22. He never stopped

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Chapter 22 - He never stopped

"Are you alright?" Dom asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded, finally taking my eyes of the picture. "How did you find me?"

"Alfie saw what happened and called me," he smiled friendly.

"Oh," was all that left my mouth but my thoughts were running wild. It was a he. The person who wanted to kill me was a man. I was also relieved that it wasn't Thomas as Joe thought. Thomas was on the picture and it was obviously someone else who had taken it. Except if he had asked someone to do it in his place...

I shook that thought away and quietly followed Dom through the little streets of Brighton that I used to love. There were so many things I used to love that I know hardly even cared about.

Dom said goodbye to me and opened the door of a little cafe. I thanked him for helping me earlier and stuffed the photograph in my bag so Alfie wouldn't see it. If he hadn't already.

I scanned the cosy, warm place and soon found Alfie sitting in the corner of the room, scrolling on his phone. My heart accelerated. I haven't seen him in such a long time but he still had the same effect on me. I couldn't deny that I was still madly in love with him.

I walked over to the little table and sat down on the chair on the opposite of Alfie. He looked up from his phone and made eye contact with me. My cheeks instantly flushed red as I saw him checking me out.

"Hey, Zoe," he spoke softly, putting his phone away to give me his full attention.

"Hey, Alfie," I smiled shyly while taking my coat off. For a moment we just sat there and looked at each other. We hadn't seen each other since the night I left the hospital and everything went wrong. I was amazed at how beautiful he was. His chin was covered with a little stubble and his chocolate brown eyes were shining bright.

"I already ordered something for the both of us," Alfie broke the silence.

"That's alright," I nodded with a little smile. I've always loved Alfie's company but now however it felt different. Of course, I thought, we weren't together anymore. Of course it was different now.

"Are you okay?" Alfie asked me. His big comforting eyes soon met mine and I had difficulty to not show him how broken I was. "I know things are different now but you can still tell me anything that's bothering you."

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak, but I was interrupted by a young man who brought us our food. Alfie had ordered two hot chocolates with whipped cream and two pieces of chocolate cake. I smiled happily.

"You remembered," I said looking up at him. This was what he had ordered us on our first date as lovers. On every special occasion he would still order this because it had a personal meaning for the both of us.

He smiled and laid one of his hands on mine. "Of course I remember. As if it were yesterday."

"I'm so sorry," I blurted out. "I never meant to really leave that night. As soon as I left I wanted to come back, but I didn't."

"It's okay," he whispered, caressing one of my hands with his fingers. I felt sparkles flowing through my entire body as he did this. "Your chocolate's getting cold."

"So is yours," I commented. He replied by taking his hand away from mine and grabbing the steaming mug in front of him. He took a sip of the hot drink, looking me in the eyes to tell me that I had to do the same. I took the mug and took a tiny sip. I felt the cream on my nose and mouth, it made me giggle. I had no idea why I felt like laughing in Alfie's presence. It was like positivity just radiated of his skin, affecting me.

Alfie gave me a genuine smile and reached towards my face to wipe the cream away. His fingers rested on my cheeks for a little while, like he wanted to stroke them, but he changed his mind and put his hand around the mug again. He looked at the piece of cake in front of him but he didn't show any intention to eat it.

He didn't love me anymore, is what my mind concluded. He probably hated it to be here. I bit my lip trying to fight away the tears.

"Can you ever love me again?" I whispered. A single tear left the corner of my eye. His head shot up as he noticed the sadness in my voice.

"Who said I stopped?" he answered and I felt my heart stop. He loved me. He loved me. He never stopped loving me.

"But you never called me," I said in defence. I just couldn't believe that all this time he had loved me.

"Because you asked me not to," he said matter-of-factly.

"That text wasn't mine!" I told him with more force in my voice. "I swear, it wasn't."

Suddenly his eyes turned alarmingly alert, like he had realised something. I gave him a confused look. What was going on? Didn't he believe me?

"Don't tell me it's happening to you as well," he said but I didn't know what he was talking about. The puzzled look on my face made him continue.

"This may sound stupid but... Have you gotten any... messages?" he raised his eyebrows curiously. My eyes widened. I knew what he was talking about.

"Is he after you as well?" I shouted in disbelief. All this time I thought I had been the only target but maybe he was doing this to multiple people. Alfie being one of them. What kind of horrible things happened to him?

"He?" Alfie questioned. "Do you know who it is?"

My cheeks flushed red and I didn't know what to do now. If I explained him how I knew it was a man I would have to show him the picture. Maybe if he saw me and Thomas kissing on the photo he wouldn't want me anymore.

"Zoe," Alfie said desperate for me to explain why I thought it was a man. "What do you know?"

"I saw him," I whispered. "In the reflection of a car window."

"What do you mean?" Alfie tried to push me.

I sighed defeated. I reached for the picture in my handbag and threw it on the table. I bit my lip nervously and looked down at my untouched chocolate cake. Through my lashes I saw Alfie studying the picture. He had a sad look on his face. "When was this taken?"

"After I went to the house to get my stuff," I answered honestly, feeling ashamed. "I just saw Pippin and Percy..." I couldn't continue explaining, thinking about my little animals in the bath tub made me feel nauseous.

"Thomas told me about the guinea pigs," Alfie said while putting a comforting hand on mine. "I'm so sorry."

My head shot up at the first thing he said. He and Thomas talked to each other? Why had neither of them told me that? Why was everyone keeping secrets from me?

"But he didn't tell you about the death threats I've gotten?" I asked.

"Death threats!?" Alfie shouted out. He lowered his voice when he noticed that people were staring. "He wants you dead?"

I nodded my head shortly. Yes, he wanted me dead and I had the feeling that I would soon have to face that fate. Everything had been quiet lately. Too quiet.

"There's a lot I have to tell you, Alfie."

A/N: Zalfie <3 Any guesses who the person could be now that you know this? xxxxx

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