Chapter 8

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A/N: short chapter! I know I know, the chapters should be longer but I won't have time to write these since I'm starting uni soon......that's the only down side. I love writing these but I'll try and squeeze an update in whenever I'm free! Hope you enjoy it!

Previously on Jaden Yuki x Reader.....

Hassleberry said, "Hate to be rude but I think we have company." You were shocked when you saw who it was.  "Blair?!?"

You couldn't believe your eyes. "Hold on. That's not your classmate. A demon is taking the shape of her just to fool your eyes." "How? The demon looks exactly like her." You said, "Wait." Before you could say anymore, the possessed Blair began to talk, "You are no match for us, useless mortals! When the Ichor Moon rises, all hope for the mortal world will be lost!" With that declaration, the demon like Blair vanished, leaving you feeling extremely uneasy.

You whisper to yourself, "What is the Ichor Moon? How will the hope for our world be lost?" You were currently in the library, searching for answers to the questions lingering in your mind. "You know this seems way too suspicious to me." "Why do you think that, Valkyria?" "It can't just be a coincidence that your classmate just appeared out of nowhere after being missing for several months." "I don't know, something about this just doesn't make sense." "What part?" "The part where we're all supposed to ask what just happened and why it's happening." "Yes it is rather confusing to understand but we have to find something that will lead us to this myth." "You're right but we also need to be careful of who we share it with." You type on the computer as you speak to Magician's Valkyria. Let's just hope that no one else becomes involved.

Jaden said, "I don't get why Blair just popped out of nowhere and said something like that." Syrus shakes his head, "That couldn't have been Blair, Jaden. Blair wouldn't say something so....weird." Jesse had come in and asked, "What's goin' on?" Alexis asks, "Hey Jesse, did you see anything weird outside?" Jesse thinks and answers, "Actually, I thought I saw Blair outside two days ago." Hassleberry said, "Well that's just weird because we just saw her about twenty minutes ago." Alexis said, "Hold on. Where did Y/N go?" Syrus said, "I think she said something about studying in the library." Zane chuckled, "Typical Y/N, always studying when we least expect it. I'm surprised that Jaden even fell for her." Jaden began to blush, "W-What's that supposed to mean?!?" Alexis adds, "Then again, she is used to his antics." Everyone laughs at Jaden's reactions, finding them extremely amusing.

You scan the information you were currently reading, making points as you read. "This is ridiculous. We haven't even found anything that can help us figure out what those incompetent beasts mean!" "Calm down for a second. I think I found something." You suddenly feel something on your shoulder, which made you jump slightly. "Calm down Y/N, it's me, Jesse." "You sure have a way of greeting people." Jesse sits down at the computer next to you and asks, "What are you doin'?" "Trying to find a way to save your butt that's what." "Your spirit seems to be annoyed." You answer, "This whole thing has been stressing all of us out a bit." Jesse looks at your computer and asks, "What's an Ichor Moon?" You sigh in frustration, "That's what I've been trying to figure out for the last half an hour. It's like it's some kind of code or something. It seems like it's supposed to mean something, but I can't figure out what though." "All of this is way too confusing just for one person to think about you know." You shake your head and say, "For now, I think I'm just going to go see what Jaden's doing." Jesse asks, "Mind if I tag along?" You smile, "No I don't mind at all."

You come outside with Jesse to see everyone laughing at Jaden, the brunette boy's cheeks dusted with a shade of pink. You comment, "You all seem to be enjoying yourselves." The others freeze and turn to where the voice had come from. Jaden whines, "Y/N help me out here! They won't stop teasing me!" You ask, "What have you been teasing him about? Our relationship?" Syrus' eyes widen, "That's exactly it." You say, "I'm no psychic but from Jaden's reaction, it was probably something along those lines." Zane asks you, "What have you been doing this entire time?" You shrug, "Research, but at the moment, it's going nowhere." Alexis said, "I don't understand what 'Blair' meant when she said that." You reply, "Apparently, it's supposed to affect everyone and everything that's related to our kind. It has to be a code for something, I just can't figure out what though." Jaden asked, "How are we supposed to find out what it means?" You shrug once more, "I don't know, Jaden. Luck? This is something that will take time to figure out and we don't have much of it."

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