Chapter 4

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You were annoyed. Jaden was sleeping while Professor Banner was giving his lecture. Again. Typical Jaden. You lightly smacked his head, causing him to wake up. Jaden rubs his head in pain. It was a good thing no one saw that. You whisper-yell, "Jaden you twit! Stay awake for this! There's going to be a test on it!" Jaden just shrugged and went back to sleep. Don't cry to me if you fail this test, Jay.

Seto Kaiba looked through the files he was given. It had been over two weeks since his younger brother, Mokuba disappeared. He thought that one of the students at Duel Academy was connected but was disappointed when he found out that wasn't the case. Don't worry Mokuba. I'll find you.

You were quietly reading over the course material that was going to be tested on, while Jaden was messing with his PDA. "I swear that boy doesn't care about passing his classes." Crystal Seer was watching you study, as well as Poison Enchantress. You feel something hit your head, making you turn around. Jaden had a mischievous look on his face. You shake your head and go back to studying. I think that he deserves the silent treatment after yesterday. "Y/N! Why so quiet?" You stayed silent and went on with what you were doing. You hear Jaden sigh, "If this is about yesterday, I'm sorry." You finally speak, "Sorry doesn't fix a broken heart." You get up from your desk and place your jacket on the chair. You sigh and sit on your bed, realizing that Jaden was sitting beside you. You break the silence, "I think it's strange how Seto Kaiba accused me out of all people of kidnapping his younger brother. I've never even met the guy, let alone his brother." "I wish that I could've turned him into Kaiba dust! God he's so arrogant!" "Now now, Flame Wing. Burning Seto Kaiba is not going to make anything better." "Dark Magician is right, Flame Wing. You can't just burn him to make yourself satisfied. I'm sure there's a reason for everything that has happened." Jaden asks, "What are your spirits saying?" You answer, "One of them wants to burn Seto Kaiba out of annoyance and another is trying to calm the first one down." You add, "There has to be a logical explanation for his disappearance." Before Jaden could respond, you both felt that familiar chill.

You both run out and see another creature. "Don't those things ever give up?" "Those things are so annoying." "It's so large in size." "Of course it is, you idiot!" Why do they look so different from last time? "Y/N, Jaden?" That's the last person I want to see right now. "Come on, it can't be that awkward." "Trust me, I can already feel the awkwardness in the air." "Oh hey Alexis, hey Zane.", Jaden responded. Zane looked at the creature and said, "Those things are multiplying like crazy." "Lady Y/N." "What is it, Poison Enchantress?" "That's no ordinary creature." "W-What do you mean?" "It's a shadow demon. It preys on people for their souls." You froze, making everyone give you a puzzled expression. "They're shadow demons." "Y/N?" "They're multiplying so they can cover more ground, capture more souls to feed their ultimate weapon." Zane looked at you and asked, "Why are they collecting the souls of students and not regular people?" You shake your head, "That's making me confused as well. Apparently, Seto Kaiba's younger brother is among the victims." You all see Chancellor Sheppard running towards all of you, heavily panting. "W-What's happening?" You see another student behind him, wearing an Obelisk Blue jacket and a spirit on his shoulder. "This ain't good-" He stares at you and asks, "Who are you?" Jaden points out, "Intros can wait, Jesse. Right now, we need to get rid of that creepy thing."

"W-What are those things?" Dr. Crowler was shaking in fear. One was about to attack him but he suddenly heard, "Attack Dark Magician!" He looked up and saw you standing in front of the creature. "Dr. Crowler, you might want to head inside." "What is that thing?!?" You answer, "Something that can kill you. Now go before you turn into creature food." He ran inside, still shaking. You see a figure on one of the creatures, smirking with amusement. "What do you want with the students of Duel Academy?" The male demon answers, "For the ultimate weapon that will wipe away human existence." Before you could respond, the creature attacked again. "Lady Y/N, are you hurt?" "I'm fine. Thank you." "Y'all look mighty irritated right now." You turn to see the boy from before, assuming that his name was Jesse from what Jaden had said previously. "Can we save the comedy for later?" Jesse replied, "Right. My bad." You facepalm and shake your head. I swear he's just like Jaden. You hoped that everything would be okay. You see a dragon appear in front of your eyes, your sight mesmerized by the majestic creature. You snap out of your trance and remember that you were fighting a creepy "thing". You recognize it as Rainbow Dragon. You say, "I summon the Ruby Ice Dragon!" "It's more powerful than the both of us combined. What are we supposed to do now?" "Just let me burn that thing already!!" "Flame Wing, please stop." Jesse comments, "Looks like it wants to eat us." You answer, "Jesse, now is not the time to say something like that!" The blue haired boy shrugs, making you smack his arm.

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