Chapter 3

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You were both sprinting towards Chancellor Sheppard's office. You stop in front of the doors and hear someone scream from the inside, "What's going on?!?" It's already there.

Syrus stopped for a second. He thought, "What was that?" "Syrus?" He became startled for a moment before turning around. "Oh hey Zane." It was his older brother, Zane. Zane asks, "What are you doing near the Chancellor's office?" Syrus answers, "Professor Banner wanted me to drop off some papers for Chancellor Sheppard." The brothers stop and Syrus asks fearfully, "W-What was that?" Zane answers, "It sounds like it's coming from Chancellor Sheppard's office. Let's go check it out." They both start running towards the office.

You open the doors and see Chancellor Sheppard with a frightened look on his face. You had to get it away from the Chancellor, but how? The creature growls, its claws getting closer to Chancellor Sheppard. You call out, "Chancellor Sheppard! Whatever you do, don't make a sound!" He nods in fear, both you and Jaden signal each other. You propose, "You attack from the front, I'll see if I can do the same from behind." Jaden saluted you, "Will do!" Jaden said, "I'm summoning Elemental HERO Neos!" You state, "Come forth, Ruby Ice Dragon!"

Zane stopped, making Syrus asks, "What is it?" Zane answers, "There's some kind of commotion inside Chancellor Sheppard's office." They both open the doors, coming face to face with a large creature hovering over the Chancellor. Syrus said, "That's Jaden!" Zane saw you and adds, "That's the new transfer student." Syrus asks, "What are they doing here though?" The creature turns their gaze towards them and Syrus said, "This isn't good!" He closes his eyes and hears, "Ruby Ice Dragon, attack!" Syrus hears something else after, "Let's help them out, Neos!" He opens his eyes and comes face to face with a large dragon. "Syrus?" Syrus opened his eyes, "Y/N?" You answer, "Don't be afraid, my dragon is harmless." The creature attacks, the force sending you back. "Y/N!" You see another dragon, but it wasn't your own. Cyber End Dragon. That means..... You see the same dark blue haired boy from before. So he must be Syrus' brother. You attempt to get up, but your body wouldn't cooperate. You try once more before seeing two hands out in front of you. You look up and see the Truesdale brothers looking at you. Syrus asks, "Are you okay?" You respond, "I'll live." Zane looks at you and Syrus said, "Y/N this is my brother Zane." You felt intimidated by his presence. He reminds me of my older cousin somehow. Zane said, "So you're the student everyone is talking about. I heard that Chazz lost pretty badly to you." You answer honestly, "I didn't think that I would win. Chazz is a very good duellist." You hear Jaden call out, "Y/N! I kind of need some help here!" You reply, "I'm coming!" Zane asks, "Why are you here at the Chancellor's office?" You begin to explain what had happened so far and how you both sensed something here.

You conclude, "That's why we came to the Chancellor's office." Jaden calls out once more, "I hate to break up the chat but I don't want to be eaten!" "Ruby Ice Dragon, attack with Ruby Ice Flare!" The creature was now (partially) disappearing. Syrus asks, "What do we do now?" You answer, "I have a plan but it's going to take some teamwork. Zane you go help Jaden, I'm sure that he needs it right now. Syrus, you come with me." You all split into your respective teams.

Syrus watches as your dragon suddenly disappears. He panicked, "Y/N!! We're going to become creature food!" You reply, "Just watch me for a moment, Syrus." "I summon the Flame Wing Sorceress and Dark Magician Girl!" Syrus asks, "How did you do that without using their cards?" You reply, "I'll explain later! Now summon the monsters you want to use to attack!" Syrus nods, "O-Okay! I summon Drilloid and Gyroid!" Syrus' monsters were instantly destroyed and you yell, "Syrus!" You stand in front of him, shielding him from the creature. Something is calling out to me. You yell, "Ruby Ice Dragon!" Your dragon appears once more, attacking the creature.

Zane and Jaden stood back to back, shielding themselves from the creature. Jaden said, "This thing must love to fight." Zane wondered, "Why is this creature attacking Chancellor Sheppard though? There has to be some kind of reason." Zane's eyes then widen, "Jaden!" Before Jaden could be attacked, a majestic dragon swooped in and held Jaden by his jacket. It then placed him on the ground safely. The creature growls once more, both Zane and Jaden hear, "I don't take kindly to you hurting Chancellor Sheppard or any of my classmates. I'm not going to forgive you for taking Blair! Attack Flame Wing Sorceress with Flame Wind Sceptre!" You see the creature disappear, your eyes fill with relief. You suddenly see black dots in your vision and you felt your body collapse, eyes closing. You faintly heard, "Y/N! Y/N wake up!"

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