but those things got me. There was no way Megan could save me so I told her to run. She didn't really hesitate about it."

"That sounds horrible," I commented.

"It was. I will never forget the smell." He shivered at the thought and so did I. I also remembered the smell. Rotten meat. I closed my eyes trying not to panic. "Are you alright?"

I opened my eyes again and nodded. "But could you please watch the road."

He kept his eyes on the road for the rest of the ride. I sat in silence looking out of the window but I couldn't see much because it was so dark. Thomas was now leaving the motorway which made me relax a little. He wouldn't be driving that fast anymore.

A few minutes later Thomas stopped and parked the car in front of a big mansion. I lived in a big house as well but his was probably twice as big. At least that's what it looked like from the outside. I got out of the car and looked at it. It was a very modern mansion but I couldn't get a good look because it was so dark.

The inside of the house was very big as well and looked modern too. It was matching the outside of the house perfectly. Thomas switched on the light of the living room and took a seat on a giant grey sofa. He placed his hand next to him, signing me that I could sit there.

"A few hours ago I never thought this would ever happen," he said calmly. "I thought you were dead and I was going to die as well. But look at us now, sitting here together."

I gave him a weak smile. It was indeed funny how things could turn out, but I was thinking of the note on my car again. What if it had anything to do with what happened in the simulation? What if I had pissed someone of in there who wanted to get me back in real life?

A/N: Thank you for sticking by :) It means a lot that you enjoy this story! I just quickly wanted to say that this story will have a 'completely' different theme than Survive (obviously). As Survive was more like The Walking Dead, Alive will be more like Pretty Little Liars (don't expect too much now haha, it's not nearly as good as pll). I hope you enjoy this one as much as you enjoyed Survive xx

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