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You are so young, all still lies ahead of you, and I should like to ask you, as best I can, dear Sir, to be patient towards all that is unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms, like books written in a foreign tongue. Do not now strive to uncover answers: they cannot be given you because you have not been able to live them. And what matters is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then you will gradually, without noticing it, live your way into the answer, one distant day in the future. -Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926), 1903 July 16th letter to Franz Xaver Kappus, from Worpswede, translated from German by Charlie Louth  

******One year later******

It had been exactly one year since you and your boyfriend Jaden left Duel Academy. Currently, you were both walking around the city, getting some fresh air. You had been living in your own place after moving out of Jaden's parents' house. Jaden said, "It doesn't feel like it's been an entire year since we left." You reply, "I know, it's like the past has flashed by us so quickly. It's hard to picture the future so soon." Jaden squeezes your hand and replies, "I wonder what everyone else is doing now since everything is back to normal." You shrug and you both keep walking.

You arrive at your place, Jaden groaning in exhaustion. You shake your head and kiss Jaden's cheek. Jaden lays his head on your shoulder as you both rested on the couch in your living room. Jaden spoke with a sweet tone, "You make me so happy, Y/N. I can't believe that it's been a year since we got together." You blush in response, making Jaden smile with happiness.

"Those two are so in love with each other." Yubel and Dark Magician Girl were watching as Dark Magician Girl made the comment. Yubel said, "I remember when Jaden finally confessed his love to her."


He held your hand and spoke, "I'm sorry about Lila. I don't like her like that, I never did. I told her that I like someone else. When she asked me if it was you, I said yes. I like you Y/N, more than just a room mate or a friend, I'm in love with you." "Did he just say what I think he said?" "He just confessed his love to Y/N!!" He was about to leave when you spoke up, "Jaden." "Y-Y/N?!? You heard all of that?" You nod, "I-I didn't think that you'd feel the same way as I do. I thought that you loved Lila or even Alexis." Jaden pulls you close to him and says, "Alexis is just a friend to me. You're the person that's always on my mind."

*****flashback over*****

Dark Magician Girl replied, "The confession was probably the cutest thing I've ever witnessed. Although, it did take him a long time for him to confess it to her." Yubel nodded, "I wondered if he was ever going to tell her or if he was just scared of what might happen if he got rejected by her." Element Magician appears and asks, "Are you both talking about the past?" They both nod as they watched the both of you rest on the couch. Element Magician said, "Y/N always seems to be the one who sets Jaden straight. Jaden always listens to her and he only objects when it's necessary. I wonder what those two have planned for their future as a couple. They haven't said anything to us yet." Dark Magician Girl responds, "It's going to take a bit of time for them to figure out. A future takes time to plan and those two have plenty of time to plan their future together." Element Magician said, "I loved that ball the most."


Jaden asks, "May I have this dance, beautiful?" You blush and reply, "Yes." Jaden said, "I'm sorry I'm late. I had to ask Bastion to help fix my tie." You respond, "Don't worry about it." Jaden whispers in your ear, "You look like a princess. So elegant and so graceful." You both suddenly a spotlight shining upon you, everyone staring at the both of you. You see Mindy at the DJ booth and hear her say, "Here are your Tag Duel Champions! Jaden and Y/N! Let's give them a round of applause shall we?" Everyone claps for the both of you and you bury your face in Jaden's chest. Jaden said, "Y/N, don't be shy. Everyone wants you to show your beautiful face." You feel Jaden's hand touch your cheek, and you feel him bring you closer to him. Jaden said, "I love you so much." He kisses you sweetly, making everyone go 'aww' at the moment.

Jaden whispers, "Let's go somewhere more private." He takes your hand and you find yourself on a balcony overlooking the starry night. Jaden brings you closer to his own body and you rest your head on his shoulder. Jaden's eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he gave you a goofy grin. He said, "You look so beautiful." You laugh, "You already told me that, silly." He brushes his nose against yours, making your breath hitch. He responds, "I'll keep telling you until you get tired of it and want me to stop." You ask, "What if I don't want you to stop telling me that?" Jaden replies, "Then I'll keep saying it."

Jaden said, "I have something for you. Close your eyes." You close your eyes and feel something cold around your neck. Jaden smiles at your appearance, "Okay, you can open them now, Y/N." You open them and see a heart shaped necklace around your neck. "Jaden." You hear him say, "I saw this and I thought that you would like it." You smile, "I love it. Thank you." You give him a kiss and he holds you as you both kiss.

****flashback over****

Yubel said, "I've never seen those two as happy as I saw them the day of that dance. Jaden looked like he was having a very good time." The other spirits nodded in agreement with Yubel. Dark Magician Girl added, "Y/N seemed excited at the sight of that poster mentioning the dance. She had never been to one until that one occurred. I'm glad that she got to experience something so surreal." Valkyria stepped in, "She was very excited about the entire thing and couldn't wait for Jaden to see her in the dress that her parents had sent her. Jaden thought that the dress was absolutely stunning and was looking forward to seeing her." Yubel sighs in annoyance, "Sometimes I wonder if she's afraid of her own future or of herself." Valkyria said, "She's more afraid of what might happen if she never had a future." Yubel asks, "What do you mean by that?"  Valkyria explains, "I mean, what would happen if Y/N's parents decided her future for her? She would be devastated at the fact that she wouldn't be able to pursue her dreams." Dark Magician Girl added, "Y/N is the type of girl to speak her mind but sometimes she hesitates to do it because she's afraid of what might happen if she ever said the wrong thing. She struggled a lot with her goals and dreams ever since she was small. When her parents found out about her abilities, they forced Y/N to hide them so they could become what they are now. When Y/N was a bit older, she told her parents about studying at Duel Academy, they were against it at first but when they came to bring her home that one day, they realized that they couldn't force her to do something that she didn't want to pursue as a career or as a life in general. Long story short, Y/N knew that she would have to speak up in order to get through her own life." Yubel replied, "Now I understand what she has been going through. Her parents killed two birds with one stone. Forcing her to hide her true nature and turning her into something she isn't, made Y/N struggle with her identity and her sense of self." Valkyria adds, "You're right, and it hasn't gotten any easier for her either. Now it's different though, because Y/N can now speak her mind without that lingering hesitation she had before."  

You felt an unusual sense of ease, knowing that whatever happened to you and Jaden, you'd face the obstacles together, even if it meant duelling someone in the process.


A/N: I'M SORRY ITS SO SHORT!!!!!! I just got back from my first day of uni and I had to finish this somehow!! DON'T HATE ME GUYS!!! Anyways......new story coming soon!

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