38. Walking

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Chapter 38 - Walking

"Alfie..." I mumbled for the millionth time since I was in the hospital. I was only half conscious because I was put on heavy medication.

"He's fine Zoe," Joe said. He hadn't left my side since he knew I was in the hospital. "Don't worry."

"Alfie," I repeated. I wanted to see him, but I knew that the state I was in, didn't let me.

"Poppy and Sean are with him," Joe told me. "He's okay."

"And Thomas?" I asked, opening my eyes a little. The morphine was slowly getting out of my body so I could think a little clearer, but it also made me feel the pain I was in.

Joe hesitated, like he didn't want to tell me something, but he knew he had to.

"What's wrong with him?" I questioned, my eyes widening. I felt very awake all of a sudden.

"Zoe, I'm sorry," Joe said and I felt something breaking inside me. No. He hadn't died. Of course not, that was just ridiculous. "I don't know."

I felt like a heavy weight was pulled away from my chest. This didn't necessarily have to mean that he was dead, but something inside me told me that he was not okay. They would've told Joe if he was alright.

Days passed and people came and left. They were all very lovely to me and they tried to cheer me up as much as possible, but nothing could take away the emptiness I felt inside. Alfie and I hadn't seen each other yet and I still had no idea how Thomas was doing.

Today was a big day for me. I was finally allowed to get out of bed and visit Alfie. I was secretly hoping to get to see Thomas too, but I wasn't sure. I got out of bed with the help of Joe and my dad. Then I could walk out of the room, without any support which surprised everyone.

I went to Alfie's room, a little further down the corridor. I was almost there when I saw Poppy and Amanda, Alfie's mum, waiting outside the room.

"Zoe!" Poppy exclaimed. "I'm so happy to see you walking again." She came over to me and took me into a short, friendly hug.

"Me too," I smiled at her, but inside I was dying a little. Why were they not with Alfie?

"Zoe, dear," Amanda said before taking me in for a hug as well. "So lovely to see you." I haven't seen her in a very long time. I actually didn't remember when I went over to the Deyes' house for the last time.

"It's lovely to see you too, Amanda. Is Alfie okay?" I asked.

"He is," she nodded and I sighed of relief. "The doctors are doing some tests on him."

"But he's okay," Poppy added when she saw I was still looking worried.

"I'll come back later then," I said, smiling at the both of them to say goodbye. I turned and left Alfie's family there to wait for him. I was now making my way to Thomas' room, hoping they'd let me in.

I was about to knock on his door when I heard voices coming out of his room. I couldn't really understand what they were saying, so I leant a little closer towards the door. I normally wasn't the type to eavesdrop, but I wanted to know if Thomas was one of the talking people. That'd mean he was alright.

Suddenly the muffled sound of voices was gone, so I decided that I could knock on the door now. I raised my hand, but before it hit the door, it was opened by someone else.

"Helena," I said when she closed the door again. Her head shot up when she heard me.

"Zoe," she said, a weak smile on her lips. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alive," I giggled awkwardly. Helena gave me a weird look. Damn, I must look like a complete idiot. Giggling about my almost ended life.

"That's great," she said with a little smile. "About Thomas... I think you're here for him?"

"I am," I said, feeling scared about what she'd say.

"I'm just warning you, don't jump when you see him," she said, her smile completely gone.

"Why? Is he okay?" I asked anxious.

"He is," she assured me. "He has some nasty burn wounds from the explosion. I'm just telling you now, because I don't think he likes it that everyone who sees him for the first time gasps, me being one of those people."

"I understand," I nodded. I felt weird. How was he going to look like? I've never really seen someone in real life with really bad burn wounds.

"You're perfect," Helena suddenly said after a moment of silence.

"Pardon?" I said not knowing where that came from. I didn't think of myself as perfect at all.

"Nothing," she quickly said, like she wasn't meant to say the first thing out loud. She wanted to run away but I held her arm.

"Why did you say that?" I asked her, already having a thought what, or better who, this could be about.

"You're beautiful, kind and just perfect," she sighed. "You're everything he likes in a girl and I'm just... me."

"I'm far from perfect," I told her. I felt so sorry for her. She was in love with Thomas but he was in love with me. "And I'm sure that a lot of girls say the same thing about you. That you are perfect. That you have it all."

She snorted to tell me that she didn't agree at all. "I'm nothing special."

"Everybody's special," I said.

"It doesn't matter. I should just go home," she said and I could swear that I could see her eyes turn incredibly sad for a millisecond. "Bye Zoe."

"Bye," I said but she was already gone. I shrugged, but couldn't help feeling a little worried about her. I took a deep breath before I opened the door of Thomas room. I was almost gasping when I saw him, but remembered in time what Helena had told me, so I held it in.

"I look horrible, don't I?" he said.

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