Chapter 6 (Part 1)

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*****The next morning*****

"Why would they want to target Jaden?" That was the first question that came out of Magician's Valkyria's mouth. "I don't know but they probably need him for something and I'm not going to let those creeps take him." "Does Jaden even know about this?" "No and it's going to stay that way until I find a way to explain this to him. The last thing I want is Yubel tearing me apart over Jaden. Lila and Alexis are already doing that." "Isn't that going to be difficult, Y/N?" "Yes, but I'd do anything to keep Jaden safe and out of harm's way."

You listen as Professor Banner spoke about different spell and trap cards. What he said next, slightly surprised you. "Alright everyone, now you will duel one of your fellow classmates for your exam rather than writing the actual test paper." "I wonder who you're going to duel." Banner said, "Lila and Y/N will be our first duel of the day." Great! Not only do I have to duel someone who's obsessed with Jaden, if I lose she's going make me the laughing stock of the academy! You wanted to just hide yourself now. You and a red haired girl (who you assumed was Lila) went to the duelling area. Lila said, "If I win this duel, Jaden will be my boyfriend!" "I kind of want to burn her." "I'd give you permission but then that would ruin the fun of duelling her." "Good point." You both said, "Let's do this!" "I have a bad feeling about this." "Join the club. If she talks about Jaden like that one more time, I'm going to shoot her down in a OTK." "I think that's a bit much." Lila continued, "I summon Serene Psychic Witch in Attack mode." She uses psychic monsters. She went on, "I place one card face down and end my turn. Show me what you got, Slacker." "Now I want to burn her." You reply, "I'm going to show you what happens when you disrespect the Slifer name! I draw!" Not a bad hand. Let's see, Sage of Stillness, Sage of Silence, Hero Signal, Rose Bud, Red Sparrow Summoner and Blue Dragon Summoner. You went on, "First I summon Blue Dragon Summoner in Defense mode. Now, I'm going to summon Red Sparrow Summoner in Defense mode as well. I place a face down and end my turn." Let's hope this works.

Jaden, Syrus, Alexis and Atticus watched the duel quietly. Syrus said nervously, "I hope Y/N will be okay. The person she's going against is apparently really tough to beat." Alexis replies, "I hope she has a plan because she might lose pretty quickly." Jaden responds, "Chill out guys. I'm sure Y/N has everything figured out." Atticus said, "I hope she does."

You were trying to figure out her strategy when you saw her smirking. Lila said, "I'm going to win this duel and Jaden's heart by beating you!" "She's kind of annoying me now." "Just bear with it a bit longer." She kept speaking, "Now I'm going to activate the Spell, Confiscation! By paying 1000 LP, I can look at your hand and choose which card you will have to send to your graveyard. How about Rose Bud?" I didn't need that anyway. You send Rose Bud to your graveyard. She continues, "Now I'm going to get my witch to destroy your Red Sparrow Summoner!" Bad move! You reply, "I activate the ability of my Summoner! When its destroyed, I can summon a Warrior-type monster with 1500 or less ATK points to the field! I'm summoning Elemental HERO Burstinatrix!" She scoffs, "That thing won't win you the duel." Burstinatrix looked annoyed, "Is she that confident?" "I don't know! She just wants me to lose." Lila continued, "I summon Ritual Beast Tamer Lara and Ritual Beast Tamer Wen. Next I summon Spiritual Beast Apelio and Psi-Blocker. First I'm going to fuse Lara and Apelio together so I can fusion summon, Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio! Next by banishing Ritual Beast Tamer Wen, Psi-Blocker and Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio, I can summon, Ritual Beast Ulti-Gaiapelio! That's all for now." That's one powerful monster. You said, "My turn!" This will work. You continue, "I summon Dark Magician Girl in Attack mode, next I'm activating Sage's Stone!" Lila objects, "I activate my monster's ability! I can banish one Ritual Beast monster and negate the activation of your spell, if I do its instantly destroyed!" You answer, "That's not a problem because I have another way of summoning the monster I want to summon. I activate Ancient Rules, so I can summon the Dark Magician!" You hear Jaden scream, "Nice move!" You saw Lila's expression turn into one of jealousy. You continue, "Next I'm using Reinforcement of the Army to add a Level 4 or below Warrior-Type monster from my deck to my hand! Say hello to Elemental HERO Avian! Now I'm fusing Burstinatrix, Avian and Dark Magician Girl together with Polymerization. I fusion summon Elemental HERO Oriel, the Flame Sage!"  You saw Lila's face become pale, "B-But!" You say, "But nothing! I activate one of Oriel's abilities! For every Spellcaster on the field or in the graveyard, she gains 400 ATK points. Also she can negate the effects of your monster and if her attack against a monster is successful, she can attack you directly!" Lila said, "W-Well, I'm not going to let you win that easily, Slifer!" You reply, "We'll see, Lila. Oriel, attack her witch with Flaming Feather Storm!" Her LP drops to 3000. Your monster then attacks the red haired girl directly, making her LP instantly drop to zero. Burstinatrix looked happy, "I'm kind of glad that happened. She's really annoying all of us." Magician's Valkyria looked surprised, "I did not think that duel would be won so easily."

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