21. Click click snap

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Chapter 21 - Click click snap

"Okay," Joe said after he had heard the whole story. "I'm going to pay that doctor guy a visit."

"What?" I blurted out. "Why?"

"Because he's obviously the one who's been doing all this to you!" he yelled and jumped off my bed, where he had been sitting next to me.

"You can't be sure," I said, more calm this time.

"Oh and you can't go anywhere by yourself," Joe added.

"No!" I shouted at him, hopping of the bed while doing so. "You're acting ridiculous."

"You're my sister," Joe said as if it explained everything. "I can't let anyone hurt you. Now give me his address."

"No," I protested. "We need prove before we accuse anyone."

"Fine, fine," Joe agreed. "But you have to call Alfie today, sis."

"I will," I answered. I had already decided this as soon as I saw that text message I never sent. Joe nodded at me pleased and left my room. I took out my phone and stared at Alfie's name for quite some time. What was I going to say? After a few minutes I finally had the courage to tap his name and call him.

The phone ringed a few times without Alfie picking up. I was getting nervous that he might not wanted to talk to me anymore. What if he was over me already?

"Hello?" I then heard his angel voice ask me. I mentally did a happy dance that he had picked up the phone.

"Alfie," I said. I didn't know what else to say. It was silent at the other side of the phone. "Can we... Can we meet up somewhere?"

"Of course," he said and I wanted to cry out from happiness. "But I'm with my family now to celebrate Christmas."

"What about Boxing Day?" I asked him, my fingers crossed.

"Sounds great," Alfie said. I could imagine him smiling at the other side of the phone. Or would he be annoyed? Maybe he was over me and just wanted to make sure I took all my stuff out of his house. Maybe he'd want to sell the house.

"I can't wait to see you," he added so quietly I thought I wasn't meant to hear it. My heart skipped a beat and I had difficulty to breath. He still liked me.

We soon ended the phone call and I was left speechless on the bed, my heart racing. I just couldn't believe that all this time Alfie wanted to see me and I wanted to see him but neither of us knew because of someone who clearly wanted us apart.

Boxing day came very soon afterwards. I had celebrated Christmas with my family and kind of forgot about my problems for a while. Joe and I decided not to tell dad about the person who was after me. It would only worry him and there was nothing he could do about it.

I was now looking for a place to park my car. It was very busy in Brighton and I was a little anxious that I would run into former viewers. I finally found a parking spot and started my way to the little bistro where we had decided to meet up. The wind was blowing with so much force I had a little trouble staying in balance while walking.

Suddenly I saw a horde of people walking towards me. They had cameras and microphones with them and were shouting my name. My heart stopped. This could not be happening. Not now. I tried to stay calm and ignore them but soon I was surrounded by people.

"Zoe, how are you coping with your break up with Alfie?" A microphone was shoved in my face.

"Is it true that you're writing a new book?" Another one shouted a bit further away.

"Are you still single?"

I ignored all of them and sped up. How on earth was I going to get out of this situation? They wouldn't let me go unless I answered some questions. Although I doubted if they would ever be satisfied. How could I meet up with Alfie with this swarm around me?

"What do you have to say about this picture?" All of a sudden a plumb woman pushed a picture in my hands. I took it and looked at it. That was a big mistake.

The picture was taken almost a month ago, a few days after Alfie dumped me. It was me and Thomas in his car. We were kissing each other passionately. It almost seemed like we were making out. My stomach turned. Maybe that's what Helena meant when she had told me that I was all over the internet.

"Is that the guy you betrayed Alfie with?" the woman asked obviously pleased that she had finally gotten a reaction from me. I hadn't realised that I had stopped walking and that I was still staring at the photo. Camera's were flashing around me. But all I could think of was Alfie. Had he seen this? If he had, he would have been heartbroken.

I didn't even question who took the picture. I knew it was the same person who had sent that text to Alfie, the same person who had killed my guinea pigs, the same person who was slowly ruining my life.

Suddenly a man pushed a few people aside and grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away from the paparazzi. I followed him realising that it was Dom. I hadn't had any contact with him since ages. How had he found me? Any way I was glad he did because he had managed to shake of the photographers. We reached a little street and we stopped walking. Dom asked me something but I didn't listen.

I was still looking at the picture. On the window of the car I could see a reflection of someone with a camera. My heart stopped once again. They had made a mistake. Finally I could see the first glimpse of the person who put me through all this. The picture wasn't very clear but I could see muscular arms which made me find out that the person was a male.

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