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What do they want from us, that they keep appearing at random times?

I moved my gaze from the graves to them. Usually, they might run for it, but they remained still, and stared back. What is their problem?

"Hey!" I called out to them. When they didn't reply, I called out again.

"Why are you staring? Or, in fact, why are you here?!"

Penn had come out of the house to investigate. It wasn't normal for me to loudly ask people things. She must have still been upset with me. Before she got to my side of the house, she was saying

".. and what the hell are you doing calling out to non existent people? Are you going nuts on me because if you are.."

Penn gasped when she saw the two men. The one with the white mask stepped forward, the other stayed.

"Did we scare you?" He asked. "I'm sorry if we did, it must have been our appearance, yes?"

While we stared, speechless, he turned to his friend. The hooded man nodded, and removed his hoodie hood. Both of them now removed their masks.

"Is that better for you?" The man who wore the mask asked. Without any better response, we nodded in silence.

"But any ways, we did not come to you for fun and games. We came to explain ourselves.."

"And to warn you." The man in the Hoodie said, finishing the sentence.

"Um.. Okay then... What did you come for? Tell us what you have to say." Penn said, with wavering confidence. I could easily tell she was not quite trusting them, and don't either. For all I know, it could be a smart plan to lure us to our deaths.

The masked guy spoke first. He appears to be the more dominant of the two.

"Well, as you can notice, we have met quite a few times, and yet we never slaughtered you two, or the rest. I believe by now you can see that me, Hoodie and I, do not care to kill you."

He paused, giving us time to think.

I have noticed. Those two had warned us not to leave the property or face certain death, and so now we never left.

When I was in that hide and seek game of death, the masked man was in there with me, guiding me not to dare make a sound. Even an untimed breath might have resulted in my death.

They were also their for us when we were hunting those pages down, and had gave us the pills. We still have the one pill, and if Penny had not gotten that last page..

I slowly nodded my head.

"I, we remember. You came to help us many times, but you were gone quicker then we can thank you. So yea... Thanks guys, for the help."

Both smiled, if only for a second, before 'Hoodie' continued his friends speech.

"It was no problem, really. Though we work with murderers, we are not killers ourselves. We are but proxies to our Operator, the Slenderman."

"Proxies? Operator, Slenderman, what does this all mean?" Penn asked, slightly confused and angry still.

"If only we had more time..." Hoodie muttered, gazing off into the trees behind us.

More time?

"And we still have a warning." The masked man said.

"I don't have a lot of details, but there were rumors amongst us. Rumors of how difficult you guys are being... They are planning a full on attack against your house. Everyone you had seen will be there, so you better prepare for the worst."

"Wait, they're planning an attack?" I asked. Hoodie was whispering to his companion. Both put on their masks again.

"Where are you going all of a sudden? We need more answers!" Penn cried.

"I'm sorry, we must go now. Dusk is near."

Like that, they were gone. Just more shadows in the feild. Now it just occurred to me that we were talking in the day hours.

There will be an attack, soon.

We need to prepare, and no matter how upset Penn is of me, she must survive with me.

"Penn, I'm really, really sorry about earlier.."

"Don't mind, I don't care anymore, and it wasn't your fault. Aubrey... Look over there..."

She was pointing to the west, and as I gazed up there in front of us was a fiery red and pale pink sunset.

No matter of the past, or all the hardship.

I had even forgotten how beautiful the sunsets here are.

Just saying sorry for the awkwardness!

I accidentally published chapter 41 before 40, my bad... :-\

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