15. Moving in

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Chapter 15 - Moving in

We were sat in the car for quite a while now, almost none stop kissing each other. Until suddenly he pulled away so abruptly I almost fell over on his lap.

"What's wrong?" I asked him worried.

"Let's just forget this happened, okay?" he said toneless and got out of the car. I sat there for a while, feeling confused. His lips had felt so good on mine. During the kiss I felt my body float and the butterflies in stomach flutter. Was this how a crush felt or was I in love? The feelings were definitely not as intense as I was used to with Alfie.

Feeling a little upset and offended that he didn't want this, I got out of the car and stormed into his house.

"I thought you'd be happy," I exclaimed once I had entered the kitchen, where he stood, leaning against the wall.

"I am. I was. I don't know," he shouted back.

"But you like me," I defended myself.

"No, Zoe, I don't like you," he sighed as if I had offended him. "I'm in love with you. And I wish you could ever love me back but I know you won't."

"Why are you so sure?" I asked him. I didn't even know what I felt, how could he know then?

"Because his love is all you know," he said, his voice filled with sadness.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to him. I felt sorry for him that I had kissed him. I shouldn't have done it, knowing that he really loved me and it wasn't just fun for him. "Let's forget it happened."

"Thank you," he smiled at me.

We spent the rest of the day bringing my stuff up to his spare room and unpacking. I laughed a few times at the make-up products he had chosen to pick up from the bathroom. He had taken a few eye shadow pallets, thinking one of them was blush and more mistakes like that.

At times I would hold up something and let him guess what it was. His answers were hilarious, you'd almost think he was doing it on purpose.

"It's getting quite late," Thomas suddenly spoke. He was sat on the ground, playing with some of my concealers. "I better make some dinner."

"Can you cook?" I asked him curiously.

"A little," he shrugged. "But don't expect anything too great."

"Don't worry, I bet you're better than me," I said feeling a little ashamed. "I'm only good at baking."

"I've got an idea," Thomas smiled happily. "How about I cook us dinner and you bake a dessert?"

"Alright," I agreed. We headed downstairs to his huge kitchen. I opened some cupboards to see what he had in there. I smiled, pleased that he had all the ingredients for Tanya's cookies.

I started with them eagerly. I could hear Thomas snicker behind me.

"What?" I asked him, turning around to face him, mixing all the ingredients in a big bowl at the same time.

"Nothing," he said, trying to hide his smile.

"No," I said, faking annoyance in my voice. "I can see you're finding something about me making cookies particularly funny."

"It's just that..." he hesitated a little. "You look so tiny with that bowl in your arms."

"Wait until you see the cookies," I winked at him. He didn't know yet that I baked this cookies in a very big size. Goodness, he'll laugh.

"You're making me curious," he smiled while flipping some chicken in a cooking pan.

"You're making me curious as well," I commented. I added the chocolate chunks to the mixture and started making balls of the dough.

"What on earth are you doing?" Thomas burst out laughing as he saw the tennis ball sized lump of dough.

"I'm making cookies," I laughed, pretending I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Am I supposed to eat a football?" he smirked.

"You're laughing now, but once they're all finished you'll ask me to bake another load," I winked at him. He gave me a doubtful look but didn't say anything.

For dinner he had made us chicken with mashed potatoes and some peas. It was delicious. Then came the time for him to taste my huge cookies. He sniffed one of them suspiciously, obviously just to tease me, and then took a huge bite of it, leaving a trace of dark chocolate on his chin.

"So?" I asked, looking at his face to see his honest reaction.

"That football tastes good," he smiled and took another bite.

I puffed my chest up a little. "Told you so."

We soon went to bed after dinner. The room I was sleeping in had a huge bed. I was lying under the thick blanket. I was only wearing a top and my underpants. No bra because, who the hell sleeps with a bra on? But I was feeling a little cold.

I didn't dare to go up to Thomas' room to ask if he had another blanket so I spent the whole night, almost freezing. And the times I did sleep I was having the worst nightmares including dead humans, threatening notes, Alfie murdering me and little guinea pig heads.

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