Chapter 2

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A/N: I'm going to apologize right now, this chapter isn't as long as I would like it to be and even though this is over 2K words, I'm just hoping you all like this chapter. I was hoping to make this more intense, only problem is, my brain decided to fizz out on me. I'm trying to decide when I should introduce the new threat, at the moment, I can't think of anything. I'm sorry if this chapter isn't what you hoped for, I'm not the best writer in the world and I'm trying my best to make you all happy. On that note, I hope you all like this chapter.......even though it's not my best one.

You yawn and stare at your alarm clock. You shook Jaden, who was currently sleeping soundly. "Jaden! Jaden wake up!" Jaden groaned and turned the other way. The measures I have to take now are ridiculous. You pull on Jaden's ear, making him bolt up in pain. He groans once more, "What was that for, Y/N?" You reply bluntly, "Well someone had to wake you up, Jaden. Besides, we have to get to breakfast." When you spoke those words, Jaden bolted out the door, with you following behind him. You mutter, "I swear he's going to drive me crazy one of these days."

You watch Jaden scarf down his breakfast, while you are slowly, not wanting to choke. He's going to choke if he eats that fast. You quietly pick at your food and you both hear a sudden scream. Jaden exclaims, "That sounds like Blair! Come on!" You feel something coming towards the both of you. You scream, "Jaden look out!" You see Blair in the hands of something large and intimidating. It was a good thing you had your duel disk with you. Here goes nothing. You summon Blast Magician, and everyone watched as the monster attacked. Jaden asks, "What is that thing?" Something evil. You sense another presence, making you worry even more. "Damage Mage, what's going on?" The spirit answers fearfully, "I have no idea, Lady Y/N." You propose, "Would you be able to help Blast Magician?" She nods, "I'll try my best." You tell Jaden, "Whatever this thing is, we need to get rid of it." Jaden asks, "What's the plan?" You answer, "First of all, get that thing outside." You call out to the creature, "Hey! If you want a fight, follow me!" The creature turned to you and growled. Uh oh.

Jaden watched as you called out to the creature. He knew that you both had to save Blair. Neos spoke cautiously, "Jaden be careful. That creature has more power than all of us combined." Jaden remarks, "So what? We can bring that thing down." Jaden then saw Zane and Alexis, who had come out due to the noise.

You saw two students, a boy and girl both in blue uniforms. Jaden calls out, "Y/N! Heads up!" You see Elemental HERO Flamed Wingman attacking the creature. You tell your spirits, "I'll get Dark Magician Girl and Poison Enchantress to take over." They nod. Blair was screaming, "Help me!" You say, "I summon Dark Magician Girl and Poison Enchantress!" You hear Jaden add, "I summon Elemental HERO Neos!" You see two other monsters with them. Cyber End Dragon and Etoile Cyber. Where did they come from? The force of the creature's attack sent you flying back. The creature disappeared, Blair taken with it. You felt guilty, now one of your classmates was gone and it was all your fault.

You see a hand put in front of you, it was the girl in the blue uniform. You hesitantly take it and she helps you up. She asked, "Are you okay?" You hear the dark blue haired boy ask, "Who are you?" The girl's eyes widened, "You beat Chazz yesterday in a duel!" You rub your neck in embarrassment, "It's not a big deal. My name's Y/N." She replies, "I'm Alexis. You're the new transfer student right?" You nod, "I guess that everyone is talking about me." Alexis adds, "That guy talking to Jaden is Syrus' older brother, Zane." You remark, "Jaden was telling me that he's one of the best duellists on campus." Alexis said, "A lot of people say that about Zane." You sigh, "Blair's gone and it's all my fault. If I had just gotten to her more quickly then she wouldn't be with that creature." Alexis shakes her head, "It just randomly appeared and we weren't prepared, don't be too hard on yourself." If only you could take it that lightly.

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