10. Fury

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Chapter 10 - Fury

"Little one, what happened?" Alfie asked demanding when Evans had left the room. My stomach twisted. I had no idea what to tell him. I didn't want to lie anymore but I didn't want to bother him at the same time. What if the person who tried to kill would be furious if I told anyone? Maybe they'd go after Alfie too then. I couldn't take the risk.

"I don't remember," I told him without looking at him directly. He probably knew I was lying anyway. I could only hope that he would respect it that I didn't want to say it. Luckily for me, he did. He just sighed and went out to get a coffee. As soon as the police had interrogated me I would be free to go home.

But I wasn't so sure if going home was good for me. They had been in my house already, what would stop them of doing it again?

There was a short knock on my door and I yelled that they could come in. Two young officers entered my room. One of them was a girl and I recognized her as the woman who had saved me out of the water. She smiled warmly at me. Next to her was a young man with ginger hair and a lot of freckles. Neither of them looked like they had a lot of experience.

"Good evening, miss Sugg," the woman started politely. "I am Emma Novak and this is Kevin Marin. We're here to ask you some questions about what happened."

"Sure," I nodded but I started to feel really anxious. What could I tell them?

"What do you think happened at the beach?" Emma Novak asked me friendly. I could see how the other guy, Kevin Marin, started to write some things down.

"I was walking on the beach because I was upset," I started honestly.

"What were you feeling upset about?" Emma asked me.

"That's... kind of private," I blushed.

"We have to know these kind of things," she tried to convince me. "If you want us to catch the person who did this we need to know who has a motive."

"Alright," I agreed. "I was upset because my boyfriend Alfie can't stand one of my best friends, Thomas."

"We'll talk to them later," she assured me.

"Wait, you don't think they would do that to me, do you? That's ridiculous!" I exclaimed.

"Miss Sugg, you'd be surprised how many murders are committed by close friends or family members." This was the first time I heard Marin speak. He had a soft, quiet voice.

They continued asking me questions and I answered them all honestly. Except when they asked me if I knew who could have done this. I hadn't told them that I had received threatening messages.

After that Alfie called a taxi for us to go home. The taxi ride was awkwardly silent. It was only now that I realised what the time was. It was 2 at night. Normally I would be fast asleep by now. I sighed and stared out the window. Everything was a mess right now. I wouldn't have a normal life ever again.

As soon as we got home I ran to the bathroom to splash some hot water in my face. I shivered as I remembered the hand on my face. The hand of the one causing all this trouble. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My hands were clenched onto the sink tightly.

I opened my eyes again and stared at my reflection in the mirror. The bags underneath my eyes were huge and my skin looked so pale.

"You're a mess," I whispered to my reflection.

"Yes, you are," Alfie replied from behind me. I clenched the sink even harder when I heard him. I couldn't see him through the mirror but I knew he must be standing somewhere near the door. "We can't go on like this, Zoe." Whenever he called me Zoe and not little one, I knew things were getting serious.

"Are you fucking breaking up with me?" I yelled at him. I had no idea where this was coming from. I usually didn't swear at all. But with every word Alfie said I felt anger boil inside of me.

"I think you'd be glad if I did," Alfie spoke silently. I spun around and saw him leaning against the now closed bathroom door.

"What makes you say that?" I shouted in disbelief.

"What was Thomas doing there so quickly?"

"No, not this again." I made my way to the door but Alfie wouldn't let me get through.

"Do you or do you not have feelings for him?" he asked me angrily.

"Are you joking?" I now pushed him aside so I could leave the bathroom and head to the bed where I rolled myself up into a tiny ball. I always did this when I was upset with Alfie.

"You didn't answer my question," said Alfie. I could hear at the tone of his voice that he was trying not to yell at me. I decided to ignore him. That was another thing I did when I was upset, ignoring people that I genuinely cared about.

Suddenly he spun me around roughly and carried me off the bed to pin me against the wall. "If you aren't going to talk to me, then you can leave," he hissed furiously.

Scared by this aggressive outburst I shook of his hands from my waist. "Then I guess I'll be going."

"Fine," Alfie snapped. Without another word Alfie left the room. Only seconds later he came back with a suitcase. "There you go. Now leave."

I stared at him with my mouth wide open for a while. Was he actually serious right now? Did he really want to end our two year long relationship like this? Our whole two year journey ended in a short minute of fury? Was this the end of Zalfie?

A/N: I'm so sorryyyy. Pls don't hate me for breaking them up. Hope you enjoyed! From this point the story will get very interesting if I may say so myself. You'll, hopefully, see how much Zoe has changed. Oh and can somebody please explain why everyone hates Thomas?? I love him! See you in the next one xxxx

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